The only people I have seen say otherwise are more concerned with their pride and numbers, than they are concerned with the health of the game.
Cirantille wrote: »Also streak bug is not fixed at all
Still stuck
Also it is still laggy in cyro
No performance improvement
The only people I have seen say otherwise are more concerned with their pride and numbers, than they are concerned with the health of the game.
Yeah, try convince the trial leader that he's concerned with pride and numbers, the next time he kicks you because other classes still do awesome damage and yours has been gutted.
Different people complains about different things. Few are complaining that DLC dungeons are too easy as HM is hard and most players doing vet dungeons are not able to do HM on the newer ones.NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »I find it amusing how some people are complaining that everything is too easy in the game and they can practically do everything naked, then when ZoS are adding nerfs, you know making things harder, then doom, gloom and damnation!
Cirantille wrote: »Also streak bug is not fixed at all
Still stuck
Also it is still laggy in cyro
No performance improvement
They don't plan on fixing that, that's why streak is "free if you don't travel". I feel like everyone over looked this.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »I find it amusing how some people are complaining that everything is too easy in the game and they can practically do everything naked, then when ZoS are adding nerfs, you know making things harder, then doom, gloom and damnation!
deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »...but acting like this is the end of all things is pretty pathetic.
The only people I have seen say otherwise are more concerned with their pride and numbers, than they are concerned with the health of the game.
Yeah, try convince the trial leader that he's concerned with pride and numbers, the next time he kicks you because other classes still do awesome damage and yours has been gutted.
Im sorry but this does not concern at least 80% of the player base. You can do you but the rest do NOT care.
The only people I have seen say otherwise are more concerned with their pride and numbers, than they are concerned with the health of the game.
Yeah, try convince the trial leader that he's concerned with pride and numbers, the next time he kicks you because other classes still do awesome damage and yours has been gutted.
Im sorry but this does not concern at least 80% of the player base. You can do you but the rest do NOT care.
This time they do.
It's not a DPS drop per se:
- DPS is going down but not for everyone in the same way. Gap between "rulers" and "poor man's" classes / specs is widening.
- 90% of the complains are not about DPS, but about the biggest sustain evisceration since Morrowind. It makes the game even more boring, there's no challenge into adding heavy attacks everywhere. Who did 70k DPS before this, is doing 50k now and he is still skipping mechanics like before. He and everyone else, however, now have to bore themselves to tears with heavy attacks.
deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »The game difficulty has NOT increased. The mechanics of each dungeon has NOT changed.
deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »The game difficulty has NOT increased. The mechanics of each dungeon has NOT changed.
The game difficulty for old content has not increased. The mechanics of old dungeons have not changed.
But with power creep comes content creep. Each new dungeon, each new trial, is more challenging than the previous and requires more out of players than the previous.
In other MMOs, this combination of power and content creep is made explicit, in the form of new level caps. In this game, it's implicit, hidden behind the fig leaf that every enemy is just "CP 160", but a "CP 160" trial from 2016 is not the same as a "CP 160" trial from 2019. The three bosses in vMoL have a combined total health of 182M (that's with Hard Mode) and the speed-run is 40 minutes. In Sunspire, we're looking at 398M combined total health (with HM) and the speed-run is 30 minutes. 10 fewer minutes. And well over twice as much health to slog through. That's why DPS levels that were fine in 2016 when vMoL came out are not fine in 2019 for vSS.
The same goes for dungeons. Molag Kena in vWGT HM has, IIRC, around 3M health. The two latest DLC dungeons feature final bosses that have 15M and 17M health on HM. Content in this game creeps as much as power creeps. You can't cut one without consideration of the other.
Rave the Histborn wrote: »It's not a DPS drop per se:
- DPS is going down but not for everyone in the same way. Gap between "rulers" and "poor man's" classes / specs is widening.
- 90% of the complains are not about DPS, but about the biggest sustain evisceration since Morrowind. It makes the game even more boring, there's no challenge into adding heavy attacks everywhere. Who did 70k DPS before this, is doing 50k now and he is still skipping mechanics like before. He and everyone else, however, now have to bore themselves to tears with heavy attacks.
No. The complaints have for the last 7 weeks been about dps. Now that the patch is out everyone is in hysterics because sustain has been so high they have no idea how to work in a HA.
A lot of people on forums are PVE. In PVP the time to kill players has drastically increased favoring bad, zergling players more.
While I do agree the scaling of DOTs in U23 was bad now you have tank builds and over-performing HOTs which just keep anyone afloat topped with shields which just add into the more tanky meta happening.
Myself and several friends have been redoing our build since PTS day one, we still can't find a solid build to kill as fast because a lot of people just don't die anymore.