EDIT: I was able to figure out the trick to soloing this fight without resorting to WW form. CLICK HERE to jump to the relevant post.EDIT 2: Some time after my successful soloing of BH on Normal, @StytchFingal has managed to solo it on Vet difficulty (albeit with a somewhat different gear setup). Click the link to see his attempt.
This is something that got me thinking. Can Cap'n Blackheart be soloed with a big serving of cheese?

(but no werewolves, please!)
With any "normal" solo build, Blackheart Haven is non-soloable even on normal difficulty, because of mechanics on the final boss.

This makes the player unable to use any abilites, in fact it clears all abilities off the bars (thus desummoning Sorc pets). No selfheal means certain death...

...or does it?
To try this out, I went on the PTS and put together an HP regen stacked build that does NOT rely on any abilities in any way. So monster sets such as Troll King, Engine Guardian, etc. are out of the question.
I went with Alessian + Fortified Brass + Mighty Chudan. HP regen enchants on infused jewelry, HP regen buff drink, Steed mundus.
Just slightly under 5k HP recovery with potion buff active, resistances
way over the hard cap of ~33k.
This is
insane - in nBH the first midboss
could not kill me even after I went AFK for over 10 minutes 
So I skipped all other midbosses - they are optional and would take
forever to kill like that - and went straight for good ol' Cap'n.
The fight... didn't even last 1 minute, I died to the ever-increasing number of adds. Retried a few times with some different approaches, still same result

Ironically, the Cap'n himself was doing barely any lasting damage, I could stand there and facetank him all day -
BUT it seems that the adds keep spawning in without limit???
Next thing I want to try is to switch Fortified for Orgnum's - if this does not work then I can't think of anything else that possibly could.
In fact, I'd have gone with Orgnum's from the start - but I need to do the whole Fighers' Guild questline for that on PTS (PC EU - no character copy!)
Any other ideas, anyone? 
Edit: forgot to mention, I also tried using Robes of the Hist set - but apparently the skeleton form debuff is NOT a "disabling effect" FFS