Please take this game back in the visceral and reactive direction it originally was intended to go.
I remember the very first teasers for this game which aired during the closed beta, and back then the original vision was a game where you could block, interupt, evade and synergize in a fast-paced environment that no other MMOs could offer.
Over ther years, the ability to interupt cast-timed abilities gradually disappeared, and nowadays, almost everything with a cast time is safe to use. In the beginning, synergies sort of mattered - nowadays you just take the purge in PvP. And up until now, the game has been relatively tactical with how CCs worked - but now they are not accessible in the same way.
So what we have now is a game where you just apply a lot of DoTs and try to outlast your opponent who does the same thing to you. The tactical aspect of the game has been dimished and dumbed down too much now. Almost all the competitive guilds left the game within a few years, and they are not coming back as long as this game is becoming more and more casual.
It time to take the game in another direction, and with the removal of many of the classics stuns and roots, at least make more tactical again by making abilities with cast times interruptible.
Most cast-time abilities are extremely powerful and should follow the "high risk - high reward" philosophy. Ultimates should be an exception from this, but for regular abilities, what is the worste that could happen? The player would have to do a CC-break and then life goes on. However, it would make the game more tactical and reactive.
- The Psijic Order
- Dominant Dominion
- The Noore