CallmeFishmeal wrote: »
I understand the game mechs quite well. As OP said, I'm max CP and can copy the exact gear, CP setup, everything from a video of someone hitting 80k+ and still can only reach 36k max. I saw someone in zone chat talking about how they can bind their entire rotation to one key, so all they got is one button and sit back while their rotation is played out flawlessly for them. That's cheating imo. I also think target dummies should stun the attacker or something every once in a while because real dungeon/trial bosses just don't stand there while getting attacked.
I'm here to clarify that these builds are useless for the average player or even the experienced player, as the optimal raids on pc eu for example are 4-5 groups, the rest try to mimic them with same builds but end up wiping indifenitely.
end game raiding in ESO is devastated by guilds trying to min/max instead of actually ditching some damage in order to favor the survival of other group members
This. They are kind of cheating. Allows you to use unlimited synergy buffs. Gives you back resources as well of course.
No, I can pull 50+ 6mil and 80+ trial, its really not that hard when you understand the game mechs.
AgaTheGreat wrote: »
This is just a good testing environment with every class getting the same buffs. It helps comparing dps accross classes. It's just a tool, just like ESO logs. With ESO logs being superior when it comes to refining your uptimes and so on. Trial dummy helps you get muscle memory that you can later use in a real encounter. It's not cheating.
JanTanhide wrote: »As others have posted the Trial dummy helps immensely.
If I may suggest something: Don't worry about super high DPS on the Trial dummy. Sure, it looks impressive and all that but can that person who achieved that number stay alive and do that kind of damage in hard core Vet dungeons? Especially the DLC dungeons? (Not Trials where there are potentially four buff/support players)
I've seen some "glamorous" Streamers tout how much damage they do on the dummy and one day one of those streamers ran Vet Scalecaller Peak with other Streamers. It was an interesting time for sure.
That glorious Streamer got hammered over and over and died more times than a noob in his/her first dungeon. I could hear his frustration at being humiliated by his own boasting.
36K is more than I usually get and my goal is to stay alive and beat the dungeons.
gatekeeper13 wrote: »Achieving a high dps in a trial dummy doesnt mean it will be transfered in the dungeon or trial. In a trial dummy, you get buffs you may not get from your group and also you stay still. In trial/dungeon, you dont stay still, especially when there are AoEs you have to evade.
can you post a video with 50+ 6mil and 80+ trial? thx
No, I can pull 50+ 6mil and 80+ trial, its really not that hard when you understand the game mechs.
im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts
im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts
codierussell wrote: »If you don't have 100% uptime on combat prayer then healers need to work on their rotation.
im seeing some videos in youtube with people reaching 80 k dps on dummies. i personally hit 36 k with maxed out everything. how is this possible. im using spellstrat and new moon + zaan. tripple resource enchants on armor. infused on mainhand staff. playing magnb. im using atronarch mundus otherwise regen feels to low. i have 2k magicka regen. i use arcane traits on jewelry.
spell pen 11 k and crit 52 % chance. spellpower unbuffed 3 k.
pls only constructive posts