Deathlord92 wrote: »All you players crying about race unbalance and orcs being op here I am maining a Breton stamblade because I like the race how do you think I feel lol I still do very well though 🤣
WrathOfInnos wrote: »It’s not really a question of “if”, just “when”. The devs already stated that Stamina races were going to be adjusted in the Combat Q&A a few months ago.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »@KurtAngle2 Looks like it was back in August. Here’s the post
Not all races are balanced. Ord needs to be toned down a bit, and Khajiit need some love, for example. And why would they have to give everyone that if they just make some small adjustments?
kahijit is a pretty cool race atm tree stat - tree stat reg and 10% crit
do u mean orc or nord? does not matter both are balanced - orc is balanced as well as nord
I feel your pain lolStrider__Roshin wrote: »I think you should be able to pick racial passives that way my Nord can have lore friendly passives.
Strider__Roshin wrote: »I think you should be able to pick racial passives that way my Nord can have lore friendly passives.
I do agree redguards are master swordsmen they should get something offensive crit chance maybe.Redguard should recive something he'll be better at then other races or atleast unique at. As for now literally every aspect of the game have race that will beat redguard at it.