So the hubs and I were playing in Cyro, mainly so he could get vigor on a new character. We were DC, getting pretty well stomped as we tried to take back one of our scrolls at Alessia. After the initial attack failed, a few of us surviving stragglers were regrouping when we saw a group of 7ish mounted AD slow walking to one of the resources we had flipped. All at the same time and same speed, walking as slow as the game allows. What in blazes? Trolling? Psychological warfare? My husband thinks they were bots because of how synchronized they were but I disagree. But it was so weird I had to ask. Props to them, I was certainly too perplexed to do anything but give them a wide berth.
EDIT: Sorry, der, XBox NA
Edited by doomette on August 5, 2019 1:34AM