No racial passive rebalance?

  • JobooAGS
    Bosmer is better than redguard for practically every build, even when you load up your bars with weapon abilities.
  • JWillCHS
    All you players crying about race unbalance and orcs being op here I am maining a Breton stamblade because I like the race how do you think I feel lol I still do very well though 🤣

    I like the way you think. There's only so much number crunching gets you.
  • xaraan
    I don't think a whole scale rebalance is needed across races, but I do think it's funny how we went from "these are the two best races to use for stam and mag dd, and these are the next best runners up," etc. to: "these are the two best races to use for stam and mag dd," etc. All they did was swap around the meta a bit and close the gap some. Closing the gap was great. (Which would have happened anyway moving from using flat number buffs instead of %'s even with no other changes) But they could have closed the gap even better with a few minor tweaks and they didn't. And the fact they couldn't polish it a bit more considering we are talking 3 passives across 10 races gives me serious concerns about their ability to balance the hundreds of passives and active skills across classes, guilds and weapons.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • WrathOfInnos
    It’s not really a question of “if”, just “when”. The devs already stated that Stamina races were going to be adjusted in the Combat Q&A a few months ago.
  • KurtAngle2
    It’s not really a question of “if”, just “when”. The devs already stated that Stamina races were going to be adjusted in the Combat Q&A a few months ago.

    Can you post a link or a quote?
  • WrathOfInnos
  • KurtAngle2

    Thanks, it's probably long overdue considering that:

    Khajit has useless regen
    Redguard is severely gimped
    Bosmer has a missing passive
    Nord is BIS for everything PVP Related
    Orc is Stam BIS for everything Damage Related
    Imperial is somewhere in the middle (but his niche is overtaken by Nords)

    I'm honestly expecting Orc/Nord nerfs and buffs for other Stam racials
  • colossalvoids
    With time passing I can't agree a anymore about orcs being unbalanced. Difference is too small to complain compared to pre wrathstone passives.

    The only thing that annoys me is argonians that actually lacking compared to previous version, same with khajiiti and imperials to be honest.
  • RogueShark
    JobooAGS wrote: »
    Bosmer is better than redguard for practically every build, even when you load up your bars with weapon abilities.

    No one cares about the poor Redguards. :(
    PC NA
    Will heal DPS for memes.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    I love Redguard lore and had been wanting to create one for quite some time but every time that I got to the character select screen I would always think "Why would I do this instead of making an Orc or an Imperial?"

    Well, I finally did it and went with an intentionally off-meta Redguard stamWarden Healer using Bow/Resto. Interestingly, I get more benefit out of their weapon skill discount on the Magicka side for Combat Prayer and the Resto ultimate.

    I had always thought that the Redguard weapon discount was objectively sub-par compared to, say, the Breton all-Magicka discount (and, I mean, it still is for meta builds) but this experience opened my eyes a bit to Redguard for hybrid builds, healers, and maybe even tanking. They will never be the best at it, but it's more viable than I expected.

    That said, their bonuses are still weak compared to the best statistical races. At the very least, they should receive a 1000 HP or Physical Resistance increase to escape their (strange, given the lore) situation of being the game's most fragile race. Their snare reduction is also comically weak and should probably be increased to 50% in order to actually be meaningful in gameplay.

    Of course, I also agree that Bosmer, Argonian, and Khajiit should receive varying degrees of buffs as well.
  • Strider__Roshin
    I think you should be able to pick racial passives that way my Nord can have lore friendly passives.
  • Vildebill
    Xologamer wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Xologamer wrote: »
    cheemers wrote: »
    Especially orcs who should lose some max HP or stamina to allow sustain races to even be contenders.

    they are balanced.
    if they would change it again they would have to give EVERYONE again 3name and 3 race changes =lose much money

    Not all races are balanced. Ord needs to be toned down a bit, and Khajiit need some love, for example. And why would they have to give everyone that if they just make some small adjustments?

    kahijit is a pretty cool race atm tree stat - tree stat reg and 10% crit
    do u mean orc or nord? does not matter both are balanced - orc is balanced as well as nord

    You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Khajiit is way behind in pve after crit damage change. And orc is by far the best stamina race.
    EU PC
  • Deathlord92
    I think you should be able to pick racial passives that way my Nord can have lore friendly passives.
    I feel your pain lol
  • starkerealm
    I think you should be able to pick racial passives that way my Nord can have lore friendly passives.

    And how, exactly, is being tougher, stronger, and perpetually intoxicated, not the lore perfect set of passives for a Nord?
  • Juhasow
    Redguard should recive something he'll be better at then other races or atleast unique at. As for now literally every aspect of the game have race that will beat redguard at it.
  • Deathlord92
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Redguard should recive something he'll be better at then other races or atleast unique at. As for now literally every aspect of the game have race that will beat redguard at it.
    I do agree redguards are master swordsmen they should get something offensive crit chance maybe.
    Edited by Deathlord92 on April 24, 2020 3:28AM
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