well if you join the dark brotherhood, the blade of woe kill cams are moderately violent. but then again there have been snowflakes complaining about those, so maybe that's why they decided to make the game PG-rated.
there are even people asking to play this game without killing anyone, ever. can you believe it
DMuehlhausen wrote: »In Crypt of Hearts 1 the first boss talks about finding a place to hang your innards.
I thought this game had a mature rating... Is that not the case? Ive been questing in summerset and felt that there were scenes that seemed like they should have been a bit darker and seemed very "PG-ified."SpoilerWhen the ritemaster is getting tugged back and forth and then Nocturnal evaporates him in purple mist to get at the heart, I had the distinct impression that in the original draft he was literally ripped apart. Instead he disappeared in a sparkle show. I personally think that scene called for something much grittier, especially after so many hours of high elves and their sugar plum kingdom.
I know originally it had an M rating, did that get changed? Can I expect anything grittier in murkmire or elsywer? Maybe a future release?
I thought this game had a mature rating... Is that not the case? Ive been questing in summerset and felt that there were scenes that seemed like they should have been a bit darker and seemed very "PG-ified."SpoilerWhen the ritemaster is getting tugged back and forth and then Nocturnal evaporates him in purple mist to get at the heart, I had the distinct impression that in the original draft he was literally ripped apart. Instead he disappeared in a sparkle show. I personally think that scene called for something much grittier, especially after so many hours of high elves and their sugar plum kingdom.
I know originally it had an M rating, did that get changed? Can I expect anything grittier in murkmire or elsywer? Maybe a future release?
It does seem a bit too pg13 at times. I wish we had a bit of a darker tone. It isn't only about gore and that but thematic in general. ***, prostitution, sex. Even if not shown, being talked about in quests makes it feel more real and less cartoony.
ESRB does not judge online interactions in their ratings.
StormeReigns wrote: »Just because you can doesn't mean you should, and just because you shouldn't, doesn't mean you can.
If you strictly follow the main path / quest lines. Yes it's going to be mild. Outside in many of the areas there are some serious comments and discussions made by NPCs in the middle of nowhere.
Betnikh has a NPC wander about muttering how he is going to kill the Tavern owner. Forge the will so he can take claim, and Poison a few other npcs. Ghratwood, ghettowood whateverwood near a cliff has a elf (cant remember if altmer or bosmer) wondering should he suicide or make a deadric pact to ensure his kids and wife who left him are forced to love him or be shredded into meal time bits.
Its all in the context and content. Many tongue and cheek grim, others pushing that envelope based on who the person is experiencing the situation.
ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »
Not to mention the number of quests that have you cut off an enemies head to put on a pike.
driosketch wrote: »This game is not M by design. It was rated M by the ESRB because of a few things and themes that pushed it over. While ZOS wasn't willing to or couldn't eliminate those things for a lower rating, it doesn't mean they'd take the M as a duty to go as dark and gritty as possible.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »
Just because something is "M" rated, doesn't mean that it has to, or the devs want to, be like Game of Thrones crossed with Saw.
Yeah, that's true, but I think some have mistook my comments as advocating that every step you take should be soaked in blood.
The spoiler section in my OP hopefully illustrates that I'm taking about a place in the game where I'd bet money that the original writer's vision involved a fairly graphic scene of violence, based on the context of what was going on. It really seemed to me that a censor of some sort had stepped in and said "we can't show something that graphic in our main questline. Replace the blood with purple light and just have the character model disappear." I could be wrong- maybe they actually did it exactly the way the writers/artists intended.
It's a matter of taste in the end, but it seems to me that if you've got the mature rating, and you've got a story moment that genuinely calls for dark imagery, you miss an opportunity when you tone it down.
Consider- the opening scene of Skyrim was one of the most iconic in video game history. It started with a bunch of prisoners being lead to the chopping block and one getting decapitated. This was the first of many graphic violence scenes in the most successful TES ever. Does ESO even have a single case of decapitation? There are NPCs executing each other left and right but they always just do the exact same stabby move and the other guy falls over usually without any blood on him. I get that not everyone wants to see the more graphic stuff, but TES players, on average, probably want some of it *when it's called for.*