Emma_Overload wrote: »
LOL, no it doesn't. It takes 2+ hours now to check every trader if you are looking for an obscure or hard-to-get item. At the very least, guild traders should be centrally searchable. If they finally implemented this search function, they should also let you put a deposit (10% or whatever) to hold the item for an hour so you have time to travel to the trader.
"Works fine for me" does not equal "works fine". Clearly, judging from "these ppl with the AH threads", it doesn't "work fine" for everyone, not even close. Trading is very unlikely to change now, but these threads are just as legitimate as the dozens of "nerf this" threads that routinely come up.
Agenericname wrote: »
VaranisArano wrote: »Personally, what would really make the current system better is requiring the servers to track every item I buy and keep a running 10 or 11 day countdown on when I can resell it.
Especially the hundred intricate items I bought to decon, the mats I bought for my own use in future writs, and those super cheap motifs I bought during the Anniversary festival figuring prices will go up slightly in another 6 months.
Oh, and it won't even cut down on the overall profit margin, just the immediate profits of the reseller. Any reseller patient enough to wait two weeks can carry on business like usual.
Yes, this will definitely make the trading system better. All the wasted effort is 100% worth it, since players can't be expected to check average prices for certain items in their guilds before selling it. Its dedinitely won't have any harmful inpact on the servers whatsoever.
(No, I don't currently use addons for selling or buying on PC.)
At best, this would only have a measurable effect during the times you see obvious price gouging, like during the first hours of an event or newly released content. Even then, everyone sensible knows that prices will plummet if you wait a couple days to a couple of weeks. Impatient players always pay more.
I don't know if you're being serious, but I was. It's kind of annoying how some people try to silence contrary opinions. Even if you don't favour a global AH, do you honestly believe the subject should be taboo? Just today in another thread someone said this was a settled matter because the devs said so, but when pressed for a quote replied "oh some dev told me personally". Let people discuss, and vent their frustration, and if it doesn't interest you, just move right along.
kathandira wrote: »One reason i'd love to see centralized Auction Houses is because it really wastes my time having to go from Trader to Trader all around Tamriel to find an item I am looking for. Price Gouging and what have you is annoying, but not nearly as annoying as having to waste time with tons of loading screens hopping zone to zone to check different traders.
Yeah that's what really annoys me as well.
I personally don't really care about the "flipping". I've always considered if people want to risk their funds buying up everything in the hopes of scoring a profit later they are probably due some money for their efforts. But it wouldn't bother me to see the practice disappear either, especially since so many players seem to abhor the practice and use it as an argument against globalizing the market.
But expecting players to dive through dozens of load screens (which are lengthy on this game) in an attempt to find some rare motif for sale (or to do the same to figure out how much to sell one for) just isn't reasonable in my opinion. Which is why so many players understandably download addons that shows them where they are or were for sale at. Because even if they are already bought by the time you get there - it still saves you an insane amount of time to at least know which ones to go looking for.
I don't know if you're being serious, but I was. It's kind of annoying how some people try to silence contrary opinions. Even if you don't favour a global AH, do you honestly believe the subject should be taboo? Just today in another thread someone said this was a settled matter because the devs said so, but when pressed for a quote replied "oh some dev told me personally". Let people discuss, and vent their frustration, and if it doesn't interest you, just move right along.
kathandira wrote: »
I'm sadly a Console player who doesn't have add ons = /
I don't envy you. ; ;
Console players have my condolences for having to deal with this game's guild trader system without the assistance of addons. I frankly don't even know how ya'll put up with it. Because even though I don't use addons myself - I'll fully admit I benefit from the presence of addons that have largely globalized the market on the PC and lead to a reliable price history that enables you to price your items competitively and to sell from rural traders. If not for addons - I doubt any of that would be possible.
kathandira wrote: »
I basically try to avoid using Traders at all costs. And when I do use them, i'm sorta forced to pay a "Convenience Tax" if I want to avoid travelling all over the world to get better prices.
I don't know if you're being serious, but I was. It's kind of annoying how some people try to silence contrary opinions. Even if you don't favour a global AH, do you honestly believe the subject should be taboo? Just today in another thread someone said this was a settled matter because the devs said so, but when pressed for a quote replied "oh some dev told me personally". Let people discuss, and vent their frustration, and if it doesn't interest you, just move right along.
VaranisArano wrote: »
Considering the player saying that is Nestor, I have no trouble beliving them.
Especially since that falls well in line with ZOS' desire for something other than an auction house - which was true from before launch, well before even the current guild trader system was implemented, and we can find quotes to that effect. Then you add the recent updates to the guild system like Guild Finder and Multibidding, and what we see is that ZOS is doubling down on the Guild Trader system, not looking at changing to a totally different auction house system.
This thread is part of just another monthly round of auction house threads. Use the search function, and you'll see the same threads with the same arguments, over and over again. We had a big poll about it in June, same arguments, same result. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/479475/poll-would-you-like-a-global-ah-as-in-other-games/
How about a Global Search qol update?
Every item searched at any guild trader has the guild, & trader location next to item.
1. Throw the idea of best trader spots out the window for more convienent.
2. Item search is no longer such a time consuming nuisance.
3. Trade guilds can continue to do what they do.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »You wanna talk price gouging?
How about we start with the NPC grocer selling us carrots at 150 gold. PER CARROT.
Maybe if some of the basic goods weren't stupidly expensive we wouldn't have to shop the Guild Stores in the first place.
When a carrot in a Guild Store at 10 gold... 20 gold... even 50 gold is "cheap" compared to the alternative. <.<
And after you cook that carrot you're lucky to sell the meal for 1 gold.
Where are these ppl coming from with the AH threads lately. Leave it alone, trading system works fine the way it is. If you dont like it go play WoW.
VaranisArano wrote: »Considering the player saying that is Nestor, I have no trouble beliving them.
starkerealm wrote: »A carrot averages 6-8g in guild stores.
Agenericname wrote: »
That would circumvent one of the protections that the current system offers the players. If you could search centrally and lock the items, one could simply search for all the cornflower, put their deposit down, and stop anyone who was 2 minutes behind them from acquiring any at all.
That's an incredibly low standard to measure something by.
kathandira wrote: »One reason i'd love to see centralized Auction Houses is because it really wastes my time having to go from Trader to Trader all around Tamriel to find an item I am looking for. Price Gouging and what have you is annoying, but not nearly as annoying as having to waste time with tons of loading screens hopping zone to zone to check different traders.
For a healthier competitive market we need to setup controls, price gouging is a common practice that has been complained about in many post from people who want a new AH trading system or others that mention that they don't like the bid system. One of the things ZOS could implement is that whatever gear, motif, food, writ, collectible and non ingredient is now bound to your account and you cannot resell it or make it bound for at least make it bound for a week and a half so that way the item is not part of the weekly sales for bids. What say you?
How about a Global Search qol update?
Every item searched at any guild trader has the guild, & trader location next to item.
1. Throw the idea of best trader spots out the window for more convienent.
2. Item search is no longer such a time consuming nuisance.
3. Trade guilds can continue to do what they do.
Might as well ask to get rid of Cyrodiil. There are people that think the best part of the game is the trading system and they spend a good part of their time looking for items to flip. If you don't like this particular part of the game you don't have to participate but you shouldn't take it away from those that enjoy it. These super traders put as much time into trading as trial guilds looking to get on the leader boards put into running trials. I know I will never make it on the leader boards but I don't want them removed from the game.
Emma_Overload wrote: »
Who could afford to lose 10% of the selling price of all Cornflower in the guild stores just to troll?
This is one of the worst ideas concerning guild traders I have ever seen. First of all, no one can price gouge you unless you let them and what is price gouging is really just an opinion. Second of all, there are players who enjoy searching for deals available at secondary trading areas then selling them at a profit at the busier areas. That is good and wise commerce. Shutting it down does not make sense.
Edit: forgot. OP's idea also prevents helping a friend with buying them some gear. It absolutely prevents that. What fool would hold onto the items for a week when the friend would have out leveled the gear.
And lets support the NPC vendor. That NPC selling carrots at such a high price has NPC children to feed. We are just not permitted to see the children for their safety.