Female perspective on armor/fashion choices

  • Ratzkifal
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    Considering armor like this existed for men, there is some room for freedom of expression within realistic armor designs.
    There is also an interesting video made by Shadiversity on this topic.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Dusk_Coven
    An online game with fashion choices is a very safe place for people to dress and feel "sexy" without (often negative) real-world attention.
    Even to say something sexually demeaning costs that other person some effort to find your @name or scramble up to you and whisper you, that I think a lot of people just don't bother. I think that interface, plus the possibility that the player behind the toon is male, puts a lid of uncivil behavior. But obviously it can still happen https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/497320/pretty-creepy
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on October 15, 2019 8:50PM
  • Starlock
    you forgot to include my personal perspective - let me explain it to you
    I'll have to confess the framing in the OP just plain confused me. I don't think about aesthetics in this way at all. Not in my personal life, and not in video games either. My philosophy of aesthetics as a storyteller isn't really that different than my philosophy of aesthetics in real life - wear what makes sense for your character. It's not any more complicated than that. When I design characters in this game, aesthetics are one of many considerations. I will design their outfits in ways that express who they are. Some of the story of that character is expressed through the aesthetics of their outfit.

    As an example, one of my characters is a bosmer. Her background is that she grew up largely in the wilderness and she isn't that comfortable in cities. Her color palate features a lot of earth tones - browns and greens - and the motifs I use will look more rustic or animal. As she needs to move quickly in the undergrowth, she's not going to wear long robes that could snag or have protruding armor bits that could get caught on branches. Her combat style involves a lot of tumbling, so she also needs something sleek and form-fitting. From there, I look at the options available and do the best I can with what's there. I don't care if the outfit is described as "fashion" or "function" or "sexy" - the outfit is there to help tell the story of the character.
  • Nestor
    Armor options should be "fashionable" (as in allowing a modest degree of feminine distinctive quality while avoiding overt sexuality)
    I am a dude.

    All my characters, male and female are good looking. If I wanted to look at ugly, I would look in a mirror.

    I like the females to look like women, but that does not mean skimpy clothes, just something feminine looking. One of my characters is currently wearing something skimpiish, but she is currently in Murkmire and you wear less clothing in a swamp. A male character would do the same. All my other females are dressed more modestly, but there is no mistaking their femininity.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • yRaven
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    My mages are like a priest, but my Staminas? Open to the world like Korra 3s after discovering she's the avatar

    And yes i'm a boy, yes all my characters are female... well soon the werewolf will not be, not in body at least ;)
    Edited by yRaven on October 15, 2019 9:08PM
    Jack of all trades. Master of at least one.
    Àrës - Magicka Dragonknight (EP)
    Persephónē - Magicka Warden (EP)
    Athēna - Magicka Templar (EP)
    Hādēs - Magicka Necromancer (EP)
    Hërmës - Runner Troll (EP)
  • Dusk_Coven
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    I can usually tell when a guy makes a female character (which is odd in it's own way, but that's a different topic), as it's usually 6 ft+, athletic, and blonde hair with a revealing outfit. The actual women I play with tend to make their female characters more realistic, not the Hollywood-version of themselves.

    If I'm gonna have to stare at my toon all day, I'd like to make them pretty to look at.
    But (e.g. in SWTOR, Mass Effect) if there are romance options, then I choose based on my romance target -- especially since often you still don't have a choice except heterosexual. SWTOR's done a good job of loosening those restrictions since Manaan.
  • Conduit0
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    I don't care what you identify as, number 4 is the only correct option. People should be free to design the look of their character's any way they want within the confines of the in game setting. Trying to force other people to conform to your personal preference is never acceptable.
  • Mettaricana
    Armor options should be "sexy" (as in armor designs that allow me to accentuate/display female sexuality)
    I relaly do want my chainmail bikini kimda disappointed by this being the only mmo without that armor type...
  • DarcyMardin
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    Free choice is my preference. I’m a woman and so are almost all of my characters. I’ve never been a fan of the crazy bikini armor so common in MMOs — clearly designed to appeal to the male eye. I remember a character of mine in the original Guild Wars who was allegedly end-game armored in a skimpy bikini and a few tattoos. How she ever survived to the end, I’ll never know.

    But when my characters are at home in ESO, strolling around a city or crafting, I like the option of wearing something at least somewhat feminine and/or sexy. When they are out fighting, though, I prefer them wearing comfortable non-gendered clothing that will help keep them alive!
    Edited by DarcyMardin on October 15, 2019 9:34PM
  • redgreensunset
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    Options, I am and will always be, pro options.

    Personally I go for functional armor with the occasional fashionable one thrown in, but that's how I work. If soemeone else want to run around in chainmail bikini or low cut mage robe, slit up in the sides, then more power to them. As long as I have choices of good looking practical, full body covering armors and outfits I have never seen the idea in limiting anyone else's choices. And I am quite frankly a little weirded out by other people who wants to limit what others can and cannot wear.
  • Loralai_907
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    No two of my characters have the same look. Everyone has a different costume or outfit, mount, and pet. I don't tend to like the party dresses or the armor that is more manly in shape. But I don't care if those things are options for the people that want them. Just because I personally wouldn't want to use them doesn't mean that I should think that my opinion carries the most weight and anyone thinking differently than me is wrong. I like that there are a lot of choices and people are free to design their characters look in a variety of ways.
    PC-NA - formerly, mommadani907Guild: Weeping Angels - Co-GMTwitter: @ Loralai_907 several Alt accounts....CP 1700+
    Active characters:Fauna Rosewood ( Bosmer Stam DK - Master Crafter/AD)///Loralai Darknova (Drunken Zombie Bosmer Stam Sorc - PvP/AD)Lilith Darknova ( Dunmer Mag DK - Master Crafter - PvP/AD)///and roughly 1billion alts
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    I like having as many options as possible because variety never hurts. Outfits don't hurt anyone whether they're skimpy or a burkha, so I don't understand the opposition here. As long as everyone has a choice to make something they like and aren't told that they're wrong for liking it, then there's no problem.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Sylvermynx
    you forgot to include my personal perspective - let me explain it to you
    As a rather old woman, I have some particular things I like. I like very young very tall very slim not busty girls with tiny waist and hips - all the things I myself have never been.

    That said, I often want a many and varied selection of "look" - and this game does a decent (if not stellar) job of providing it. Sometimes I want totally covered (either full heavy armor, or a costume like the Merchant), sometimes I want clinging medium leather on a sylph-like Bosmer or something like the Balmora outfit, sometimes I want not very well covered aka sexy (which this game doesn't actually provide much of - but then at least it's not like Tera....)

    And then we get to my guys. I like them built like football players. And I like the armor options exactly the same as my girls. It depends on the guy. Again, there's not much "aka sexy" for them - Sai's jack, Mazzatun.... *shrug*
  • Wa2p
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    More variety the better. Though, may I make a humble request for some better shirtless or at least sleeveless armor for dudes? Women too sure, but I've been trying to make my main bosmer the way I see him, which is I don't need to stinking chest armor, the pain fuels me. The Minotaur motif on men looks like he won the WWE world championship, Fangs Lair/Fanged Worm -- I detest that bib, Sai's? Little to... Sai. Right now I've settled on that one, but It's still not right. Also, there are so many cool chest piece/arm/back tattoos, and I'd like to actually see them without having to run around in underwear or the nordic bather towel.
  • TheShadowScout
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    Personally, I like my characters outfits to look functional according to their backstory. So my assassi... err... explorer girl wants to have nice armor protecting her, with several outfits for variations in camo (still working on some of them), and my librarian boy wants to have fine robes (black of course, what else would a goth dunmer boy wear), and my paladin-wannabe orcess wants gleaming silver armor that shines with rightousness (sort of), and so on, until my bosmer tree-loving girl who kinda wears not all that much because she is such a nature girl she likes to feel the forest and such... each as their backstory decrees.
    And while I do tend towards "realistic armor looks" for the most part... and kinda wish that some skimpy costumes or outfit styles actually lowered armor class while worn, or (in the case of costumes) unequipped when in combat... I have accepted this and grudingly consider the wider range of options to be the greater good...
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    All 3, but it's not related to what I feel at the moment. I have both female and male characters, who are not toons or avatars, they are characters. Characters with different personalities and backgrounds which grants them different taste in what they like to wear. Though, some of them do have things in common since I have a liking for certain things and I try make their outfits and costumes fitting to the setting, which is why I'm not highly fond of overly glowy skins and mounts.

    It also depends a bit on the race doesn't it? My argonians for example doesn't wear much no matter if they wear armour or clothes, but neither they or I consider it a sexy outfit. It's normal wear for them.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • amapola76
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    I am a woman. 80% of my characters are female, and their style choices are all over the map; as others have said, it depends on what seems consistent with the backstories I have for them.

    The more choice the better, as far as I am concerned. That being said, I'm glad that even the "sexy" outfits in ESO are not egregiously tacky, and even most of the skimpier outfits seem lore friendly. Also, it seems like most of the skimpier outfits are costumes rather than armor, which makes more sense as a practical matter. Skimpy belly-dancing outfit? Sure! Skimpy rogue leathers or melee armor? Ummm no, no thank you. Over all, I think ESO does a MUCH better job of this internal consistency than other games I have played.

    I'm also glad that other people have choices, but that being said, that doesn't mean I won't judge you for your choices. I mean, if you run up to me in the street, and ask me to group up in some way, and it's blatantly clear that you're a man who has given his toon the biggest bosom possible, and the skimpiest possible outfit... nah, I'm probably not going to want to join your guild or accept your friend request or run a dungeon with you. (This is true times a million if you're a grown-ass man who refers to his characters as... SHUDDER... "his girls." Because, whoa, the unholy creep factor of that.)

    Again, I don't have any interest in stopping other people from making any design choices they want, but I'm definitely going to make some assessments about who you are and whether we are going to interact.
  • Mr_Walker
    Commancho wrote: »

    Their "hard" work usually hurt my eyes. Most of player characters I encounter in Tamriel either look like Barbie & Ken or like their creators were colour blind. I'm also nearly sure that outfit system causes FPS drops.

    Really? Because as far as being eye-poppingly ugly, ESO fashion system and colors are actually pretty restrained.

    Anyone who played GTAO and ever saw GiantsGiants cars knows what truly hideous is. I think I once actually had a mini stroke from looking at one of his creations.
  • KillsAllElves
    Almost all armors and costumes in eso look awful and they look worse on female characters.
  • Tigerseye
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    Definitely all 3, then we are free to choose. :smile:
  • Tigerseye
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    Donny_Vito wrote: »

    I can usually tell when a guy makes a female character (which is odd in it's own way, but that's a different topic), as it's usually 6 ft+, athletic, and blonde hair with a revealing outfit. The actual women I play with tend to make their female characters more realistic, not the Hollywood-version of themselves.

    You know women who are tall, blonde and athletic do exist, though, right?

    Also, if you choose to place the cursor in the bigger side of the triangle, for example, it puts weight on the bottom half of the character, almost entirely.

    Making every char, that is not very slim, appear pear-shaped.

    Meaning that if a woman has a more hourglass, heart shaped/"busty", or apple shape and has tried to make her char reflect that, it will then undo all that work.

    So, they will, of course, tend go for the middle of the triangle (which gives an "athletic" look), as the only real way of retaining the original body shape they created.

    Also, the logic may be that if a char is running around for hours a day, they will of course become fit, even if their owner isn't as fit.

    So, there is that, too.
    Edited by Tigerseye on October 16, 2019 6:48AM
  • Tigerseye
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    Mr_Walker wrote: »

    Really? Because as far as being eye-poppingly ugly, ESO fashion system and colors are actually pretty restrained.

    I know, I don't really know how people can describe ESO as being extreme, in that way?

    The only really bright colour I have is the latest yellow-orange from Elsweyr.

    My only other way of making a fairly brightly coloured outfit is by using the Easter dye stamp, from a couple of years ago, which produces an irridescent, sunset effect on a certain costume.
    Edited by Tigerseye on October 16, 2019 7:04AM
  • jainiadral
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    Raisin wrote: »
    TBQH I think the recent thread in this topic had a lot of female opinions already.

    I think ESO has a good balance of style options, but if anybody feels a certain type is missing I say give it to them. I don't think it's fair to try and tell others how they cannot cannot dress their characters.
    There's a certain style of MMO magic bikini armor I'd find very off-putting to see in ESO... But when I think about it, it's probably because the style doesn't fit. We have some bikini-ish outfit, and they work because they look like something that belongs in Tamriel. All good.

    Totally agree. ESO's revealing outfits still seem like something people of various races/species would reasonably wear. Most of the costumes and armors I've seen in this game seem fitting, even if they're not to my personal taste.
  • sionIV
    All armor options should be "functional" (eg. be as close to "realistic" armor functionality as possible)
    I would like to be able to equip a pair of rotary wings.
  • mague
    Since i am a NPC for everyone else i try to fit the "landscape". On the female the most revealing is the mazzatun skirt. It is not so much about prudery but to respect other players visual experience of the game. I know, i am on a lost spot with all those pink orcs and all those skins.
  • Glurin
    Tigerseye wrote: »

    I know, I don't really know how people can describe ESO as being extreme, in that way?

    ESO in general? Nah. No way. Plenty of other MMOs that blow ESO out of the water on the outrageously ugly outfits front. Although, some people can find extremism in just about anything these days.

    Having said that, I have seen some shockingly horrific outfits. Like, ok, so you chose that color combination so you'd stand out? Well, mission accomplished. :neutral:
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • russelmmendoza
    you forgot to include my personal perspective - let me explain it to you
    My female perspective on armor in eso.

    First of all I love females, because I am a male.

    Secondly, I want armor to be cbbe with physics compatable.

    Thirdly, I want apache hair compatible.
  • Vanos444
    Armor options should be "sexy" (as in armor designs that allow me to accentuate/display female sexuality)
    Lol! I hope you know. Males do play female characters, right?!
    On topic, As a male I want female armors to be like this in lineage 2 { tap the spoiler tap before SJW's gets jealous, I know ESO as a ton of them creeping around....}
    WoW also as this as well.

    Sadly, ESO has in the form of rare costume...
    Like my main in this Link
    Edited by Vanos444 on October 16, 2019 8:46AM
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Glurin wrote: »

    Bingo! You generally don't see fat people in careers where they are near constantly running, fighting, jumping, crawling, climbing, etc. They are going to be a lot more fit than say, the average person sitting behind a computer desk controlling their every thought and action. ;)

    I might’ve misread this but I just wanted to pop in and say Fable 2 would like to say hello- Aka it’s the only game so far I’ve played where eating cheese gains fat, and celery gains thin on your character.
  • Grianasteri
    I'd like a selection of all 3 (functional, fashionable, and sexy, allowing me to choose depending on how I feel at any given moment)
    phermitgb wrote: »
    I identify as male, if that makes any difference. And yet, I find myself curious - women, who play ESO particularly - what are YOUR preferences, as far as the degree to which you are encouraged/forced/allowed to demonstrate some degree of your sexuality/gender identity? While I have no way of limiting this poll to actual female-only perspectives, I'm still curious - given your options, what do you WANT? Everyone ELSE seems to have opinions on how you should/should not have to identify your sense of identity/gender/sexuality, but I'm curious what you all personally prefer. Obviously, this is a bit of a loaded question, and I have no personal judgements on which way you should go - and if I've missed a particular option or perspective, please feel free to explicate - but I'm genuinely curious - what do YOU want? What's important to YOU as far as the physical, visual fashion identifiers that go into visualizing female characters.

    and if anyone is wondering why I don't ask the same thing about male characters - the honest truth is, from my own perspective...no one seems to care. :) Honestly, it feels to me like most men don't seem to have any particular objections to the armor offerings that male characters are offered, beyond the occasionally annoying hip-flaps that seem to show up on so much ESO armor (me, personally, I hate fur on my armor, but that's just a me thing)

    but the point is, lots of people seem to have strong opinions on the offerings of female armor offerings, and I'm curious what women, as a general segment of the population, would prefer - many women I've talked to enjoy some degree of fashion alteration that allows them to demonstrate their physical femininity, but not all of them - so I'm curious what the female proportion of the ESO population prefers.

    If you identify as male and feel the absolute need to throw in your own opinion, feel free, but it's kind of contrary to the point of the poll, if you don't mind me saying so.

    I have 15 characters and all are male, because I am male (I don't "identify" as male, I just am). I view my characters as versions of me, a form of role play or immersion. I have never been interested in making a female character but some of my friends do and put a lot of effort into designing their looks, but being "sexy" or "revealing" does not play any part in that design. Think of it like this, when I design my male characters, I am not thinking about what is sexy, I am thinking about a theme, a look that reflects their play style, their story and usually that is more functional than flamboyant or unrealistic. Its the same for when my friends design their female characters. Each to their own I guess.

    I think variety is the key, people should have the choice of using different types of armour for their male and female characters.
    Edited by Grianasteri on October 16, 2019 9:41AM
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