Onefrkncrzypope wrote: »Current live/pts iterations are a dps loss and should just be given to dk tanks since breath is gone
Onefrkncrzypope wrote: »Pvp stonefist feels bad and the buff isn't enough to make up for that. Though it is neat throwing poop at ppl who forget dks have a range (ish) spammable.
I'd still argue that a ranged spammable is thematically inappropriate and a waste of its power budget.
You're dead right about the dead cast though, didn't even think of that at first, PvP too if your opponent has Major Evasion, or if you were actually trying to rely on having range. Oh, and the dead cast has a cast time, lovely.
I don't understand why it can't just be instant cast melee. The secondary effects (third cast stun for PvP and stagger damage for PvE) aren't amazing, but would be good enough if the ability actually felt good to use.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »If U25 goes live like that stamDK is dead class next patch, 100%. Simply no reason to play - stonefist became even worse, dizzy nerfed, leap nerfed, volatile nerfed, no slightest compensation for all those nerfs. What's left? Battle roar? Don't tell me about minor brutality, stamplar has plain +6% to WD without necessity to proc it. Even +10% to block is no longer unique DK feature o_O
I thought it already was dead? but nah I agree, the nerfs to dk are very unwelcome. Most dk mains I know gave up on the class a while ago since it isn't good enough in no cp at least
My biggest annoyance with stone giant isn't just the cast time, but that it's yet another DK ability that doesn't work with Corrosive. At least the current Stone Giant will work with corrosive with every cast, now only 3 out of 4 casts of Stone Giant will benefit from Corrosive. The fact that it's aoe damage also means that initial cast will do less damage, which means that overall it's a damage nerf, despite the range buff. I really wish they would classify the aoe as direct damage so it doesn't end up being a damage nerf, or increase the damage of the aoe cast so it does 15-20% more damage than the direct damage component.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »If U25 goes live like that stamDK is dead class next patch, 100%. Simply no reason to play - stonefist became even worse, dizzy nerfed, leap nerfed, volatile nerfed, no slightest compensation for all those nerfs. What's left? Battle roar? Don't tell me about minor brutality, stamplar has plain +6% to WD without necessity to proc it. Even +10% to block is no longer unique DK feature o_O
By the way, why does corresive still costs 200 ulti? At least it should be reduced to 160
I mean it is not a hard hitting skill, it just ignore physical Direct dmg, it has a weak DoT associated, it limits incoming dmg a lot but dodge roll does quite the same and costs 0 ulti, cloak does the same and even better, and sorc pets also do the same.
And that's the good morph
MartiniDaniels wrote: »... while stamDK has only wings which hard-counter magsorcs and snipe spammers but do nothing aside from that.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »If U25 goes live like that stamDK is dead class next patch, 100%. Simply no reason to play - stonefist became even worse, dizzy nerfed, leap nerfed, volatile nerfed, no slightest compensation for all those nerfs. What's left? Battle roar? Don't tell me about minor brutality, stamplar has plain +6% to WD without necessity to proc it. Even +10% to block is no longer unique DK feature o_O
Volatile??? what about Volatile????
people might play for fun. OMG REALLY
I'd still argue that a ranged spammable is thematically inappropriate and a waste of its power budget.
You're dead right about the dead cast though, didn't even think of that at first, PvP too if your opponent has Major Evasion, or if you were actually trying to rely on having range. Oh, and the dead cast has a cast time, lovely.
I don't understand why it can't just be instant cast melee. The secondary effects (third cast stun for PvP and stagger damage for PvE) aren't amazing, but would be good enough if the ability actually felt good to use.
LinearParadox wrote: »It was dead before, it'll be dead again. If anything, it makes even less sense now than it did before.
Now it's not just a stacking mechanic, it's a combination mode-swap thing where it does one thing every 4th cast and something different the other three, the damage is all over the place because of that "standards" for damage they have and it being two different types + having secondary effects on one "mode" and not the other...
Man, no one, read: NO ONE is going to want to juggle this BS in the middle of combat. Not in PvE, and certainly not in PvP.
As it stands now, just another dead skill to add to the list.
Here's an idea, use the wild haymaker punch animation and let the DK SLAM THE **** out of their opponent with a stone-covered hand.
Make it a melee stamina spammable!
Morph 1: Less damage, adds "stagger" mechanic back in.
This morph is optimized for those that want to use an "Attrition" playstyle heavy with DoTs.
Max three stacks, 3 second duration, refreshes with each hit. NO STUN, NO STACK REMOVAL.
(This should go without saying, but if the flavor of the ability is about building stacks on an opponent, then using the skill as designed should never REMOVE them.)
Morph 2: Slightly higher damage, straight spammable. No secondary effects watering down the power budget.
No stun is needed here, DK already has Fossilize and while it does cost Mag, Stam DKs don't use their mag for much anyway so it's not a big deal.
Because stone giant is a stam skill, while obsidian shard is (still)a magicka skill and there are some healers that still use it.
Make Molten Weapons not garbage. Make the already support-focused Igneous Weapons heal, no more awkward need to target something with a stun in order to burst heal an ally. Make Molten Armaments buff more forms of damage, no more awkward fully-charged heavy attack requirement.
people might play for fun. OMG REALLY
I dreamt about molten weapons some years ago, the skill added flame dmg to light and heavy attacks, and one of the morphs even worked as execute...
sadlly it was just a dream...
(DK was such a fun class to play... now is just utterly boooooriiiing)
What about healer DKs?
Because stone giant is a stam skill, while obsidian shard is (still)a magicka skill and there are some healers that still use it.
GeorgeBlack wrote: »
That's what we want for the warrior (stamina) dragon knight.
No hand motions without weapons (left hand weapon is visible during animation in the clip), no levitating orbs, no ranged atks no weird and complicated mechanics that buff the group instead of the individual.
Give us that Zos, and move on to some other feature that needs looking at.
people might play for fun. OMG REALLY
Make Molten Weapons not garbage. Make the already support-focused Igneous Weapons heal, no more awkward need to target something with a stun in order to burst heal an ally. Make Molten Armaments buff more forms of damage, no more awkward fully-charged heavy attack requirement.
"There's nothing "Fun" about playing with a gimped skill. There's nothing "Fun" about working harder for less return than other classes. There's nothing "fun" about imbalance. If you think playing with a handicap is "fun" then go play that way yourself. Leave half your skill bar empty or run around with no armor or something. The rest of us are busy working towards "
Many casual people don't care. hardcore people that do nothing else in life but play this game 10 hours a day are the ones that dwell over every little thing. Take a step back and realize it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things then you will find more fun and enjoyment in the things you do.
Seems to me, you made this game a job.
I really don't see why its so hard. The ability is called Stonefist, it practically makes itself..
Remove the pre-cast stomp thing. Keep the stagger stacking mechanic. Make the ability melee. Keep the same approximate damage.
Strike 1: Pull your right fist back, stone pulls up from the ground to form around it, you uppercut the enemy and the stone dissipates, your hand returns to normal position.
Strike 2: Same as strike 1, but with left hand.
Strike 3: You bring back your right hand, stone forms around your hand in the shape of a large hammer, you swing it down on the enemy, damaging them and causing the AoE portion of the attack ZoS seems to want.
We know this is 100% possible, since necromancer's spammable works in a similar manner. It also makes more sense to have the attack build up to an AoE, rather than being a weird upfront pre-cast that works in a completely different range then the rest of the ability.
Seeing as DKs are supposed to be using Akaviri martial arts, you'd think that the stamina abilities would have some feeling of that. The current stonefist/stone giant does not.
Nobody will care if they leave obsidian shard as it is (which I assume is the reason they're so hardset on making all of the morphs ranged.)