Not talking about the blood scion form. He is saying that he was always for the vampire *feeding* changes, when he wasn't. It's a lie to push his statement.
Other than that though, that meme is pretty funny and I feel like it fits hilariously well.
[Snip], you know exactly when I said that, I would prefer a Vampire be stronger by feeding and that is what we expected to get, not this crap where we lose all our natural healing and our normal abilities cost 20% more when we should be at our strongest, I would prefer the starving to be stronger methods we have right now compared to these changes.
At least they make sense as to how it works.
Also the Blood-Scion looks terrible, you expected a Vampire Lord didn't you, at least I will sympathize because I know how disappointed you must be, why does it have horns? is it related to a cow? either way I will not be using it and might not even bother with half the new passives, what use is Strike from Shadows for a Stamina Build?
[Edited for rude content]
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »
[Snip], you know exactly when I said that, I would prefer a Vampire be stronger by feeding and that is what we expected to get, not this crap where we lose all our natural healing and our normal abilities cost 20% more when we should be at our strongest, I would prefer the starving to be stronger methods we have right now compared to these changes.
At least they make sense as to how it works.
[Edited for rude content]
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »
[Snip], you know exactly when I said that, I would prefer a Vampire be stronger by feeding and that is what we expected to get, not this crap where we lose all our natural healing and our normal abilities cost 20% more when we should be at our strongest, ask yourself, are we really stronger by feeding with such a pentalty? I would prefer the starving to be stronger methods we have right now compared to these changes.
At least they make sense as to how it works.
Also the Blood-Scion looks terrible, you expected a Vampire Lord didn't you, at least I will sympathize because I know how disappointed you must be, why does it have horns? is it related to a cow? either way I will not be using it and might not even bother with half the new passives, what use is Strike from Shadows for a Stamina Build anyway.
[Edited for rude content]
Also yes, I can agree with you immensely about the Blood Scion. I didn't see your edit when making my last response so I'm just making another. I expected it to at least look similar to what we've seen, not this trash. I would of been fine with a variation of a vampire-lord-like look, or heck even something completely 100% different. If it looked good. Right now it just looks bad man. Honestly, I would of been fine with the "vampire lord" Form the NPCs currently have in game. You know, that gargoyle looking thing. At least it looks cool.
I'm immensely disappointed.
Also what's up with the morphs? The bat swarm morph I can kinda get, sure. But the night lord one? Why does it only get rid of the negative effects of vampirism? That seems like such a weak morph for an ultimate, doesn't it?
Could you agree that if they remove/change some of the negatives the 'new' vampire will give (aka skill cost) that they should change this morph to be something else? Something a bit more creative.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »
This blood-scion looks terrible and is just a necro-ult reskin, it even has the same necromancy visuals, it is almost as if this is little more then a necromancy mimicry spell which i strongly believe it is going off of both it's appearance and what they said a while back about Lamae Bal's Bloodline can harness other Vampire abilities.
We are not Vampire Lords, at best we are mimicking them and taking on their likeness such as a Dragonknight can take on the likeness of a Dragon by sprouting wings or how the Dragon Aspect shout allows the Dragonborn to take on the likeness of a Dragon.
Personally I am happy that we are not Vampire Lords as that at least keeps their reputation intact, leave that power to the Dragonborn, the Vestige is already a Mary-Sue and quite honestly does not diverse anymore power, what I would do for a transformation would be a much more simple one and that is a Blood Form similar to what the Tremere Clan can do in VTM:Bloodlines where you turn into Blood
As for the one we are getting though with the removal of weaknesses at stage 5..
Stage 1 = Few Strengths and Few Weaknesses
Stage 2 = More Strengths and More Weaknesses
Stage 3 = Many Strengths and Many Weaknesses
Stage 4 = Great Strengths and Great Weaknesses
Stage 5 = Massive Strengths and No Weaknesses?
Should massive strengths not have massive weaknesses? by removing them It breaks a pattern and then it makes no sense at all, why even call it stage 5 when it functions nothing like a stage 5 should?
Thevampirenight wrote: »
Stage five seems to be a state beyond traditonal vampirisim that gives the vampire full access to its power set without draw back. But its exclusive to the Night Scion Form by the looks of it.
I did some comparison screenshots from this youtube video.
First height/size of the new Blood Scion ultimate from this part of video. At this screenshots you can see two parallel transformations, human NPC transforms into werewolf, and simultaneously player transforms from Blood Scion to regular form. So you can clearly compare all form with each other, also you can use cart as a landmark scale.
Player's Blood Scion form is huge as it now.
Second height/size of Blood Scion NPC from this part of video, it is regular NPC, not boss or something, act same as werewolf NPC. At first part of screenshot NPC the moment before transformation, at the second part the moment after.
NPC in Blood Scion form have more adequate size, but still to big in my opinion.
I think player's Blood Scion form is unacceptably huge, NPC Blood Scions look closer to acceptable state for me, but still, i hope both, player's and NPC's, forms will be scaled to be in line with curent werewolf form size.
There will be riots.
Many people will have bought skins specifically to hide vampirism.
I didn't pay real money for any, but I did spend free gems on 2 for that purpose.
I'd prefer the model of main antagonist vampire, which they showed at Greymore announcement video. At this screenshots his horns almost invisible and this makes him look even cooler for me.
Another good comparison of Blood Scion ultimate size and possibility to see Blood Scion with good lighting, from this video. At first two parts of screenshot you can see comparison in sizes with exact same camera angle, at third part of screenshot camera already in differrent position, because of adjustment to the appeared Blood Scion model.
Once again, i prefer model of main antagonist, but without horns. Leave the horns to main antagonist, like symbol of his royalty and power, but, please, ZOS remove them from player's model, because with horns he start to looks more like Xivkyn or demon and less like vampire. Also i prefer his minimalistic armor, rather when armored NPC version or curent state of Blood Scion ultimate, in current state Blood Scion looks more like battle demon, not like vampire lord. And, ZOS, get rid of this unnecessary glowing red eyes and blue flame/smoke that go from Blood Scion ultimate form.
Edit: When first videos were posted, i think, @Noxavian mentioned that he think that Blood Scion are just a shadow. This is because Blood Scion can see enemies through walls, so outlines of all enemies are always visible, and this creates an effect that Blood Scion transparent. Screenshot from this video.
Garethjolnir wrote: »As for the vampire lord ultimate, I really dislike the idea of the "shadow" wings. They should be proper, physical wings
Agreed, it does look way better and if they add a female version to that'd be something else.
Uhm i think that's a Falmer
I mean if they wanted to standardize things they got the New Moon Acolyte set which increases abilities costs by 5% in exchange for 481 spell and weapon damage! I mean that's an acceptable debuff for a lot of power. Not 20% which is overkill. Like if I was a stage 4 vampire on my MagDK suddenly my Coagulating blood ability would jump from 3,536 to 4,296.
And yes I did the calculations with my Breton passive that reduces the cost by 7%. If I was not a Breton it'd be 4,562 magicka to cast. That's just a single ability and its crazy how much 20% actually is when you do the math.
Overall its not looking good.
Edit: And I just realized that's with 6 pieces of light armor reducing the cost by 12%. I feel sorry for any tanks that are running running heavy armor.