You should not be putting Max health/mag/stam on 2pc weapon set bonuses!
Sure, they add some damage and ability scaling, but as a resource pool they are lost the first time you bar swap.
Replace all the max stat bonuses with wpn/sp dmg, crit, armor, healing received... Literally anything except max stat pool.
Surely there is a bug in developmental foresight.
fxeconomisteb17_ESO wrote: »
In all Arenas the 1 handers have 2 sets. Either Dual or Sword and Board. Cruel = Dual. Rampage = Sword and board.
You are comparing two items with the same name but belong to two different sets.
lonewolf26 wrote: »Specific to the Template characters the Master's Weapons, Perfected container within the Ability-Altering Weapons container contains standard Masters Weapons and not the Perfected varieties.
fxeconomisteb17_ESO wrote: »
In all Arenas the 1 handers have 2 sets. Either Dual or Sword and Board. Cruel = Dual. Rampage = Sword and board.
You are comparing two items with the same name but belong to two different sets.
So you're telling me that when the Maelstrom Dagger for instance is to drop, it will be again separated between the S&B and the DW versions right ?
lonewolf26 wrote: »Specific to the Template characters the Master's Weapons, Perfected container within the Ability-Altering Weapons container contains standard Masters Weapons and not the Perfected varieties.
SavageChain wrote: »Snow Treaders – Medium Feet
1 – You are immune to Snares and Immobilizations that can be cleansed. While in combat, you cannot Sprint.
This item is listed as a medium armor piece in the patch notes, but ingame its a heavy item.