I try to picture a real battle of old with warriors jumping all over.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »
Syrusthevirus187 wrote: »How do you swap bars without jumping? If you don't jump you have to leave your character frozen while your left thumb moves from stick to pad and back. Jumping feels more natural.
tab-targeted? does it work? it feels like a highlighting to me.Donny_Vito wrote: »In a duel, it's pointless. Any good dueler already has you tab-targeted so you jumping does absolutely nothing except make you have to hit more keys. In big fights where you're most likely being targeted by name/recognition, it's more useful.
Syrusthevirus187 wrote: »How do you swap bars without jumping? If you don't jump you have to leave your character frozen while your left thumb moves from stick to pad and back. Jumping feels more natural.
I never really understood this, me and my friends have joked about it for years in gaming, all pvp based games have these players but it seems like Eso has always been notorious for it. Jumping while pvping. I just sat here watching about 5 duels by Undaunted and i kid you not all the ones that were slightly losing started jumping all over. Is this a frail ego, insecurity or just for fun? Anytime me and my friends pvp and the enemy starts jumping we like to assume their voice and start saying "it aint nothin, it aint nothin"! cracks me up, all this silly jumping. Does it make you better? Do i need to start?