Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Bahlokdaan PC NA Part II

  • Coggo
    Lord_Bashu wrote: »
    EP openly, with malice and forethought Gate Camped DC this morning after the turn of the campaign. Inc pvt msg to DC members. We have heard the msg!!

    EP has spoken!! Loud and clear!!

    Open and unrestricted warfare now is the normal for Bahlokdaan.

    Bash, my man. You really need to get a grip. You are aware of:

    1: EP are not a homogenous entity. There is no Red collective hivemind.

    2: There's a world outside. Maybe you need to check it out.
  • Lord_Bashu
    Coggo wrote: »

    Bash, my man. You really need to get a grip. You are aware of:

    1: EP are not a homogenous entity. There is no Red collective hivemind.

    2: There's a world outside. Maybe you need to check it out.

    1: With Respect, reread my org info.

    2: 5 miles in Glenumbra with my dog.. just this morning!! So I was out of Cyro, thanks for the concern.

    Edited by Lord_Bashu on December 17, 2019 1:34AM
  • Heatnix90
    Lord_Bashu wrote: »

    Ok boomer
  • TKOEF1112
    Coggo wrote: »
    Bash, my man. You really need to get a grip.


    The way DC behaves as a faction is exactly the reason I was turned off by them early on.

    They're entirely too dependent on streamers to during midweek madness before faction locking I poked into DC to test the waters, and I was told I had to follow so-and-so's stream and watch it to get a group invite. No other groups were running. Maybe things are different, but the way I see blue activity surges timed with streams makes me doubt it.

    They also talk smack then act all indignant when they get steamrolled.

    I just wish I could faction change that lvl 50 magden.
    Bladestorm Elite
    A certified lizard, iberophile, and cheesemonger
  • esotoon
    TKOEF1112 wrote: »
    They're entirely too dependent on streamers to function.


    There is one big DC streamer that we all know but can't name. He comes and goes from the campaign as and when he wants (as is his right). There is no evil DC High Command that puts up an 'Orc Signal' to call him onto the battlefield in their hour of need. When he is on, often his guild is on so there is a 'zerg' following him. When he is not on, his guild is no where to be seen. They don't care about the campaign (again, as is their right). They are just out to kill, crush, destroy and have fun when they are on and don't give it a second thought when they are not. And yes, in order to run with that streamers guild group, you have to be part of that guild.

    Meanwhile, there are several DC guilds that are on, day in, day out. A couple large, and several small. Some of them care about the campaign. Some are just out to have fun wherever they can get it. At least two of the larger guilds regularly have PUG groups running. Those guilds are not run by streamers. That's not to say there aren't other DC players who stream and some may even run small guilds/groups, but that's the same in all factions.

    So I suggest your concept of DC is, to say the least, slightly off.

    Edited by esotoon on December 17, 2019 4:08PM
  • Heimpai
    All this QQ about pvdooring so I looked and saw a blue map..Thought I'd give you a fight but you bailed? In the end I left Kaal just to see another pvdoor group avoid fighting
  • Incursion
    Is that grabber the "dueldodger"?
  • ZRT
    esotoon wrote: »
    TKOEF1112 wrote: »
    They're entirely too dependent on streamers to function.


    There is one big DC streamer that we all know but can't name. He comes and goes from the campaign as and when he wants (as is his right). There is no evil DC High Command that puts up an 'Orc Signal' to call him onto the battlefield in their hour of need. When he is on, often his guild is on so there is a 'zerg' following him. When he is not on, his guild is no where to be seen. They don't care about the campaign (again, as is their right). They are just out to kill, crush, destroy and have fun when they are on and don't give it a second thought when they are not. And yes, in order to run with that streamers guild group, you have to be part of that guild.

    Meanwhile, there are several DC guilds that are on, day in, day out. A couple large, and several small. Some of them care about the campaign. Some are just out to have fun wherever they can get it. At least two of the larger guilds regularly have PUG groups running. Those guilds are not run by streamers. That's not to say there aren't other DC players who stream and some may even run small guilds/groups, but that's the same in all factions.

    So I suggest your concept of DC is, to say the least, slightly off.

    If you say his name three times in the dark with an offering of elf blood he will ride in with the orcs at his back. But yeah dc is much more than just streamers. A lot of us don't play the map though, my guild is a good example. Devs haven't given us a reason to.
  • Shmoopy
    Merry Christmas friends and frienemies
  • gameswithaspoon
    Happy New Years Bahlokdaan!! Here’s to an awesomesauce 2020!!
    Spoon-no-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Templar AD BWB
    Spoon-ware-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Stamplar AD Bahlokdaan
    Guild Leader Imperium of the Eagle Ravenwatch NA-PC
    Takes Drive-Thru Orders for This is a Wendy's.
  • Shmoopy
    Anyone else getting random fps drops? It's usually fixed by a relog, but just wondering.
  • Kartalin
    Shmoopy wrote: »
    Anyone else getting random fps drops? It's usually fixed by a relog, but just wondering.

    I get fps drops when the blue zerg coalesces about halfway through prime time, but no drops I would call random. There is/was a memory leak so occasionally closing and restarting ESO could help. It might also be an add-on.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • gameswithaspoon
    Happy End of Campaign to All of Bahlokdaan!!

    See you all you lovely people after the jump <3

    -Imperium of the Eagle, Aldmeri Dominion
    Edited by gameswithaspoon on February 24, 2020 8:49AM
    Spoon-no-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Templar AD BWB
    Spoon-ware-Soup Former Emperor Argonian Stamplar AD Bahlokdaan
    Guild Leader Imperium of the Eagle Ravenwatch NA-PC
    Takes Drive-Thru Orders for This is a Wendy's.
  • xshatox
    Happy End of Campaign to All of Bahlokdaan!!

    See you all you lovely people after the jump <3

    -Imperium of the Eagle, Aldmeri Dominion

    arent you guys last place? why are you celebrating.
  • Shmoopy
    xshatox wrote: »

    arent you guys last place? why are you celebrating.
    Some people don't really care about the campaign score, and only come for the fights.
    (I can't really say for sure for spoon though, as she generally only comes on weekends but is more than happy to zerg down a smaller group)

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