Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Ping / Tracer ESO mega poll, whats your ping?!

What is your average ping? I'm curious if anyone actually will say 30-50!
I've added spoilers in the main to help readability.

So quick breakdown on my end: internet test to closest server
  • Internet Speed: 220mbps
  • Uploaded Latency: 9 ms
  • Loaded: 882ms
  • Upload:5.8 mbps internet test to Austin TX(AT&T)
  • Ping: 58ms
  • Download MBPS 220mbps
  • Upload 5.8MBs
If you'd like to run test here is the How To Ping/Tracer Test ESO Guide
Post the results below using code block :)

Now lets go ahead and test ESO servers....(US)
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=64ms TTL=241
Reply from bytes=32 time=52ms TTL=241
Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=241
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=241

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 48ms, Maximum = 64ms, Average = 55ms

In-game /latency shows 100+ So what is /latency calculating? Is it accurate? Is this how bad the client is for client to server relation?
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
  1     1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms  Linksys23624 []
  2    21 ms    23 ms    34 ms
  3    13 ms    19 ms    15 ms []
  4    13 ms    29 ms    12 ms []
  5    13 ms    11 ms    16 ms []
  6    13 ms    15 ms    16 ms []
  7    11 ms    10 ms    15 ms []
  8    25 ms    13 ms    14 ms []
  9    20 ms    13 ms    16 ms []
 10    10 ms    12 ms    13 ms []
 11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 12    14 ms    15 ms    19 ms []
 13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 14    55 ms    51 ms    55 ms
 15    50 ms    49 ms    48 ms

Trace complete.
Edited by Casterial on August 17, 2019 10:31AM
Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
The Order of Magnus
Filthy Faction Hoppers

Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

Member since: August 2013
Kill Counter Developer
For the Daggerfall Covenant
The Last Chillrend Empress
Animation Cancelling

Ping / Tracer ESO mega poll, whats your ping?! 107 votes

30 - 50
Hamish999 1 vote
50 - 100
ThunderclapactoshStreegaWeerW3irTandorDemonDruagantheogenicBosovAsmaelKadoinRaddlemanNumber7KappaKid83ChickenSuckerHippie4927Shawn_PTTelvanniWizardgamergirldkYsarieMariusghost84IneedaDollar 21 votes
100 - 150
CasterialSuddwrathBigBraggwenchmore420b14_ESOElsonsoHidesFromSunSilverwillowLylithMayraelAsh_In_My_SujammaCążkiSomewhereGargathCasulessi2MLGProPlayeraltunit21KrawchilogarifmikJierdanit 35 votes
150 - 200
CorpierpandoraderomanusO_LYKOSsiddiqueAthymhormiaafonikOrjixMartiniDaniels 8 votes
200 - 250
leeuxTumlinTheJollyLucyferLightbringerfetito666RunefangdamdamjelBluestatZonasArchVermethysmairwen85Thanatos_inside 11 votes
250 +
jcr1978rwb17_ESOHeadyAlex_LexhondelinkVexariusMirelurkAndyMacrobboliciousOldManJimListerJMCElephant42SnowZeniaBananasneaky_tCelticStonesgroober13Morgul667LordGavusMrGarlicVapirko 31 votes
  • MLGProPlayer
    100 - 150
    I have 1 Gbit internet.

    I average 120 ping in ESO, lol.
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    I have 1 Gbit internet.

    I average 120 ping in ESO, lol.

    Non-prime time I'm about the same. I'm so excited when I see it at 75 though! During primetime I never go below 130... ):
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • jcm2606
    250 +
    Cries in Australian. :'(
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Cries in Australian. :'(

    Yeah... They need to open an oceanic server lol.. But I think it'd be dead
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • jcm2606
    250 +
    Casterial wrote: »
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Cries in Australian. :'(

    Yeah... They need to open an oceanic server lol.. But I think it'd be dead

    To be honest, 250-300 doesn't bother me. It can get annoying, rolling just out of an AoE and still being hit, but it's playable.

    What's not *** playable is 350+, which is what I get if I don't have a VPN up, specifically because of Akamai's *** routing. Drop Akamai so our ping is back to the 250-300 it usually is, work on improving servers so it goes back to the 200-250 it was when I started playing (just before 1T), and I'm good.
  • Siohwenoeht
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.

    Edit: @jcm2606 beat me to it lol!
    Edited by Siohwenoeht on August 17, 2019 9:59AM
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • jcm2606
    250 +
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.

    It's worse for us Oceanic players, actually. It's well known that Akamai sends Oceanic traffic up into Asia and through the Singapore scrubbing center, before sending to the ESO servers. They started doing so just after the Singapore center opened up, which was around October-ish last year, which was around the time our ping basically doubled.

    There was a 10 page thread in the tech support section filled with everybody's traces from all over the Oceanic region (multiple Aussie states, NZ, Asia), and they all showed more or less the same thing. There's a 30+ page thread about this in the general section, and of course there's no actual response from Zenimax.

    I can use a VPN such as Mudfish to bypass Akamai's routing and force Akamai to deal with my traffic as if it was US traffic, but I refuse to support this game while I'm having to pay for a VPN to just have playable ping.
    Edited by jcm2606 on August 17, 2019 10:00AM
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.
    Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
      1     1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms  Linksys23624 []
      2    21 ms    23 ms    34 ms
      3    13 ms    19 ms    15 ms []
      4    13 ms    29 ms    12 ms []
      5    13 ms    11 ms    16 ms []
      6    13 ms    15 ms    16 ms []
      7    11 ms    10 ms    15 ms []
      8    25 ms    13 ms    14 ms []
      9    20 ms    13 ms    16 ms []
     10    10 ms    12 ms    13 ms []
     11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     12    14 ms    15 ms    19 ms []
     13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     14    55 ms    51 ms    55 ms
     15    50 ms    49 ms    48 ms
    Trace complete.

    Interesting that TWO time out. Added Tracer to top. Recorrect the IP as well to be NA ping test.
    Edited by Casterial on August 17, 2019 10:10AM
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Mayrael
    100 - 150
    Usually somewhere here, but when in Cyro, server is sometimes so loaded it's no longer about ping but server not being able to calculate all the data so the real time of response is much higher as ping probably works on different port.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Siohwenoeht
    Casterial wrote: »
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.
    Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
      1     1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms  Linksys23624 []
      2    21 ms    23 ms    34 ms
      3    13 ms    19 ms    15 ms []
      4    13 ms    29 ms    12 ms []
      5    13 ms    11 ms    16 ms []
      6    13 ms    15 ms    16 ms []
      7    11 ms    10 ms    15 ms []
      8    25 ms    13 ms    14 ms []
      9    20 ms    13 ms    16 ms []
     10    10 ms    12 ms    13 ms []
     11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     12    14 ms    15 ms    19 ms []
     13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     14    55 ms    51 ms    55 ms
     15    50 ms    49 ms    48 ms
    Trace complete.

    Interesting that TWO time out.

    It is. I'm surprised that it sent you to Cali, but I guess Texas is geographically closer to there than Massachusetts. San Jose and Santa Clara are two of Akamai's west coast locations.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    Casterial wrote: »
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.
    Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
      1     1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms  Linksys23624 []
      2    21 ms    23 ms    34 ms
      3    13 ms    19 ms    15 ms []
      4    13 ms    29 ms    12 ms []
      5    13 ms    11 ms    16 ms []
      6    13 ms    15 ms    16 ms []
      7    11 ms    10 ms    15 ms []
      8    25 ms    13 ms    14 ms []
      9    20 ms    13 ms    16 ms []
     10    10 ms    12 ms    13 ms []
     11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     12    14 ms    15 ms    19 ms []
     13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     14    55 ms    51 ms    55 ms
     15    50 ms    49 ms    48 ms
    Trace complete.

    Interesting that TWO time out.

    It is. I'm surprised that it sent you to Cali, but I guess Texas is geographically closer to there than Massachusetts. San Jose and Santa Clara are two of Akamai's west coast locations.

    I'm located in The Bay Area, but it doesn't seem to help ):
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.

    It's worse for us Oceanic players, actually. It's well known that Akamai sends Oceanic traffic up into Asia and through the Singapore scrubbing center, before sending to the ESO servers. They started doing so just after the Singapore center opened up, which was around October-ish last year, which was around the time our ping basically doubled.

    There was a 10 page thread in the tech support section filled with everybody's traces from all over the Oceanic region (multiple Aussie states, NZ, Asia), and they all showed more or less the same thing. There's a 30+ page thread about this in the general section, and of course there's no actual response from Zenimax.

    I can use a VPN such as Mudfish to bypass Akamai's routing and force Akamai to deal with my traffic as if it was US traffic, but I refuse to support this game while I'm having to pay for a VPN to just have playable ping

    Zenimax made a big mistake by trusting megaserver technology when it was clearly not ready yet. What they should have done was the WoW shift, everyones on servers, but sharded. This way you can play with anyone, go to any phase if you have a friend etc.... I don't know. Megaservers are nice, but this is the cost.
    Edited by Casterial on August 17, 2019 10:15AM
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Siohwenoeht
    Casterial wrote: »
    Casterial wrote: »
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.
    Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
      1     1 ms     1 ms    <1 ms  Linksys23624 []
      2    21 ms    23 ms    34 ms
      3    13 ms    19 ms    15 ms []
      4    13 ms    29 ms    12 ms []
      5    13 ms    11 ms    16 ms []
      6    13 ms    15 ms    16 ms []
      7    11 ms    10 ms    15 ms []
      8    25 ms    13 ms    14 ms []
      9    20 ms    13 ms    16 ms []
     10    10 ms    12 ms    13 ms []
     11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     12    14 ms    15 ms    19 ms []
     13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     14    55 ms    51 ms    55 ms
     15    50 ms    49 ms    48 ms
    Trace complete.

    Interesting that TWO time out.

    It is. I'm surprised that it sent you to Cali, but I guess Texas is geographically closer to there than Massachusetts. San Jose and Santa Clara are two of Akamai's west coast locations.

    I'm located in The Bay Area, but it doesn't seem to help ):

    My bad, I read Austin in your op and figured you were in Texas as well as the severs. Tracer makes sense now😉.

    My ESO traffic goes through the NE US first, as does all the EU server traffic. It's most likely the cause of most of the EU latency issues.

    Edit: and I'm on the Kansas - Missouri border.
    Edited by Siohwenoeht on August 17, 2019 10:16AM
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    Friends Tracer
    Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
      1     2 ms     2 ms     1 ms []
      2    15 ms    12 ms    13 ms
      3    15 ms    18 ms    13 ms []
      4    12 ms    11 ms    17 ms []
      5    16 ms    13 ms    16 ms []
      6    42 ms    40 ms    37 ms []
      7    37 ms    39 ms    38 ms []
      8    37 ms    39 ms    39 ms
      9    30 ms    33 ms    32 ms []
     10    48 ms    41 ms    47 ms []
     11    47 ms   194 ms    46 ms []
     12    46 ms    46 ms    48 ms
     13    54 ms    52 ms    55 ms []
     14     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     15    53 ms    58 ms    68 ms []

    Another timeout lol
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    Its interesting to see an actual substantial amount of voters voting on the 50-100, I'm afk in Riften with ~5 others, 2 are dueling and I'm at 117.
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Betty_Booms
    250 +
    Was 280 ms a couple of weeks ago. Now 410 ms +. I dont pvp anymore as a result.
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    Was 280 ms a couple of weeks ago. Now 410 ms +. I dont pvp anymore as a result.

    Damn man, I'm sorry D: I can barely function once I hit 175 I'm just not use to the delay. Its not noticeable as bad in groups, but being solo it hurts.
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • gamergirldk
    50 - 100

    never ever below 80 (Denmark)
  • LordGavus
    250 +
    Lol, list doesnt goes passed 250.

    The best ive ever had is 275. Right now without my vpn i get 450+.
    With vpn average is about 315
  • Siohwenoeht
    Casterial wrote: »
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.

    It's worse for us Oceanic players, actually. It's well known that Akamai sends Oceanic traffic up into Asia and through the Singapore scrubbing center, before sending to the ESO servers. They started doing so just after the Singapore center opened up, which was around October-ish last year, which was around the time our ping basically doubled.

    There was a 10 page thread in the tech support section filled with everybody's traces from all over the Oceanic region (multiple Aussie states, NZ, Asia), and they all showed more or less the same thing. There's a 30+ page thread about this in the general section, and of course there's no actual response from Zenimax.

    I can use a VPN such as Mudfish to bypass Akamai's routing and force Akamai to deal with my traffic as if it was US traffic, but I refuse to support this game while I'm having to pay for a VPN to just have playable ping

    Zenimax made a big mistake by trusting megaserver technology when it was clearly not ready yet. What they should have done was the WoW shift, everyones on servers, but sharded. This way you can play with anyone, go to any phase if you have a friend etc.... I don't know. Megaservers are nice, but this is the cost.

    I'm not convinced it's totally the megaserver framework, but more Akamai's ddos protection service. They built their business on providing ddos protection to big company websites. I don't think they can handle the constant traffic/inputs from a mmo on the scale of ESO.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    To post your own results:
    Click Here On How To Do So
    Post the results below using code block :)
    Edited by Casterial on August 17, 2019 10:26AM
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Gatviper
    100 - 150
    100 Mbit internet. Generally not lower than about 96, usually it's in 98-104 range, unless I'm in Cyrodiil, then it usually doesn't drop below 110. Even with that, the delays in actions often feel like lot higher ping than is displayed. Located in Europe so that ping is to be expected I guess.
    Life is a ride, like days in a train, cities rush by, like ghosts in the night.
    The rhythm of wheels, time fades away, stations of a journey, destination unknown.
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    Gatviper wrote: »
    100 Mbit internet. Generally not lower than about 96, usually it's in 98-104 range, unless I'm in Cyrodiil, then it usually doesn't drop below 110. Even with that, the delays in actions often feel like lot higher ping than is displayed. Located in Europe so that ping is to be expected I guess.

    I agree with the last sentence. My ping will say 130, but feel like 200+
    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • jcm2606
    250 +
    Casterial wrote: »
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Have you run a trace of the routing? I'd bet you're shipped to Boston before being sent to the ESO physical servers. All traffic for ESO travels through Akamai first.

    It's worse for us Oceanic players, actually. It's well known that Akamai sends Oceanic traffic up into Asia and through the Singapore scrubbing center, before sending to the ESO servers. They started doing so just after the Singapore center opened up, which was around October-ish last year, which was around the time our ping basically doubled.

    There was a 10 page thread in the tech support section filled with everybody's traces from all over the Oceanic region (multiple Aussie states, NZ, Asia), and they all showed more or less the same thing. There's a 30+ page thread about this in the general section, and of course there's no actual response from Zenimax.

    I can use a VPN such as Mudfish to bypass Akamai's routing and force Akamai to deal with my traffic as if it was US traffic, but I refuse to support this game while I'm having to pay for a VPN to just have playable ping

    Zenimax made a big mistake by trusting megaserver technology when it was clearly not ready yet. What they should have done was the WoW shift, everyones on servers, but sharded. This way you can play with anyone, go to any phase if you have a friend etc.... I don't know. Megaservers are nice, but this is the cost.

    Agree, many other games have similar systems, and work fine. Most immediate example I can think of is Path of Exile, which has multiple regional servers fronting for a global server "web" of sorts. You connect to your region's server, and you typically play on that server with low latency since it's fairly close to you, but you're also connected to all other regional servers, and you're able to interact with anybody on any other regional server.

    Global chat is truly global, so I, an Aussie, am talking with US, European, and Asian players who are talking in the English global channel.

    Whispers are also global, so if I want to buy something from an Asian player, I can whisper them (typically the trade site will give you a pregenerated response in the other player's chosen language), they'll send me an invite, and I can travel to their location, in their regional server. Latency is obviously higher, but I can go back to my own regional server when I want to go back to playing.

    Groups are also regional, the group will be hosted on the regional server of whoever initially created the group. Again, higher latency, but I can go back to my own regional server if I want to play with lower latency. Obviously I'll have to drop group, though.

    Unfortunately, I think it's just too late to do something like this. Too much work and resources would be needed to redesign the server infrastructure around that sort of system, on top of actually setting up regional servers around the globe. Then consider the fact that the game would be offline for at least a year or two, which could very possibly kill the game.
  • Casterial
    100 - 150
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Unfortunately, I think it's just too late to do something like this. Too much work and resources would be needed to redesign the server infrastructure around that sort of system, on top of actually setting up regional servers around the globe. Then consider the fact that the game would be offline for at least a year or two, which could very possibly kill the game.

    This, this right here is why ESO2 may have to be a thing..

    Daggerfall Covenant:Casterial Stamplar || Casterial DK || Availed NB || Castyrial Sorc || Spooky Casterial Necro
    The Order of Magnus
    Filthy Faction Hoppers

    Combat Is Clunky | Cyordiil Fixes

    Member since: August 2013
    Kill Counter Developer
    For the Daggerfall Covenant
    The Last Chillrend Empress
    Animation Cancelling
  • Czekoludek
    250 +
    Before Elsweyr it was always around 70-120, today it's around 300 usually
  • Gythral
    Ping is not the issue (for me), what is is the totally random server response times!
    RTT could be 2 or 3 times what I get, if the server just responded with the same delay, not this 10ms here, 1000ms there, that it actually does
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • MLGProPlayer
    100 - 150
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Casterial wrote: »
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    Cries in Australian. :'(

    Yeah... They need to open an oceanic server lol.. But I think it'd be dead

    To be honest, 250-300 doesn't bother me. It can get annoying, rolling just out of an AoE and still being hit, but it's playable.

    What's not *** playable is 350+, which is what I get if I don't have a VPN up, specifically because of Akamai's *** routing. Drop Akamai so our ping is back to the 250-300 it usually is, work on improving servers so it goes back to the 200-250 it was when I started playing (just before 1T), and I'm good.

    I had an Overwatch match today where I had 80 ping (it probably put me in a west coast game) and it was borderline unplayable. I'm used to playing all my games at <40 ping. Now, ESO isn't a shooter, so playing with high ping isn't the end of the world, but it's still a *** experience.
  • Hamish999
    30 - 50
    Casterial wrote: »
    In-game /latency shows 100+ So what is /latency calculating? Is it accurate? Is this how bad the client is for client to server relation?

    The ingame latency shows the round trip, not just a one way "ping"

    My results to the EU server. 42ms if I'm reading that correctly, which marries up with an in game latency of 87ms :)


    Edit: This is through a VPN
    Edited by Hamish999 on August 17, 2019 1:09PM
    Do'Zahra - Khajiit - StamDK - AD
    Narese Telvanni - Dunmer - Petsorc - EP
    Anastasie Chastain - Breton - Magplar - DC
    Gashnakh the Lusty - Orc - Stamsorc - AD
    Stands-In-Stoopid - Argonian - Warden Tank - AD
    Talia al-Morwha - Redguard - Stamden - AD
    Makes-Fier-Wrong - Argonian - Stamblade - AD
    Busty-Argonian-Maid - Argonian - Templar Healer - AD
    Alaru Telvanni - Dunmer - Stamplar - AD
    Ko'Raehsi - Khajiit - Magsorc - AD
    Torhild Rock-Chucker - Nord - StamDK - AD
    Drusilla Larouche - Breton - MagDK - AD
    Ko'Khanni - Khajiit - Magden - AD
    Ilithyia Ectorius - Imperial - DK Tank -AD
    Rosara Laumont - Breton - Warden Healer - AD
    Do'Darri - Khajiit - Stam Arcanist - AD

    Keyboard and mouse FTW!
  • mairwen85
    200 - 250
    Uk playing on pc NA, usually low 200, some spikes to 250, occasional 300+ (rare). Off peak sometimes as good as 180...

    Xbox NA, solid 52ms.
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