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Next time you see popular streamers open a bunch of crown crates ...

  • MyKillv2.0
    I would pay to see the interaction between a Zo$ Community Manager and someone like Alcast/Fengrush, where they try to get either of these two to open up rigged crown crates for their streams.

    I would pay good money actually.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    But this issue is absolutely valid in the industry. Microtransactions dominating the gaming world right now has led to a lower quality in content of games across the board and poor reception in new games. The industry is forced into managing microtransactions to stay alive and competitive.

    That's not the point, or better said, not my point. My point is, do the current promotion and marketing strategies of video games involve streamers and youtubers, and, if so :
    1. Does that include pretending and lying, and generally misrepresenting the game/product ?
    2. Does it happen transparently or secretly ?

  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Chicharron wrote: »
    if someone is stupid enough to be influenced that way...

    well deserved whatever happens.

    The one who believes to be immune to influence (and advertising/communication in general) is generally the one with which it works best. Don't underestimate these techniques, and don't overestimate yourself. You're just human.
  • Blobsky
    Do I earn bonus points for being a reasonable sized content creator who thinks they are the biggest waste of money on this planet?
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    Carbonised wrote: »
    ... you may want to consider this first:

    Take away points:
    - The gaming industry commonly pays popular 'influencers' to 'react' to loot boxes and their drops
    - Even going so far as to sometimes tweak the odds favourably for the 'influencer's loot boxes, to make them seem more generous
    - Who knows what other BS goes on behind the scene, making any 'promises' to reveal loot boxes droprates seem hollow and meaningless at best, and a diversion and smokescreen at worst

    I bought 1st time in my life 30 loot boxes in eso after 5 years just cuz Im a khajiit fan and was sitting on tons of crowns from after wasting my 10k crowns the only thing I got from the boxes were literally on EVER SINGLE DAMN CRATE poisons/potions/meals...JUST yeah never been a gambling fan but right now il never try it again.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Blobsky wrote: »
    Do I earn bonus points for being a reasonable sized content creator who thinks they are the biggest waste of money on this planet?

    I guess it doesn't depend on your "size" nor on your content, but on your audience. Anyone these days who comes with his/her own, already built-up and stabilized audience, is worth money. And potentially A LOT of it. Whether that's fair or deserved is not relevant : the market dictates.

    Look at the million-dollar transfer of... let me remember his name... this star Fortnite streamer who switched from Twitch to Mixer a couple of days ago... do you think a company like Micro$oft don't know what they're doing ? And the media campaign around it, and a scandal buzz around an "accidental" *** video - that was probably organized by Mixer. As a result, the guy has already 1-2 million audience transfered to Mixer, PLUS a lot of people like me who'd have never ever heard about it without the buzz. Well done guys. Do you think a trusting 1-2 million audience isn't worth 1 million USD ... ?

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on August 15, 2019 9:30PM
  • Chicharron
    Chicharron wrote: »
    if someone is stupid enough to be influenced that way...

    well deserved whatever happens.

    The one who believes to be immune to influence (and advertising/communication in general) is generally the one with which it works best. Don't underestimate these techniques, and don't overestimate yourself. You're just human.

    I never said that i was immune, but advertising does not work for everyone, it is made for a very specific public, e.g. those who bought a virtual rock, or those who see in a fashion magazine shoes that they don't need because they already have more than 50 in their closet and still buy it, my wife is one of them.

    Since i was 11 years old i stopped watching television, i don't even have one at home, i don't have social networks, Uber is the only application i have installed on my phone, my wife says i'm a caveman.

    I'm not immune, and i've fallen several times, but the chances of affecting me are minimal.
  • Enkil
    Why don’t yall turn off the streamers and get your butts in game. Cyro is getting more and more dead... yet people are actually watching others play and open loot boxes? What is the world coming to... LMAO

  • Nemesis7884
    Kagukan wrote: »
    I will never understand how someone can sit and watch someone else play a game via stream for long periods of time.

    honestly i couldnt either before i did....but now there are certain games that i like the "idea of playing them" but dont actually have the energy or stamina to do so...the older i get the more it required that i engage in a 100 hour game journey i find playing games at times exhausting and a huge time commitment.

    The there is also the community and emtertainment aspect or to see if youd enjoy the game in case you wamt to buy it...

    One example is adventure games like for example sinking city....i really enjoyed "playing through the story with a streamer" but wouldnt do so allone....

    And for me its also a white nois thing...i always need to have a podcast, tv show or streamer running in the background regardless of what i do...
  • JumpmanLane
    @Deltia really?
  • themaddaedra
    Never been a follower of stream team so i don't know what their odds are but just here to tell i opened a whole 60 crates last week. Guess how many apex mounts i got? ZERRRRO.

    One legendary (100 gems) mount, one outfit style and a sh!tload of posions and potions that i couldn't give a lesser *** about. I mean that's 60 crates if you are thinking to open some.

    Of course i got an apex mount later on by using gems but it's still ridiculous. I have always had at least one apex mount from every season and can swear i would definitely get one in the first 15 boxes in first seasons. Now it doesn't appear even in the first 60. That's how terrible this whole thing is. I only keep opening boxes because i got lots of gold and don't have anything else to spend them on. But would never ever give my irl money for this dumb sh!t.
  • JKorr
    Carbonised wrote: »
    ... you may want to consider this first:

    Take away points:
    - The gaming industry commonly pays popular 'influencers' to 'react' to loot boxes and their drops
    - Even going so far as to sometimes tweak the odds favourably for the 'influencer's loot boxes, to make them seem more generous
    - Who knows what other BS goes on behind the scene, making any 'promises' to reveal loot boxes droprates seem hollow and meaningless at best, and a diversion and smokescreen at worst

    Yep. Totally rigged. /sarcasm
    [MissBizz wanted a specific item, and figured out how many crates were needed to get the gems to buy it, so...but it still gives a view of opening crate rng]

    Lots of other youtube vids. Honestly, if they were going to shill people I'd have thought they would do a better, more impressive job.
  • rfennell_ESO
    Chicharron wrote: »
    if someone is stupid enough to be influenced that way...

    well deserved whatever happens.

    It's really not influenced though... it's manipulation.

    People, in general, have flaws to how they process things logically. We tend to conflate things in non-logical ways.

    An example is gambler's fallacy. Simply put it's the linking of events due to an imprecise understanding of statistics. The clearest example would be with coin flips... or roulette.. or cards... or even lootboxes. Events are not linked, but we know there is an overall probability of occurrence. So we tend to conflate those things.

    If you were gambling on coin flips and I flipped heads 3 times in a row (or 10 times, 100 times etc) there is a tendency to believe betting on tails (or wagering more heavily on tails) is a logical action. The odds of me flipping a coin heads 3 times in a row is 1/2*1/2*1/2=1/8 so you have to figure the 4th flip ought to have a higher chance at tails. Let's say it's 10 head flips in a row for a 1/1024 chance of occurance to be extreme. It can be argued that it's very unlikely that an 11th flip would be heads and it's smart to bet on tails (and raise your bet). The chance of a coin flip is 50% regardless of past occurances though... It doesn't actually matter how many times I flipped heads before the next flip as it will still be 50%.

    With lootboxes it's the same. There is a set chance of occurance. A bad streak doesn't increase the odds of a lucky streak. You aren't due for a win. Though it's true that if you play enough eventually you will win. A manipulation of this would be showing someone else winning on a stream as it will prompt you to believe you have a better chance than you actually do. The other component would be never actually revealing the odds of winning.

    At a casino anyone capable of simple math can reach a conclusion about odds of winning on something like roulette. Most of the more complex games have a known chance of winning as well (though they are a lot harder to self compute). Even with the odds mostly known (unlike lootboxes) people still dump money into them.

    Those that tell you they win at gambling tend to be leaving out their losses. With loot boxes they are playing you by tempting you with the loot... you see a cool "lootbox" mount in game (or a costume or whatever) and it has an effect on your perception of the odds (which you don't know to begin with). The truly treacherous method of lootboxes would be to not reveals odds (and none of them actually do) and to make the rewards compelling... which could be of an advantage to gameplay. ESO at least keeps it to the cosmetic realm... but having a unique and cool looking mount might only be cosmetic, but standing out from the crowd could be considered an advantage to gameplay in a way...

    A casino gives you excitement and atmosphere and a social setting and much more... all to take your money. What does the lootbox form of gambling give you? An animated cat saying gambleresque things? They are offering you very little entertainment in exchange for your money and reaping profits.
  • Carbonised
    JKorr wrote: »
    Carbonised wrote: »
    ... you may want to consider this first:

    Take away points:
    - The gaming industry commonly pays popular 'influencers' to 'react' to loot boxes and their drops
    - Even going so far as to sometimes tweak the odds favourably for the 'influencer's loot boxes, to make them seem more generous
    - Who knows what other BS goes on behind the scene, making any 'promises' to reveal loot boxes droprates seem hollow and meaningless at best, and a diversion and smokescreen at worst

    Yep. Totally rigged. /sarcasm

    [MissBizz wanted a specific item, and figured out how many crates were needed to get the gems to buy it, so...but it still gives a view of opening crate rng]

    Lots of other youtube vids. Honestly, if they were going to shill people I'd have thought they would do a better, more impressive job.

    And for your 2 videos of a somewhat negative representation of crown crate openings, there's dozens and dozens of videos with hyped "reactions" of opening hundreds and hundreds of crown crates on YT. I'm not going to link to them, as to not make anyone feeling singled out or targeted, but come on, it's right there if you just search YT for crown crate openings.

    Your cherry picking and strawman arguments are completely irrelevant.
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    This is how every product has been advertised since advertising started. It’s not a new concept. The only new thing about it is that it’s a virtual item with no real value (subjectively speaking).

    It’s like infomercials. Do you think the audience who is Oooooing and Ahhhhhing aren’t paid to be there and pretend whatever it is they’re looking at is the greatest thing ever and if you act now within the next 5 minutes you can get whatever it is for 3 easy payments of 19.99 and a second one freeeeeeeee! Man, I suddenly feel the urge to buy things.....

    Ima leave you with a little bit of wisdom: the definition of a deal is something you don’t need for a price you can’t resist.

    You don’t need anything from a crown crate. But if people want to spend their own money on stuff, that’s none of your business. Nothing you or I can do about it. People gon’ do what they gon’ do.

    Also, I’ve seen plenty of streamers and you tubers open dozens of boxes in one sitting and get nothing.

    Whether or not they are opening boxes with increased rate loot chance would be a pain to prove without collecting your own data and actually looking at many people opening the same amount of boxes across the board, and seeing what they get in terms of rare items.

    It would be more likely that they at least get free crates to open. Which if that’s the case that’s fine, as reviewers often get free stuff to review because it helps the reviewer get views and the company gets free advertising. This is also something that has been around for a long long time.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
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