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Which Race do you want to see more content added in for?

Whether it be quests, houses, furnishings, costumes, areas and locations. Which race do you think needs more content as well as being expanded upon further among other things ?
Edited by Thevampirenight on January 25, 2020 11:20AM
Please add Fangs to Vampires.

Which Race do you want to see more content added in for? 310 votes

OlauronArtemiisiaParasaurolophusTheDominioniiYukivingarmoJawshoeuhAshfenr34lianjoergingerAnumarilSassinatorsunny668 13 votes
HidesFromSunDjennkuphermitgbcyclonus11OneForSorrowBrowisethHexquisiteShadow_AkulaIccotakNyladreasTommy_The_GunSilverIce58ButterbeansVeeskArgelornArgonianwerecroc212RaptorRodeoGodOpalbladeskrvbb10rdArca94 26 votes
theskymovesKikazaruOthniel327WuffyCeruleiFaulgorErdbeermuffinNemesis7884GarpleySirCriticalFeannagTanis-StormbinderSinhalisj3crowVexariusMasterSpatulaEdaphonShaloknirThorgardaemoniosMornaBaine 53 votes
Iruil_ESODarkstorneSapphire_LilyRadianceYukon2112NerouynLoralai_907InaMoonlightRagnaroek93SosRuvaakLadyNalcaryaFerrumnCutemShadowasrialNaolwynLordGavusAzardEverstormMudcrabjediGhostrunner24TheUndeadAmulet 40 votes
Gilvoth1mirgTheShadowScoutpod88kkold_scopie1945TyrobagSqueaky_Cleanvestahlsgepe87Wyresscliffracerayu_feverValueDriftMykrizGarieleBisDasBlutGefriertSidraWillowskyBradyfjordDunkelblitz 18 votes
vailjohn_ESOBowserGeekgirlDTStormfoxkenneth.friisb16_ESOSeptimus_MagnaBlueVioletWingbeckamayStebarnzJoanOfOrcdem0n1kGravordStreegaDagoth_RacSilverwillowMashilledrkfrontiersDrakoleonEdziu 95 votes
AlienSlofjircris11Tyharkarthrag_inakQaghLemurejosnoozyAscarlSkoomaPie 9 votes
daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOKendaricJuzzBeardimusXDark_One13zacvanmIlithyaniaNord_RaseriLakhitiaHroltharKaartinenWyrd88bmnobleVanathilIsskander 15 votes
MeinChurroMalthorneCloudtraderfetito666Sandman929CerilonDrybonez32valeriiyaThoragaalNa0choTycletonHapexamendiosRasande_RobinOptionZeroSassa 15 votes
weltlichgesinntMagenpiebellanca6561nFermianListerJMCSolid_MetalPaxDeorumNarvuntienLadislaoFroilChickenSuckerTelvanniWizardEdoKeledusZulera301CoppesEmpressMegB11zzard1991redlink1979CMDR_Un1k0rnVicinia 26 votes
  • r34lian
    Altmer or redgaurd they're my favourite ones
    2000 CP • 18 Maxed Characters • 6 Altmers • 7 Redguards • Necromancer Orc • Warden Dunmer • DK Nord • DK Imperial • Templar Breton
  • drkfrontiers
    Imperial - theres very little there.
    "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
    ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Thevampirenight
    Imperial - theres very little there.

    Well I do want to see them do more for all the races but I do agree that Imperials need more love then they are getting. I think Zenimax has a thing against them or its a joke or gag type of thing. They have no New Life Festival Quest. Pay walled, they tend to be bad guys instead of actually treated like a civilized race. They seem to not be welcomed as much in alliance areas. Get Treated like Dirt. More content where they are not bad or evil. Where their culture can show their true eight divines loving culture. As well as good and noble legions and where imperials at least are not treated as Token bad guys. So hopefully we can see more of that down the road.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on January 25, 2020 11:29PM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Chrysa1is
    100% Imperial. Got's to involve war
  • Jacarranda
    Argonians need some love.
  • snoozy
    i don't think khajiit need more content... they got a lot last year.

    but since the poll asks which race i want to see more of... i enjoy their zones and stories the most :)
    PC EU
  • Nemesis7884
    i always felt imperials made better villains or"looming" powers than main characters....but i am open to anything
  • MellowMagic
    Imperials get no respect, no respect at all!
    With my dog I don't get no respect. He keeps barking at the front door. He don't want to go out. He wants me to leave. 😅
    PC / NA @MellowMagic
    Imperial named with some sort of variation of "Deo"
    By the Divines...
  • ArchMikem
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Iccotak
    Wow the Imperial response is surprising
  • Mudcrabjedi
    Honestly, I think Bosmer or Imperial. In my opinion though, the PvP zones somewhat limit the content that imperial could have, BUT if they mix imperial content in to larger zones dedicated to other races, well thatd work well. Ofcourse, it would have to be more friendly.

    Personally, I quite enjoyed learning about bosmer culture in vanilla ESO. Its something that the other games never really expanded upon too much.

    I suppose you could really choose any of the races that has little content ie: bosmer, Breton, redguard, and imperial. TECHNICALLY you could say argonian, but like...murkmire.

    The one downside to bosmer is, how much of Valenwood is there left too explore? Like, seriously I dont know lol.
  • Unit117
    I’m honestly over the current races. I want to branch out. Even if they put restrictions on where we can travel as them. I want akaviri, snow elves, dwemer, maomer and my favorite nereids.
  • Mudcrabjedi
    Unit117 wrote: »
    I’m honestly over the current races. I want to branch out. Even if they put restrictions on where we can travel as them. I want akaviri, snow elves, dwemer, maomer and my favorite nereids.

    I think maomer or MAYBE some of the akaviri races would be a somewhat reasonable request. I am TOTALLY not trying to be negative, i just don't see dwemer or snow elves being a reasonable request. They would almost certainly have to align that with the next Elder scrolls game release and explain it away with a dragonbreak, but even that wouldnt really work considering the zero sum theory.

    Sorry...i hate me too.
  • Araneae6537
    More elves, always! Since Altmer and Dunmer each got an expansion, I voted Bosmer as they could really use more housing, furnishing and motif styles beyond the base game. But I’m happy when there are additions for any of the elves! :)

    I would like to see more Ayleid stuff too. It seems weird to me how limited our furnishing and wardrobe options are when we have so many Dwemer furnishings and even a whole house and outfit style!

    I also love the Khajiit and have been enjoying Elsweyr and I’m still waiting for some of the lovely costumes the NPCs wear!

    Bottom of my list is human of any variety. Just not as interesting to me.
  • Ysbriel
    More deep jungle adventures.

    Edited by Ysbriel on January 25, 2020 8:33PM
  • Olauron
    I voted Altmer but we really need more Ayleid content. Existing furnishings are extremely limiting in quantity, there is no house, there are no costumes, and even Lich style (with Ayleid crown as a head piece) is not available for crafting or outfit system. Nexus was the best area of Murkmire, yet too small and it is impossible (as far as I know) to visit it after the quest.
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • fetito666
    Of course ORCS!

    Edited by fetito666 on January 25, 2020 9:00PM
  • Thorgar
    You forgot to add the dwarves ;) tbh would be really interesting to see what really happened to them,anyway id like to see all races at some point for me. :smile:

    ...are Bretons then mongrels,or paragons?
    The answer,of course,is both(though if you call a Breton
    a mongrel,he is liable to feed you an inch or two of steel).
    The passionate race of Bretons embodies the strengths
    of both men and mer-as well as there flaws.

    -The Bretons: mongrels or paragons?
  • TheImperfect
    Although Bretons have their zone and lore I feel like their racial identity comes off a little weaker than the rest and they could use more fleshing out. I like their existing content but more would be cool.
  • jlmurra2
    Cyrodiil year long chapter needs to be next.
  • dem0n1k
    Cyrodiil expansions with seige towers n ladders n screaming zergs exploding in harmony bombs!~
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • Othniel327
    Kinda hoping that we'll see some stuff involving the Reach for Bretons and Reachmen. ^_^
  • ayu_fever
    as a massive dunmer fan i say ANYTHING but lizards and cats.
    they are NOT people! they are property.

    we just got 2 litter box zones last year and the year before that we got silly swamp nonsense so no more stupid khajiit or argonian anything ever again please and thank you.

    redguards are very under represented in ESO but they are such a boring race.
    overrated sword singer nonsense and no necromancy.
    they are all so nice it is disgusting.
    no thanks.
    deserts are a stale environment to make content anyway.

    i would rather have more dunmer, followed by nord (thank you zos for greymoor!)
    PS4 NA

    all characters are members of the ebonheart pact master race

    main character:
    Rebekah Straight-Fire, breton templar healer: THE FATEBRINGER (dungeons, trials, pvp)
    —MERIDIA’S LUSTRANT— 1100+CP; alliance rank 21 (major grade 1); Rebekah is the most devoted and loyal follower of the lady of infinite energies and the highest ascendant of meridia’s purified legion and was forged from meridia’s brilliant radiance of purity.

    other meta toons-
    Alexa Straight-Fire, breton warden healer: THE ALCHEMIST (dungeons, trials)
    Sasha Straight-Fire, nord dragonknight tank: THE UNBREAKABLE (dungeons, trials)
    Freyja Straight-Fire, nord warden tank: THE ICEBERG (dungeons, trials)
    Ororo Straight-Fire, dark elf magsorc: THE SHOCKWAVE (dungeons, trials)
    Michonne Straight-Fire, redguard stamDK: THE EVISCERATOR (dungeons, trials)

    just for fun toons-
    Rhea Straight-Fire, wood elf warden stam healer: THE RANGER
    Shiva Straight-Fire, high elf warden ice mage: THE CRYOMANCER
    Morgana Straight-Fire, dark elf necromancer solo play: THE DEATHSINGER
    Lucille Straight-Fire, dark elf nightblade solo play: THE VOIDWALKER
    Diana Straight-Fire, nord templar tank: THE CLERIC
    Falsetto Straight-Fire, orc stamsorc werewolf: THE THUNDERHOWL
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    Redguards please. Huge swath of Hammerfell that can be explored.
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Murkmire was awesom. Probably best story dlc zone so far (imho most "climatic" & unique zone with top notch quests, main story & lore).

    After I have finished it (100% completion) I was only left with more questions than I had before about the root-people, their culture, history and lore. There is a lot that can be done here in possible future content.

    One can only hope that we will see more (maybe even all ?) Black Marsh in the future.
  • Aptonoth
    Argonians an Dunmer.
  • PopotoSalad
    Give the Imperials some decent PvE content, please.
  • Ratzkifal
    I have this idea for a chapter. It's probably not gonna happen because of the can of worms it's going to open but I'd like to see a dragonbreak like event sending our characters in a version of Tamriel where Cyrodiil is a jungle and the story revolves on us trying to get back to our version that's retroactively influenced by Tiber Septim's use of CHIM. It would allow us to experience the Cyrodiil and the Imperial culture in a new way that no other game could.

    I don't see this happening though because then those people would want to see the Dwemer return in a similar fashion, which would just take away from their mystery.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • OneForSorrow
    Black Marsh Chapter? Black Marsh Chapter!

    PC NA. Various alts, trying to find a main, I have no idea what I'm doing.
  • Thevampirenight
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    I have this idea for a chapter. It's probably not gonna happen because of the can of worms it's going to open but I'd like to see a dragonbreak like event sending our characters in a version of Tamriel where Cyrodiil is a jungle and the story revolves on us trying to get back to our version that's retroactively influenced by Tiber Septim's use of CHIM. It would allow us to experience the Cyrodiil and the Imperial culture in a new way that no other game could.

    I don't see this happening though because then those people would want to see the Dwemer return in a similar fashion, which would just take away from their mystery.

    I do think they have content where you go to Cyrodiil in the form of a jungle in the game but they could do more with that maybe an adjacent place. Maybe they could even use abandoned lore for that area and make it its more unique thing. Like names of the races, orcs are monsters, Maybe more unique monsters that were seen in Daggerfall and Arena that don't exist on Tamriel Prime. That would be a very neat idea. Though I don't think they need to Dragonbreak it. Maybe just take us there through some other means.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
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