Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »I do feel like it's time to update the character creator, not just the background for every new chapter either. Allowing us to access the hair and facial hair styles and body markings and what not we have unlocked on the creator would be nice. As would the ability to change the backgrounds to different lighting conditions to see how our characters look in different environments. Might look good in one setting but looks like a gorilla in another.
zadrotscrolls wrote: »This is perhaps the biggest flaw in this game. And I don’t even know what can be discussed here, but I have long wanted to create this topic on the forum. This is one of the weakest character editors I've seen in mmos. Worse, the editor is probably only in gtav. For a long time, many games use sculpting to create characters. There are few settings and they are almost insignificant. The only important setting is the face type triangle. A huge problem with the faces of female characters of human races. They are just all the same, do not try.
I do not think that editor changes in the game are possible. I just wanted to speak out.
Snowstrider wrote: »I think it is the overall character design of the game who is the problem but its too late to change it by now but i do think khajiits and argonians are well made at least
I honestly have no idea where you guys are coming from. Compared to other MMOs I've played the ESO character creator is phenomenal. Single player rpgs... ok yeah they can be pretty tremendous. But what MMOs are you playing that were better??
I honestly have no idea where you guys are coming from. Compared to other MMOs I've played the ESO character creator is phenomenal. Single player rpgs... ok yeah they can be pretty tremendous. But what MMOs are you playing that were better??
It's the lighting in the character creation screen. It's too dark. You set up skin tones and the like, then you character pops out into a brightly lit scene.
On the other hand, it's better than the character creator in unmodded Skyrim.
zadrotscrolls wrote: »This is perhaps the biggest flaw in this game. And I don’t even know what can be discussed here, but I have long wanted to create this topic on the forum. This is one of the weakest character editors I've seen in mmos. Worse, the editor is probably only in gtav. For a long time, many games use sculpting to create characters. There are few settings and they are almost insignificant. The only important setting is the face type triangle. A huge problem with the faces of female characters of human races. They are just all the same, do not try.
I do not think that editor changes in the game are possible. I just wanted to speak out.
Eh.zadrotscrolls wrote: »This is one of the weakest character editors I've seen in mmos.
That actually is a good question.zadrotscrolls wrote: »I do not think that editor changes in the game are possible.
BrownChicken wrote: »This is perhaps the biggest flaw in this game. And I don’t even know what can be discussed here, but I have long wanted to create this topic on the forum. This is one of the weakest character editors I've seen in mmos. Worse, the editor is probably only in gtav. For a long time, many games use sculpting to create characters. There are few settings and they are almost insignificant. The only important setting is the face type triangle. A huge problem with the faces of female characters of human races. They are just all the same, do not try.
I do not think that editor changes in the game are possible. I just wanted to speak out.
Thats the biggest load of crap ive ever herd, have you played any other MMO?BrownChicken wrote: »This is one of the weakest character editors I've seen in mmos.
kaisernick wrote: »Thats the biggest load of crap ive ever herd, have you played any other MMO?BrownChicken wrote: »This is one of the weakest character editors I've seen in mmos.
WoW, Star Trek online, guild wars,The old Republic hell even FF14 are far far worse.
Yes? The characters in ESO looks like fortnite charactersStormeReigns wrote: »Snowstrider wrote: »I think it is the overall character design of the game who is the problem but its too late to change it by now but i do think khajiits and argonians are well made at least
Uh. Hmm. What?
Snowstrider wrote: »Yes? The characters in ESO looks like fortnite charactersStormeReigns wrote: »Snowstrider wrote: »I think it is the overall character design of the game who is the problem but its too late to change it by now but i do think khajiits and argonians are well made at least
Uh. Hmm. What?