Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

BGs are potato atm

1) Take ages to get into a game (queue for 5 minutes, stop the queue, re-queue, instant pop. As if thats the way it is meant to work)
2) Queue into a premade who have played way more BG than I have (I have only just hit 250k medal score total and barely any rounds vs the people I am queuing into). How do I know? Just google some of the other team and see them posting pvp related battleground threads and videos from 2 years ago.
3) Opposing premade all have tank/heal builds and roll in a ball. Ask my team to stay together so we have a chance and they tell me to not tell them how to play.
4) While I am already in a game I have a notification asking if I want to join a BG.. while already in one..
5) Out of curiosity I accept.
6) I get ported out of the BG I am in and into another.
7) While in the second I get asked to join ANOTHER BG by notification.
8) Inception time I accept.. How many layers can I go?
9) Loading screen boss and I am kicked out of BG.
10) Log back in and have 20 minute deserter debuff.

ZOS... I often wait for a BG for 5 minutes and when I hit 5 minutes I stop the queue and I re-queue and it lets me in almost instantly.
ZOS... I barely play BGs and I solo queue yet I often queue into sweaty pre-mades with sweaty buildds.

Ill admit that I have done most of the BG achievements already (the only reason I am playing them) and that I get a good KDR (20 kills with few deaths most rounds mostly because I am a gankblade) however I would be surprised if I have even played 100 rounds. So why am I being queued into pre-mades who have been playing BGs for wayyyyyyyyyyyy longer than me and who MUST have a way higher MMR than me.

So I guess... too ZOS... below...


  • Rezdayn
    Oh yea I also accept BG queue pops and sit in a load screen for ages and eventually just appear back at the spot I accepted it outside of the BG.

    To be fair you dont give me the deserter debuff when THIS happens but it still happens like 50% of the time.

    To also be fair to me it means the queue I waited in was a waste of time, the whole minute or two of load screen is a time waste and the next queue is a consequence of never loading in being a triple time waste.

    I wish my bank would "load screen" my membership payment to you..
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    I cannot even get into BG’s right now. I que, ready check, at load screen, wait 5 minutes, go back to where I was, try again, same thing. I cannot get into BG’s what so ever. Completely broken. Started happening since Friday when the login issues was and i and most of my guild mates couldn’t even play the game at all.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • max_only
    Separate solo and premade queue. We’ve been asking.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Thogard
    it's been odd lately. MMR has been wonky.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • Rezdayn
    I cannot even get into BG’s right now. I que, ready check, at load screen, wait 5 minutes, go back to where I was, try again, same thing. I cannot get into BG’s what so ever. Completely broken. Started happening since Friday when the login issues was and i and most of my guild mates couldn’t even play the game at all.

    Yea thats worse than what I am having happen haha. Sorry to hear.
    max_only wrote: »
    Separate solo and premade queue. We’ve been asking.

    Yea I also wouldnt mind not being queued into people who have 5000 BG games under their belt vs my -3.
    Thogard wrote: »
    it's been odd lately. MMR has been wonky.

    Yea :(
  • Ysbriel
    At first i was always wondering why people would be complaining about going against premades being random, but there is that factor that you mentioned about trying to get your team work together. Communication is really an advantage and premades usually use discord and of course are either guildmates or plain buddy old pals. However the PC community has been against having voice communication in this game because [insert self justified antisocial reason here]
    And yes there is time when one lands on a team and it’s instant chemistry but that is not a recurring case.
  • Rezdayn
    Ysbriel wrote: »
    At first i was always wondering why people would be complaining about going against premades being random, but there is that factor that you mentioned about trying to get your team work together. Communication is really an advantage and premades usually use discord and of course are either guildmates or plain buddy old pals. However the PC community has been against having voice communication in this game because [insert self justified antisocial reason here]
    And yes there is time when one lands on a team and it’s instant chemistry but that is not a recurring case.

    Yea you can tell you have queued into a pre made really easily... if they ALWAYS focus one person INSTANTLY. No one other than coms to explain it. Staying in a tight ball can be just common sense but the focusing of targets and changing of target focus on a dime is the thing that gives it away...

    Its really boring and annoying to come against these sweaty players when you have waited for the queue.
  • Anotherone773
    They disabled group finder. I thought it included BGs as well as dungeons
  • wild_kmacdb16_ESO
    Rezdayn wrote: »
    Ysbriel wrote: »
    At first i was always wondering why people would be complaining about going against premades being random, but there is that factor that you mentioned about trying to get your team work together. Communication is really an advantage and premades usually use discord and of course are either guildmates or plain buddy old pals. However the PC community has been against having voice communication in this game because [insert self justified antisocial reason here]
    And yes there is time when one lands on a team and it’s instant chemistry but that is not a recurring case.

    Yea you can tell you have queued into a pre made really easily... if they ALWAYS focus one person INSTANTLY. No one other than coms to explain it. Staying in a tight ball can be just common sense but the focusing of targets and changing of target focus on a dime is the thing that gives it away...

    Its really boring and annoying to come against these sweaty players when you have waited for the queue.

    You don't need comms to pay attention to an opponents life bar, and some people have better reaction speed than others when doing this, to the point it might seem like it was called out over audio when it really wasn't. Its just common sense to flip over and focus the guy that took a nasty crit.

    There are premades out there on voicechat no doubt... an entire team with the same guild tags is an obvious giveaway, but I really don't think its as prevalent as you or some others think... and might just be a coping mechanism? >:)

  • Rezdayn
    Rezdayn wrote: »
    Ysbriel wrote: »
    At first i was always wondering why people would be complaining about going against premades being random, but there is that factor that you mentioned about trying to get your team work together. Communication is really an advantage and premades usually use discord and of course are either guildmates or plain buddy old pals. However the PC community has been against having voice communication in this game because [insert self justified antisocial reason here]
    And yes there is time when one lands on a team and it’s instant chemistry but that is not a recurring case.

    Yea you can tell you have queued into a pre made really easily... if they ALWAYS focus one person INSTANTLY. No one other than coms to explain it. Staying in a tight ball can be just common sense but the focusing of targets and changing of target focus on a dime is the thing that gives it away...

    Its really boring and annoying to come against these sweaty players when you have waited for the queue.

    You don't need comms to pay attention to an opponents life bar, and some people have better reaction speed than others when doing this, to the point it might seem like it was called out over audio when it really wasn't. Its just common sense to flip over and focus the guy that took a nasty crit.

    There are premades out there on voicechat no doubt... an entire team with the same guild tags is an obvious giveaway, but I really don't think its as prevalent as you or some others think... and might just be a coping mechanism? >:)

  • jcm2606
    Ysbriel wrote: »
    At first i was always wondering why people would be complaining about going against premades being random, but there is that factor that you mentioned about trying to get your team work together. Communication is really an advantage and premades usually use discord and of course are either guildmates or plain buddy old pals. However the PC community has been against having voice communication in this game because [insert self justified antisocial reason here]
    And yes there is time when one lands on a team and it’s instant chemistry but that is not a recurring case.

    I haven't seen a single person against having native voice comms in the PC version of the game, whether it be an in-house solution from Zenimax themselves, or some form of Discord integration where in-game groups may create temporary Discord groups, or whatever.
  • jcm2606
    Rezdayn wrote: »
    Ysbriel wrote: »
    At first i was always wondering why people would be complaining about going against premades being random, but there is that factor that you mentioned about trying to get your team work together. Communication is really an advantage and premades usually use discord and of course are either guildmates or plain buddy old pals. However the PC community has been against having voice communication in this game because [insert self justified antisocial reason here]
    And yes there is time when one lands on a team and it’s instant chemistry but that is not a recurring case.

    Yea you can tell you have queued into a pre made really easily... if they ALWAYS focus one person INSTANTLY. No one other than coms to explain it. Staying in a tight ball can be just common sense but the focusing of targets and changing of target focus on a dime is the thing that gives it away...

    Its really boring and annoying to come against these sweaty players when you have waited for the queue.

    You don't need comms to pay attention to an opponents life bar, and some people have better reaction speed than others when doing this, to the point it might seem like it was called out over audio when it really wasn't. Its just common sense to flip over and focus the guy that took a nasty crit.

    There are premades out there on voicechat no doubt... an entire team with the same guild tags is an obvious giveaway, but I really don't think its as prevalent as you or some others think... and might just be a coping mechanism? >:)

    You do need comms to notify the rest of your team about the third team coming to sandwich you between both enemy teams, or to call out the healer so the rest of your team can focus them, or to call an ulti dump that isn't uncoordinated due to lag or other issues, or to tell the rest of your team to pull back if you're overextending, etc.

    Premades with voice comms can call all of that out instantly, while randoms with just text chat have to stop what they're doing and type it all out, then hope that the rest of their team is paying attention to chat.
  • menetherinb16_ESO
    No Bg's possible at all on EU, pretty *** shoddy.

    And no mention of when it will be fixed. Ive only been back in the game 4 months, quit pretty early on after launch but I can understand where the toxicity comes from now lol.
  • Cerotonin
    These long queues that last for more than 20 minutes are annoying. Sometimes I’ll get lucky and it’ll go within 5. Then I’ll get slapped with an endless load screen where I’m not even pulled into the match. Then there are times when it doesn’t continue gathering players and it gives us the “not enough players so the instance will close in 10 seconds” kind of message. The instance closure also fails so we’re forced to take the penalty.
  • Ysbriel
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Ysbriel wrote: »
    At first i was always wondering why people would be complaining about going against premades being random, but there is that factor that you mentioned about trying to get your team work together. Communication is really an advantage and premades usually use discord and of course are either guildmates or plain buddy old pals. However the PC community has been against having voice communication in this game because [insert self justified antisocial reason here]
    And yes there is time when one lands on a team and it’s instant chemistry but that is not a recurring case.

    I haven't seen a single person against having native voice comms in the PC version of the game, whether it be an in-house solution from Zenimax themselves, or some form of Discord integration where in-game groups may create temporary Discord groups, or whatever.

    here but two links I dug up as an example because I've seen the topic many times on this forum, discord itself, reddit, youtube comments and even on the zone chat. Even for runs people are really reluctant to join a discord. I bet if you can summon the thread necromancers they would be able to find better examples.. but not to stray off most definitely having some sort native comms, even if it’s group chat only would be great.
  • Indoril_Nerevar

    "Happy Halloween-To-Be! and Happy Devil's Night for Me!"

    It's a game mode, where Orange Team and Blue Team and 3 Players on YOUR Team are all friends in the SAME guild or manner of speaking.

    You forgot to mention that. It's a very popular "trend" and it really screws up the entire game mode for the odd ones out of the friends, who are Farming Alliance Points and killing eachother on different teams to get free ranks upgraded.
  • FierceSam
    I am curious.

    You have almost all the BG achievements and a load of BG experience. Who do you expect to be playing against?

    I assume the reason there isn’t a separate solo/group BG queue is that the population is not large enough (it’s why you don’t get to choose your preferred game or the map). So I would assume that a player with almost all the achievements would get put with other players who had almost all the achievements. Chances are many of these players will be in regular groups.

    If players with no achievements and little BG experience are getting put in with experienced premades, you’ve got almost no chance of avoiding them.

    But genuinely curious about who you would want to play with/against if you could pick the teams
  • jcm2606
    FierceSam wrote: »
    I am curious.

    You have almost all the BG achievements and a load of BG experience. Who do you expect to be playing against?

    I assume the reason there isn’t a separate solo/group BG queue is that the population is not large enough (it’s why you don’t get to choose your preferred game or the map). So I would assume that a player with almost all the achievements would get put with other players who had almost all the achievements. Chances are many of these players will be in regular groups.

    If players with no achievements and little BG experience are getting put in with experienced premades, you’ve got almost no chance of avoiding them.

    But genuinely curious about who you would want to play with/against if you could pick the teams

    Not premades, obviously. You don't pit a team of complete randoms against a fully coordinated team, especially on a platform without native voice comms. Doesn't matter if they're all of similar performance levels, one team is coordinated, the other's aren't, so you shouldn't be putting them together.
  • ForzaRammer
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    FierceSam wrote: »
    I am curious.

    You have almost all the BG achievements and a load of BG experience. Who do you expect to be playing against?

    I assume the reason there isn’t a separate solo/group BG queue is that the population is not large enough (it’s why you don’t get to choose your preferred game or the map). So I would assume that a player with almost all the achievements would get put with other players who had almost all the achievements. Chances are many of these players will be in regular groups.

    If players with no achievements and little BG experience are getting put in with experienced premades, you’ve got almost no chance of avoiding them.

    But genuinely curious about who you would want to play with/against if you could pick the teams

    Not premades, obviously. You don't pit a team of complete randoms against a fully coordinated team, especially on a platform without native voice comms. Doesn't matter if they're all of similar performance levels, one team is coordinated, the other's aren't, so you shouldn't be putting them together.

    Just remove que as a group function completely.
  • Lady_Linux
    I thought BG was disabled as per the maintenance notes
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • Lady_Linux
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    FierceSam wrote: »
    I am curious.

    You have almost all the BG achievements and a load of BG experience. Who do you expect to be playing against?

    I assume the reason there isn’t a separate solo/group BG queue is that the population is not large enough (it’s why you don’t get to choose your preferred game or the map). So I would assume that a player with almost all the achievements would get put with other players who had almost all the achievements. Chances are many of these players will be in regular groups.

    If players with no achievements and little BG experience are getting put in with experienced premades, you’ve got almost no chance of avoiding them.

    But genuinely curious about who you would want to play with/against if you could pick the teams

    Not premades, obviously. You don't pit a team of complete randoms against a fully coordinated team, especially on a platform without native voice comms. Doesn't matter if they're all of similar performance levels, one team is coordinated, the other's aren't, so you shouldn't be putting them together.

    Just remove que as a group function completely.

    I posted a poll about it but most people seem to want to keep the group finder.
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • ChunkyCat
    Rezdayn wrote: »
    1) Take ages to get into a game (queue for 5 minutes, stop the queue, re-queue, instant pop. As if thats the way it is meant to work)

    4) While I am already in a game I have a notification asking if I want to join a BG.. while already in one..

    This happens to me, too.

    Something is definitely borked.
  • jcm2606
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    FierceSam wrote: »
    I am curious.

    You have almost all the BG achievements and a load of BG experience. Who do you expect to be playing against?

    I assume the reason there isn’t a separate solo/group BG queue is that the population is not large enough (it’s why you don’t get to choose your preferred game or the map). So I would assume that a player with almost all the achievements would get put with other players who had almost all the achievements. Chances are many of these players will be in regular groups.

    If players with no achievements and little BG experience are getting put in with experienced premades, you’ve got almost no chance of avoiding them.

    But genuinely curious about who you would want to play with/against if you could pick the teams

    Not premades, obviously. You don't pit a team of complete randoms against a fully coordinated team, especially on a platform without native voice comms. Doesn't matter if they're all of similar performance levels, one team is coordinated, the other's aren't, so you shouldn't be putting them together.

    Just remove que as a group function completely.

    You mean remove the ability to queue up as a premade group? Even though I'm against premades matching against solo queues, that's a bad idea.

    The match maker just has to do a better job at separating the two, is all. The match maker currently inflates the MMR of groups in an effort to separate groups from solo queues, assuming that solo queues can't possibly reach MMR values that high. Well, they can if they've played enough, due to how MMR works, and, they can if they sit in queue long enough, since MMR restrictions get looser the longer you sit in queue.

    They literally just need to remove MMR inflation of groups, introduce a new variable that represents the size of the group, and work that new variable into group matching, balancing groups based on their size relative to the size of groups on the other teams. For example:

    Groups can only match with other groups with a size difference of 1, so a duo can only match with 2 solo queues, or a 3-man if the duo has a solo queue of its own. A 3-man can only match with a duo plus a solo queue, or a 4-man if the 3-man has a solo queue of its own. A 4-man can only match with other full 4-mans, or a 3-man with a solo queue of its own. Etc.

    Since group MMR is actually indicative of the average MMR of the group, as it's no longer inflated corresponding to group size, the match maker can use MMR to look for viable solo queues. If you're in a duo and you've match against a 3-man, the match maker will look for your matching solo queue within slightly higher MMR brackets to make up for that fact that it's a 2+1 vs 3.

    Similar to how MMR restrictions gradually relax the longer you sit in queue, group size restrictions could gradually relax, too, depending on how many groups are in the queue. The more imbalanced the match becomes, maybe the more MMR weighting is used to find viable solo queues to match against.
  • yRaven
    You forgot the it's bugged right and just lead you to a infinite loadscreen
    Jack of all trades. Master of at least one.
    Àrës - Magicka Dragonknight (EP)
    Persephónē - Magicka Warden (EP)
    Athēna - Magicka Templar (EP)
    Hādēs - Magicka Necromancer (EP)
    Hërmës - Runner Troll (EP)
  • scorpius2k1
    The LFG "hotfix" feels strikingly similar to the behavior last year with the Witches Festival. Curious, has the LFG tool been reverted to the old version? Sure feels like it. :|




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