Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
What I’d love
- A working PC EU server (lol)
- Less lag, better performance, fewer 304, 307 disconnects, FPS greater than 30, no rubber banding etc etc
- The end of the class balancing process (with hopefully a satisfying conclusion)
- A faster, working group finder (with the option for ESO+ subscribers to not include the DLC dungeons)
- Battlegrounds that put together matched teams and allowed for a variety of team members (ie 3 a side, 6 a side etc)
- Battlegrounds that could be organised by guilds so we can choose the sides, map and gamestyle
- Fewer ‘Crown gem exclusives’, more content available through gameplay
- Better guild management and trading tools
- Better quality graphics for everything
- More choice, items, way more lights, and a more slots in housing
- Better. Inventory. Management. And way more slots - this game should not be all about inventory management
- A hurricane sorc that I could actually see in combat
- A better pathway into PvP
- A genuine PvP house (file next to guild organised BGs)
- But top of the wish list, surprise me with more imagination in content and design... please
What I expect/fear
- the unexcitement of the ordinary... 3 DLC and a chapter, 2 dungeon packs, an expansion and a zone that’s got an area ‘bigger than Elsweyr’ but with the playing space of Betnik ... it’s Skyrim but somehow not the Skyrim single player game (but enough like it that it doesn’t offend Skyrim players)
- more Crown Gem exclusives - a horrid currency hidden behind gambling boxes meaning you’ll never know how cripplingly expensive that funny pony is
- A continually confusing never ending combat realignment process (no I don’t know exactly what that is either)
- More f-ing Uglyarse Indriks “this time in puce”
- P2W - buy that build fully specced up... a Crown Gem exclusive
- Nords.... lots of Nords... not the well thought out ones with a culture, but the ‘funny’ always drinking, always a bit turnip-headed comedy Nords we see all over ESO
- We’re going “back to Skyrim”....
- A really expensive, but ultimately valueless cinematic for the ‘play for free’ fanboys to ogle over, which adds nothing to the game
- Nothing inspiring, imaginative or genuinely surprising... just more evidence of a game slowly running down into oblivion
What I’d love
- A working PC EU server (lol)
- Less lag, better performance, fewer 304, 307 disconnects, FPS greater than 30, no rubber banding etc etc
- The end of the class balancing process (with hopefully a satisfying conclusion)
- A faster, working group finder (with the option for ESO+ subscribers to not include the DLC dungeons)
- Battlegrounds that put together matched teams and allowed for a variety of team members (ie 3 a side, 6 a side etc)
- Battlegrounds that could be organised by guilds so we can choose the sides, map and gamestyle
- Fewer ‘Crown gem exclusives’, more content available through gameplay
- Better guild management and trading tools
- Better quality graphics for everything
- More choice, items, way more lights, and a more slots in housing
- Better. Inventory. Management. And way more slots - this game should not be all about inventory management
- A hurricane sorc that I could actually see in combat
- A better pathway into PvP
- A genuine PvP house (file next to guild organised BGs)
- But top of the wish list, surprise me with more imagination in content and design... please
What I expect/fear
- the unexcitement of the ordinary... 3 DLC and a chapter, 2 dungeon packs, an expansion and a zone that’s got an area ‘bigger than Elsweyr’ but with the playing space of Betnik ... it’s Skyrim but somehow not the Skyrim single player game (but enough like it that it doesn’t offend Skyrim players)
- more Crown Gem exclusives - a horrid currency hidden behind gambling boxes meaning you’ll never know how cripplingly expensive that funny pony is
- A continually confusing never ending combat realignment process (no I don’t know exactly what that is either)
- More f-ing Uglyarse Indriks “this time in puce”
- P2W - buy that build fully specced up... a Crown Gem exclusive
- Nords.... lots of Nords... not the well thought out ones with a culture, but the ‘funny’ always drinking, always a bit turnip-headed comedy Nords we see all over ESO
- We’re going “back to Skyrim”....
- A really expensive, but ultimately valueless cinematic for the ‘play for free’ fanboys to ogle over, which adds nothing to the game
- Nothing inspiring, imaginative or genuinely surprising... just more evidence of a game slowly running down into oblivion
curtisnewton wrote: »Setting the graphics to max really looks good, but:
Some old blurred textures better be replaced,
Some new shaders to give the game world more depth,
More realistic weather and colour management (night is dark and grey not so colourful, more stormy weather and better transitions),
Maybe some Raytraycing added for more realistic light.
As much as I love the NPC talking and questing lore, some more different styles please: Dont make every NPC talk as much and verbally perfect. Make some of them lying to the player or only talk with little words, be rough etc.
All in all: I like ESO and wish for it to be deeper and more fleshed out.
Hi, i wonder, what will thursday bring.. What will be announced. For sure new chapter, but i wonder, if this will be the same style like in years before... or can we expect something new.. some "radical" changes in game...(for example, capes - which for sure not,... but for example... ).
I expect some changes in PVP, otherwise i do not expect some "radical" changes in ESO...
On the other note, if there will be only announcement of new chapter with no "big" new news... then i will be very disapointed. Somehow, game need some new things, not only same system every year...
What do you think?
I’d love class related content. A quest for each class, maybe to unlock a 4th skill line or new morphs.