John_Falstaff wrote: »I think ZOS have just moved from "Alkosh v2.0" to a more modest variant - enforcing "one HA petsorc per mag group" meta.
And yes, I read it as 5s plus 1s for every 8k damage dealt by the heavy.
T3hasiangod wrote: »Tested a few things on RO. Here are my thoughts.
1. You need to get 96k HA to hit the 12 second max. It was unclear whether it was 5 sec + 8k for each second after or 8k for each second with 5 sec minimum. It ended up being the latter, so healers will need to build for HA damage and time it with OB and Major Vuln to get that full 12 seconds. Otherwise, you're going to have to pair it with Jorvuld's to get reasonable uptime on it.
2. I tried out a magDK DPS build with Siroria and RO, maximizing CPs into Staff Expert, putting down Standard, debuffing with Engulfing, buffing with Molten, etc. I got only ~75k on my HA. I think if I had timed it with OB, I could have hit the 96k target. But it goes to show that you need to basically build as a HA DPS to maximize your uptime.
3. So because of 2, I think RO will end up being paired with Jorvuld's, and MK/Z'en will move to a magDK DPS instead, for magicka groups. Stamina groups are still going to run Lokke on their DPS and MK/Z'en on a healer. JG + RO gives you a minimum of 7 seconds uptime, with a possibility of 8 seconds if you can hit 48k on your HA ticks or 9 seconds with 56k ticks.
4. This doesn't change the composition for stamina groups, and mixed groups are just difficult to build around to begin with...
So the changes don't really change anything about incentivizing HA builds because those still suck. All it did was widen the skill gap (since you're gonna be timing it with OB and Major Vuln) and shift some sets around.
Paired with Jorvuld's, even on a healer not speccing into any extra heavy attack damage, RO gives 15% damage boost for 7 seconds on a cooldown of 22 seconds. With a very, very, very easy proc condition
That's a 4.77% boost to group DPS to everything, all mobs. (Without Jorvuld's it's 3.4%)
Martial Knowledge is an 8% boost for 5 seconds with an 8 second cooldown (and a more difficult proc condition) for a 5% boost to a single target. MK cannot be applied to multiple targets (think Triplets in vHoF, or when there are adds up in any boss fight)
Z'en's is a maximum 5% boost, provided you can have 5 DoTs on a target at a time. While not overly difficult to do, you certainly don't have it on every add, if you have 2 or 3 major targets, they are bound to fall off.
So MK and Z'ens have the potential to be more powerful than RO. RO is much easier to apply and applies to all damage going out.
T3hasiangod wrote: »Tested a few things on RO. Here are my thoughts.
1. You need to get 96k HA to hit the 12 second max. It was unclear whether it was 5 sec + 8k for each second after or 8k for each second with 5 sec minimum. It ended up being the latter, so healers will need to build for HA damage and time it with OB and Major Vuln to get that full 12 seconds. Otherwise, you're going to have to pair it with Jorvuld's to get reasonable uptime on it.
2. I tried out a magDK DPS build with Siroria and RO, maximizing CPs into Staff Expert, putting down Standard, debuffing with Engulfing, buffing with Molten, etc. I got only ~75k on my HA. I think if I had timed it with OB, I could have hit the 96k target. But it goes to show that you need to basically build as a HA DPS to maximize your uptime.
3. So because of 2, I think RO will end up being paired with Jorvuld's, and MK/Z'en will move to a magDK DPS instead, for magicka groups. Stamina groups are still going to run Lokke on their DPS and MK/Z'en on a healer. JG + RO gives you a minimum of 7 seconds uptime, with a possibility of 8 seconds if you can hit 48k on your HA ticks or 9 seconds with 56k ticks.
4. This doesn't change the composition for stamina groups, and mixed groups are just difficult to build around to begin with...
So the changes don't really change anything about incentivizing HA builds because those still suck. All it did was widen the skill gap (since you're gonna be timing it with OB and Major Vuln) and shift some sets around.
How hard does a fully buffed dk healer in jorvulds hit? I think that' you'll struggle to reach the 48k heavy attack that you need for a 6 second buff (+jorvulds). This would also be a crit and your crit chance and crit damage will be really low.
DarkShadowFax wrote: »Sooooo I went to try it on a HA petsorc (1x Crit/5x Siroria/5x RO/Thrassian 20stacks) and even on that thing I had an absolutely abysmal uptime on the Major Slayer.
I think someone went a bit overboard in the adjustments..
These changes do not promote what the Developers stated was the intended effect.
Healers will still end up running RO, but now they'll be required to be a DK (with molten armaments) and stack spell damage.
If ZoS want's RO to be run on a Damage Dealer they will need to change it's proc condition.
Here is an example that could possibly work in the way the developer is trying to force upon the player base:
Dealing damage with a Fully-Charged Heavy Attack to an enemy grants you and up to 11 group members Major Slayer, increasing you damage done to Dungeon, Trial, and Arena Monsters by 15% for 1 second for every 25,000 damage you have dealt to the target in the past 5 seconds.
Roaring Opportunist can only affect a target every 22 seconds.
Minimum duration: 5 seconds.
Maximum duration 12 seconds.
I do not like this change and i don't think many other players would either.
But, it would work more effectively to force this set onto a dps class.
Obviously the 25,000 damage per second could be adjusted based upon what is realistic for a DPS to output CONSTANTLY (not burst) but CONSISTENTLY, not including ults, etc.
Skjaldbjorn wrote: »
Because it only factors the final tick of a lightning heavy lol
Skjaldbjorn wrote: »Stolen from one of my healers;
So, see? All you need is a DK with 20 stack Thrassian and crit on every heavy attack and that sweet, sweet maximum uptime from a 96k heavy can be yours. Easy.
Thanks, Zos.
The easiest way to make it a DPS set is to prevent the player wearing the set from healing other players for the duration of the major slayer buff.
This set just needs a redesign. At first I thought they were making it an alkosh set. I mean Roaring opportunist. Roar of Alkosh. It was literally in the name. It made some sense.
Then this change 0_o. Who is this designed for? I guess the idea is you have multiple people running it doing HA's so you can leech of procs from other mag DPS to boost uptime? If I am reading it correctly <Which I definitely couldn't be>. Seems like a clunky thing.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
Or they could make it something that is actually fun to use on a DPS build. Nobody pushed Master Architect onto healers because DPS are willing to use their ultimates and buff their allies. Compare that to IA, which required heavy attacks to proc and was usually forced onto healers. It would also help if multiple DPS could use the set and increase group uptimes, instead of an arbitrary limit of one user.
The vast majority of DPS do not want to play a slow, clunky, heavy attack build. I don’t think we can be any more clear about this. We hated it after the Morrowind sustain changes, we hated it during the off-cycle PTS, and we will continue to hate it despite constant pushing from the devs.
If I wanted to spend 2-3s charging up each attack I would go play FFXIV (it actually runs without desyncs, ping spikes and crashes), ESO is different because it is fast-paced and engaging. Heavy Attacks and skills like Crystal Blast break the flow of combat, and players will do everything they can to avoid it.
T3hasiangod wrote: »
It's actually less than that because you have other Damage Done and Damage Taken modifiers. Damage Done modifiers are more plentiful in this game; hence why debuffs like Z'en and MK are so strong comparatively.
If we assume you also have Minor Slayer and Minor Berserk active with 13 percent from Elemental Expert and let's say 21 percent from MAA, then the minimum you're getting from RO with Jorvuld's would actually be:
(1 + 0.08 + 0.05 + 0.13 + 0.21 + 0.15 * 7/22)/(1 + 0.08 + 0.05 + 0.13 + 0.21) = ~3.24%
If we assume you have only Minor Vulnerability active and getting maximum uptime on Major Vulnerability, then the minimum you're getting from MK/full stack of Z'en would actually be:
(1 + 0.08 + 0.25 * 8/20 + 0.05)/(1 + 0.08 + 0.25 * 8/20) = ~4.23%
So it's pretty weak...
ATreeGnome wrote: »It's frustrating that ZOS can't seem to differentiate between making heavy attack builds viable and forcing players to use heavy attack builds.