I think I understand the OP and agree if they mean that well thought out intelligent posts in feedback threads created by the staff should be responded to regularly. This comes across as engagement interaction transparency.
chetter_hummin wrote: »Pts feedback, or at least 99% of it can be summarize like this : I don't want change, I don't want to adapt and improve, revert all changes except my favorite class x skill.
This is not feedback. U didn't present a couple of cmx parses on pts or test the pvp damage. U just whine thinking u know without testing that everything is nerfed and game will collapse.
So yeah how can they respond when no feedback was provided.?!
Very dangerous assumption to make. Similar situation happened over at SWTOR with the Galactic Command System in the 5.0 patch. Very heavy amount of uproar about during testing about how bad the system was, how much it was reversing five years of the game, and that it would be bad if it went live.
Well, it went live. And it resulted in a massive loss of players and ultimately cost the producer his job. Now they operate with a skeleton crew and spent two years walking back the disaster that was this system they were warned would have a big negative impact.
So don't always assume it is a small minority. Sometimes, it just might happen to be a warning sign you are about to make a huge mistake.
starkerealm wrote: »
Might be because they're looking for feedback, not uninformed tantrums masquerading as feedback.
They read the boards, a lot. Doesn't mean they post. And when you get people wandering in and crying about, "well, buh, Alcast told me..." shut up. Test it yourself, and form an opinion of how it affects you. Don't just look at the numbers on the page and start screaming about how the sky is falling.
starkerealm wrote: »From what I recall, the Galactic Commendation System was serious grind inflation in the overall design. It didn't nerf players outgoing damage, it flat out locked all endgame content behind months of grinding, and put some horrific RNG on that grind, meaning you could, potentially, spend years locked out of end game simply because RNG gave you the middle finger. It meant that existing endgame groups were flat out prohibited from continuing to run the content they enjoyed.
Yeah, that was a bad idea. This is a nerf of abilities that were over-performing.
Yes it was a seriously bad grind inflation. The point being that there was a massive negative uproar about how bad the system was while on PTS and people begging them not to go live with it due to the damage it would cause the game. They went live with it and, as was foretold to them, it did cause a massive player exodus (and, as a result, also cost the game producer his job).
I don't disagree that some things need to be adjusted. What people are fed up with though it the massive swing from one patch to the next. If U23 was that DoTs were underperforming and they upped them too much an cut them back, that is one thing. However, what they are doing is cutting them back to be WORSE than they were in U22. So how could they be so underperforming one patch, and now be cut back to be below the level they deemed they were underperforming at?
What people are sick of is the wild swings from one extreme to the other. Most other MMOs you see incremental adjustments happening from patch to patch. Not these swings from extreme to extreme each patch. It is much less about the details of the adjustments and more the frustration that they really don't seem to have a clue what they are doing and, moreso, the way they are doing it is causing people to lose faith that they will ever achieve some kind of stability.
lordrichter wrote: »ZOS knows that the work they are doing is the right thing to do. They have to do this work because they probably believe that it will make the combat better and the game easier to maintain going forward. If they are going to come up with new standards for the combat and gear in the game, there is going to be change. Some of that change is going to be minor, some of it large, and a lot of it unpopular with the current players. Hopefully, they will be able to pull it off and, while the game may be different, it will be right.
ZOS knows that the forum is going to have a toddler meltdown. The forum always has a toddler meltdown. It is predictable and expected any time there is change. Or, no change.
I can't tell if you are being serious or sarcastic. But if you are serious this statement couldn't be further from the truth.
Furthermore, as for the "forum" meltdowns. You can tell it is much, much different this time. Most negative feedback with other patches comes in small doses with a lot of different things being discussed negatively. This time there seems to be a very broad consensus of negativity around one thing - people are fed up with the wild swings that reset the meta from patch to patch every three months.
starkerealm wrote: »
From what I recall, the Galactic Commendation System was serious grind inflation in the overall design. It didn't nerf players outgoing damage, it flat out locked all endgame content behind months of grinding, and put some horrific RNG on that grind, meaning you could, potentially, spend years locked out of end game simply because RNG gave you the middle finger. It meant that existing endgame groups were flat out prohibited from continuing to run the content they enjoyed.
Yeah, that was a bad idea. This is a nerf of abilities that were over-performing.
Bad feedback is just missed opportunities, and I'm sure the policy is duly noted and quickly forgotten lol! Just kidding, they of course read as much of this as they can but at the end of the day if they don't want to implement something they wont and of course it has to fit their vision. Responses are normally done in patch notes as many have already said here.
lordrichter wrote: »No. I am absolutely serious.
SWTOR flopped way before that when it was full of bugs worse than ESO with lack of content past lvl 50. They never recovered from this unlike ESO. Also they copied WoW combat system abilities for abilities.
I was there at launch and SWTOR was one of the biggest disappointment in my entire life LOL. Waited for 5 years for the next Star Wars MMO. I wish they would make a Star Wars MMORPG again with ESO's combat system but as long as it's with EA we are better off. They pushed the devs to release SWTOR when it was not ready and they do this with all of their games.
But yeah SWTOR was a skeleton crew way before Galactic Commands.
The only difference is ESO got lucky since Zenimax probably gave the devs more flexibility and less employees lay offs compared to SWTOR to repair and keep the game running unlike EA. We can probably thank Zenimax being a private company for that.