im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts
im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts
I agreed with everything you said, except this.
If your healers can provide at leats 70% of combat prayer they are good. Combat prayer last 8s, if you put at least 1 seconde to refreshed it you cant get more than 88%, and saying that healers have a "rotation" clearly show that you dont know what you are talking about !
We healers, dont have only combat prayer to use, i dare you to play zen + mk, to manage your CP uptime, your dots uptime, your mk uptime, and also your stamina pool at the same time, i didnt say it is impossible but quiet hard.
I dont think i am a bad healer, i alone can achieve in general between 92 and 96% of prayer (on a solo healer vSS) but saying that meeeeh, i dont know why it tickled me :') sorry
But as i said ! i agrree with 100% of what you said, that this situation is easy to get on trials, and that most of the times we get a better situation than on dummy (more synnergies....)
How people get such insane damage has always been a puzzle for me. I struggle to get 20-30k on a normal dummy, so I'm like what?? o.O I prefer going on my main who is a tank anyways. Still, I'd like to have a good DD.
As others have said, the recipe to 40k damage or higher is a mix of things. CP set up, skills, rotation and gold gear. Gold gear can be tricky to get, my best DD is wearing purple/epic gear. As well as practice, a great deal of practice. Especially with light attack weaving which I'm working on myself. It is definitely not easy to master animation cancelling with light attacks and all that. Going as a DD isn't very easy, not if you wanna do a lot of damage.
70% combat prayer means the healer is sleeping, Combat prayer in the 90's % is entirely down to the 6 people aoe cap and how CP does not target people with the minor beserk down. I don't see where you're getting the 88% figure from at all.
Simple => 8/9 = 0.88
you have a burst heal phase, you miss a priere? lets go down to 8/10 = 80% you group is lower ? you have to go further in the burst heal (1st boss of vMoL for example) : 8/11
So yes, i didnt say it is impossible but i can assure you that when you get more than 70% you already have "good healers". I didnt say very good or god like but the 100% is illusional in most fight (easy to get on CR, vSS) . 90% you have really good healers
And the more your team is good (especially good placement) the more it is easy for you to keep the CP up, cause you dont lose your time to heal the dumb ones. So there is a lot of things going on, it s not just about "it is easy you only have a spell to launch every 8 sec"
How people get such insane damage has always been a puzzle for me. I struggle to get 20-30k on a normal dummy, so I'm like what?? o.O I prefer going on my main who is a tank anyways. Still, I'd like to have a good DD.
As others have said, the recipe to 40k damage or higher is a mix of things. CP set up, skills, rotation and gold gear. Gold gear can be tricky to get, my best DD is wearing purple/epic gear. As well as practice, a great deal of practice. Especially with light attack weaving which I'm working on myself. It is definitely not easy to master animation cancelling with light attacks and all that. Going as a DD isn't very easy, not if you wanna do a lot of damage.
im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts
Kalik_Gold wrote: »
How much on 3mil?
How people get such insane damage has always been a puzzle for me. I struggle to get 20-30k on a normal dummy, so I'm like what?? o.O I prefer going on my main who is a tank anyways. Still, I'd like to have a good DD.
As others have said, the recipe to 40k damage or higher is a mix of things. CP set up, skills, rotation and gold gear. Gold gear can be tricky to get, my best DD is wearing purple/epic gear. As well as practice, a great deal of practice. Especially with light attack weaving which I'm working on myself. It is definitely not easy to master animation cancelling with light attacks and all that. Going as a DD isn't very easy, not if you wanna do a lot of damage.
AgaTheGreat wrote: »This is just a good testing environment with every class getting the same buffs. It helps comparing dps accross classes.
im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts
Atronach dummy and cheesing your skills are the only way to get 70k+ dps on a magicka nb. Two unrealistic scenarios.
A. You will never have all buffs running 100% of the time on a real trial.
B. The skill bar used on a attronach dummy is not realistic in real settings. By settings I mean trial mechanics. Example, cheesing.
C. Atronach dummy parses are stupid and fake.
6m test dummy is the only real way to test a class. It shows what the classes are capable off. If a class cant sustain by itself or if they are lacking damage. The atronach dummy elimates all of those issues but it doesnt mean that they are still not there. If everyone had 100% buff how wondeful would that be. Everyone working together but realistically thats just not true. That is why new players find it so hard to do group content and get into trials because there are these fake expactations and unrealistic numbers/scenario unless you are in an elite trials team.
This. They are kind of cheating. Allows you to use unlimited synergy buffs. Gives you back resources as well of course.
im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts
CallmeFishmeal wrote: »
I understand the game mechs quite well. As OP said, I'm max CP and can copy the exact gear, CP setup, everything from a video of someone hitting 80k+ and still can only reach 36k max. I saw someone in zone chat talking about how they can bind their entire rotation to one key, so all they got is one button and sit back while their rotation is played out flawlessly for them. That's cheating imo. I also think target dummies should stun the attacker or something every once in a while because real dungeon/trial bosses just don't stand there while getting attacked.
How people get such insane damage has always been a puzzle for me. I struggle to get 20-30k on a normal dummy, so I'm like what?? o.O I prefer going on my main who is a tank anyways. Still, I'd like to have a good DD.
As others have said, the recipe to 40k damage or higher is a mix of things. CP set up, skills, rotation and gold gear. Gold gear can be tricky to get, my best DD is wearing purple/epic gear. As well as practice, a great deal of practice. Especially with light attack weaving which I'm working on myself. It is definitely not easy to master animation cancelling with light attacks and all that. Going as a DD isn't very easy, not if you wanna do a lot of damage.
Dont worry all the good players are apparently leaving and that will leave the new meta around 20-30k. Or that's what I've been told on here
ForzaRammer wrote: »
Those mouse macro only works for static rotation, and yes it will give you incredible consistency.
Since the #1 choice of melee is stamplar this patch and next patch, more players are using macro.
However it is still easy to hit 80% of that with no macro and crap weaving. Your 36k is just low.
This work on an dummy and I done it, no it did not work as expected but did not have optimal gear and this was years ago.CallmeFishmeal wrote: »
I understand the game mechs quite well. As OP said, I'm max CP and can copy the exact gear, CP setup, everything from a video of someone hitting 80k+ and still can only reach 36k max. I saw someone in zone chat talking about how they can bind their entire rotation to one key, so all they got is one button and sit back while their rotation is played out flawlessly for them. That's cheating imo. I also think target dummies should stun the attacker or something every once in a while because real dungeon/trial bosses just don't stand there while getting attacked.
Atronach dummy and cheesing your skills are the only way to get 70k+ dps on a magicka nb. Two unrealistic scenarios.
A. You will never have all buffs running 100% of the time on a real trial.
B. The skill bar used on a attronach dummy is not realistic in real settings. By settings I mean trial mechanics. Example, cheesing.
C. Atronach dummy parses are stupid and fake.
6m test dummy is the only real way to test a class. It shows what the classes are capable off. If a class cant sustain by itself or if they are lacking damage. The atronach dummy elimates all of those issues but it doesnt mean that they are still not there. If everyone had 100% buff how wondeful would that be. Everyone working together but realistically thats just not true. That is why new players find it so hard to do group content and get into trials because there are these fake expactations and unrealistic numbers/scenario unless you are in an elite trials team.
im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts
CallmeFishmeal wrote: »Macros
@TwiceBornStar except that these people who post 90k parses on a trial dummy, actually have done the trials themselves on veteran hard mode and probably any achievemetn there is and pull even higher numbers in a real raid setting. How else do you think they got the perfected gear for example, by being boosted so they can post a good parse and flex to their 5k viewers?
All you people who are salty and try to find ways to belittle their accomplishments need to take a step back and take a good look at yourself. Do you hate on pro athletes too because they do stuff you're not capable of? Everyone can't be the best, and that's fine, but if you want to improve you should first blame yourself for sucking, not look for excuses to belittle other players' exceptional performance.