santhoranb16_ESO wrote: »They use the Trial Target Dummy, which gives you a bunch of buffs and ressources.
AkA they use "optimal ideal setting which in reality never occurs" to just compare their DPS meters.
This. They are kind of cheating. Allows you to use unlimited synergy buffs. Gives you back resources as well of course.
As stated already these parses are done on the raid dummy, which represents a group environment.This first of all pushes the offensive stats massively, but more importantly you can use builds there that you would actually use in a dungeon or raid, since you will, or at least should, have magicka steal and snyergies in actual group content. Similar offensive support to those parses is of course only archived by high end groups. However I would still recommend you to train on a raid dummy instead, so you can optimize your sustain more realistically. Apart from that you might want to drop the prismatic enchants, if I understood that correctly, and use a precise frontbar weapon. I am also not seeing minor force in your uptimes, so you either want to increase the uptime on it or in case you aren't having it use channeled acceleration or rearming trap.
i swaped it for elemental drain since the boost it would give me should be pretty low in total. so precise frontbar it is then ill try that.
u think it makes a huge difference to swap prismatic with pure magicka ?
CallmeFishmeal wrote: »Macros
No, I can pull 50+ 6mil and 80+ trial, its really not that hard when you understand the game mechs.
CallmeFishmeal wrote: »
I understand the game mechs quite well. As OP said, I'm max CP and can copy the exact gear, CP setup, everything from a video of someone hitting 80k+ and still can only reach 36k max. I saw someone in zone chat talking about how they can bind their entire rotation to one key, so all they got is one button and sit back while their rotation is played out flawlessly for them. That's cheating imo. I also think target dummies should stun the attacker or something every once in a while because real dungeon/trial bosses just don't stand there while getting attacked.
This. They are kind of cheating. Allows you to use unlimited synergy buffs. Gives you back resources as well of course.
CallmeFishmeal wrote: »because real dungeon/trial bosses just don't stand there while getting attacked.
Littlebluelizard wrote: »
In real raid situations you actually have higher sustain than trial dummys, because not only you will get orbs for closely 100% uptime on that synergy, you will most likely have other synergies that you can proc (inner fire, bone shield, blood altar, and so on)
People only use raid dummy to compare classes equally, because some have unique buffs that others don't, like Minor Vulnerability uptime, Minor Fracture (stamplars) and so on which inflates their DPS in other dummy tests, however on trial dummys it's a more consistent comparison for classes vs classes DPS, while also allowing magicka classes do a parse without slotting ele drain.
Yes, note that you does not get this level of buffs in dungeons even with dedicated tanks and healers, not even in pug trials.phontom78kiss wrote: »
Not dummies simulate optimal buffs that an optimized raid group gets. Even with a raid dummy your rotation needs to be solid to hit mid 70-80 K plus ranges
And OP, looking at your screenshot you're really not doing that bad. The armor enchantments are definitely holding you back. Use ghastly eyebowl on dummy for sustain, then switch out for damage mundus. Run two inferno staves for the single target damage.
No one is hitting 80k on a 3mil dummy, I assure you. Are you in any guilds? They often have a guild hall with a trial dummy. Using one will help you accurately compare yourself to someone also parsing on onez and the synergies and debuffs will also fix your sustain issue.
yes ty im above 40 k now didnt change to precise on mainhand yet. ghastly eyebowl seems rly good. is that the best these days if it comes to pure dmg and sustain ?
yes ty im above 40 k now didnt change to precise on mainhand yet. ghastly eyebowl seems rly good. is that the best these days if it comes to pure dmg and sustain ?
yes ty im above 40 k now didnt change to precise on mainhand yet. ghastly eyebowl seems rly good. is that the best these days if it comes to pure dmg and sustain ?