All you magdk players, what are the disadvantages of playing a magdk in your opinion, been playing one for a couple weeks now and I don’t see any. We get 2 unblockable undodgeable CC, (fossilize and leap) the best class heal in the game, the ability to charge up flames of oblivion for 15k whips (out of combat at that) can stack in to speed so mobility is no problem, can use shadowrend for less damage taken, be nord for extra tankieness, use meditate for unlimited sustain( bashing it works maybe.. sometimes..bugged?) and all the dots. I like it. It’s my new main. Thoughts?
mDK has a rough time balancing between offense and defense. DK plays best if you stay aggressive and on the offense all the time, but lacking options for Major Evasion, Major Expedition (there is one, but it's an offensive buff) choosing WHERE you fight is more important than on other classes, particularly stam, that can run circles around you. You can play super bursty or super tanky, but the sweet spot in between is hard to find outside of pugging and zerging. And sustain on this class is terrible.
mDK is really strong this patch but has had it's time spent in dumpster tier. It seems like it will be a bit weaker next patch, but still viable. It's by far my favorite class, and I've thought that since I started playing it in the dumpster tier era.
Unfortunately I do agree with Ghost that magplar *currently* is a better front line bruiser class, along with stam DK. Which seems out of whack to me.
P.S. Strongest class heal by far goes to mag sorc... but they have to double bar it and you can kill it.
P.P.S. Leap is dodgeable.
All you magdk players, what are the disadvantages of playing a magdk in your opinion, been playing one for a couple weeks now and I don’t see any. We get 2 unblockable undodgeable CC, (fossilize and leap) the best class heal in the game, the ability to charge up flames of oblivion for 15k whips (out of combat at that) can stack in to speed so mobility is no problem, can use shadowrend for less damage taken, be nord for extra tankieness, use meditate for unlimited sustain( bashing it works maybe.. sometimes..bugged?) and all the dots. I like it. It’s my new main. Thoughts?
The drawbacks are
-Not enough bar space to utilise everything. On paper we have access to great things but you generally are sacrificing something else to slot it
deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »
All you magdk players, what are the disadvantages of playing a magdk in your opinion, been playing one for a couple weeks now and I don’t see any. We get 2 unblockable undodgeable CC, (fossilize and leap) the best class heal in the game, the ability to charge up flames of oblivion for 15k whips (out of combat at that) can stack in to speed so mobility is no problem, can use shadowrend for less damage taken, be nord for extra tankieness, use meditate for unlimited sustain( bashing it works maybe.. sometimes..bugged?) and all the dots. I like it. It’s my new main. Thoughts?
Ingel_Riday wrote: »Enjoy being useful while it lasts, hombre. It won't last long.
Weak ranged attacks, bad sustain, lack of mobility. After update this class will be dead. I mean what you gonna do against ranged attacks? Spam rocks? Lol even if you get in the close range what you gonna do? Slap them few times with a whip before they get away again because all your other abilities will be pathetic?
I ROCK on my DK. Ftfy xDWeak ranged attacks, bad sustain, lack of mobility. After update this class will be dead. I mean what you gonna do against ranged attacks? Spam rocks? Lol even if you get in the close range what you gonna do? Slap them few times with a whip before they get away again because all your other abilities will be pathetic?
I roll on my DK
Weak ranged attacks, bad sustain, lack of mobility. After update this class will be dead. I mean what you gonna do against ranged attacks? Spam rocks? Lol even if you get in the close range what you gonna do? Slap them few times with a whip before they get away again because all your other abilities will be pathetic?
No, elaborate pls.Weak ranged attacks, bad sustain, lack of mobility. After update this class will be dead. I mean what you gonna do against ranged attacks? Spam rocks? Lol even if you get in the close range what you gonna do? Slap them few times with a whip before they get away again because all your other abilities will be pathetic?
Dk have a class gap closer You know ?
I ROCK on my DK. Ftfy xDWeak ranged attacks, bad sustain, lack of mobility. After update this class will be dead. I mean what you gonna do against ranged attacks? Spam rocks? Lol even if you get in the close range what you gonna do? Slap them few times with a whip before they get away again because all your other abilities will be pathetic?
I roll on my DK
No, elaborate pls.Weak ranged attacks, bad sustain, lack of mobility. After update this class will be dead. I mean what you gonna do against ranged attacks? Spam rocks? Lol even if you get in the close range what you gonna do? Slap them few times with a whip before they get away again because all your other abilities will be pathetic?
Dk have a class gap closer You know ?