Donny_Vito wrote: »I can usually tell when a guy makes a female character (which is odd in it's own way, but that's a different topic), as it's usually 6 ft+, athletic, and blonde hair with a revealing outfit. The actual women I play with tend to make their female characters more realistic, not the Hollywood-version of themselves.
Their "hard" work usually hurt my eyes. Most of player characters I encounter in Tamriel either look like Barbie & Ken or like their creators were colour blind. I'm also nearly sure that outfit system causes FPS drops.
Donny_Vito wrote: »
I can usually tell when a guy makes a female character (which is odd in it's own way, but that's a different topic), as it's usually 6 ft+, athletic, and blonde hair with a revealing outfit. The actual women I play with tend to make their female characters more realistic, not the Hollywood-version of themselves.
Really? Because as far as being eye-poppingly ugly, ESO fashion system and colors are actually pretty restrained.
TBQH I think the recent thread in this topic had a lot of female opinions already.
I think ESO has a good balance of style options, but if anybody feels a certain type is missing I say give it to them. I don't think it's fair to try and tell others how they cannot cannot dress their characters.
There's a certain style of MMO magic bikini armor I'd find very off-putting to see in ESO... But when I think about it, it's probably because the style doesn't fit. We have some bikini-ish outfit, and they work because they look like something that belongs in Tamriel. All good.
I know, I don't really know how people can describe ESO as being extreme, in that way?
Bingo! You generally don't see fat people in careers where they are near constantly running, fighting, jumping, crawling, climbing, etc. They are going to be a lot more fit than say, the average person sitting behind a computer desk controlling their every thought and action.
I identify as male, if that makes any difference. And yet, I find myself curious - women, who play ESO particularly - what are YOUR preferences, as far as the degree to which you are encouraged/forced/allowed to demonstrate some degree of your sexuality/gender identity? While I have no way of limiting this poll to actual female-only perspectives, I'm still curious - given your options, what do you WANT? Everyone ELSE seems to have opinions on how you should/should not have to identify your sense of identity/gender/sexuality, but I'm curious what you all personally prefer. Obviously, this is a bit of a loaded question, and I have no personal judgements on which way you should go - and if I've missed a particular option or perspective, please feel free to explicate - but I'm genuinely curious - what do YOU want? What's important to YOU as far as the physical, visual fashion identifiers that go into visualizing female characters.
and if anyone is wondering why I don't ask the same thing about male characters - the honest truth is, from my own one seems to care.Honestly, it feels to me like most men don't seem to have any particular objections to the armor offerings that male characters are offered, beyond the occasionally annoying hip-flaps that seem to show up on so much ESO armor (me, personally, I hate fur on my armor, but that's just a me thing)
but the point is, lots of people seem to have strong opinions on the offerings of female armor offerings, and I'm curious what women, as a general segment of the population, would prefer - many women I've talked to enjoy some degree of fashion alteration that allows them to demonstrate their physical femininity, but not all of them - so I'm curious what the female proportion of the ESO population prefers.
If you identify as male and feel the absolute need to throw in your own opinion, feel free, but it's kind of contrary to the point of the poll, if you don't mind me saying so.