Give me the option to turn off the penalty every time I use a necro skill in town.
You know, I have heard... well, read the -exact- same argument before, or rather one very, very much like it... back when the justice system first came out, and there were people who wanted an option to "opt out" so they could still steal everything not nailed down. And every time someone gets vexed when they click without looking and accidentally steal those gloves on the vendors counter or that axe leaning against the daily crafting task turn-in crates...It's a habit to cast my buffs when i'm waiting on ques and I see it down. A habit most people don't want to break. I don't feel "immersed into the game" I feel really pissed off. I understand some roleplayers might be into that stuff, but I am not. Give me an option to not roleplay please.
Or just stop slotting those skills when in town.Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »It is not role play. It is gameplay. Stop being twitchy with casting.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Why do you re-cast buffs outside of combat? That makes no sense.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Why do you re-cast buffs outside of combat? That makes no sense.
There is no such "option" - because you cannot attack players anyhow (except in PvP regions like Cyrodil, IC, or in Battlegrounds; or with an duel they have to accept or can choose to decline)So why is there an option to not attack players?
I admit my magnecro is only lv28 but I've not yet managed to get bounty by casting an illegal ability. If it is that difficult for you maybe you are doing it wrong?
(I may have stolen a thing or sometimes had npc getting all annoyed when I've been just casually pickpocketing or backstabbing riffraff but that was with my other not at all necromantic chars.)
"Only the Aldmeri—the High Elves and their noble allies, the Wood Elves and Cat-Men—have the wisdom and restraint to peaceably rule the disparate peoples of Tamriel. [...] Men always follow the destructive path of their defender and apologist, the Missing God whom we shall not name. [...] The world has gone wrong, and we must put it right. March proudly beneath the eagle banner of the Aldmeri Dominion! "
TheShadowScout wrote: »There is no such "option" - because you cannot attack players anyhow (except in PvP regions like Cyrodil, IC, or in Battlegrounds; or with an duel they have to accept or can choose to decline)So why is there an option to not attack players?
I think you might mean the option to not attack innocents... which in turn makes some (criminal) things impossible.
If you don't want to do that, sure, fine.
But then you cannot complete, say, the Dark Brotherhood questline.
But that is your choice, if you want to play the game as "criminal" anti-hero and take your chances with getting a bounty when you comitt a criminal act, or play as goody two-greaves and not do any of those dastardly things.
EXACTLY like you have the choice to play as templar and be more or less "good", or rather not using outlawed magic at least... or play as necromancer and face the fact that some of your necromancing with get the guard after you.
And have the choice if you keep those outlawed skills on your bar in town where you might press buttons "out of habit" or not.
Your choice. Your consequences.
Just like those people whining in threads of times past had the choice if they went and stole something, or took the time making sure where their pointer was before clicking or not... or in another flavor, people who cast healing spells on players in town, and then suddenly share in the bounty when they cast it on a outlaw scum who racked up a big price on their head, and suddenly the law sees them as "accomplice". We had all those threads before.
No reason to demand the game-mechanic consequences of your actions be "optional" just because you do not wish to control yourself.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Why do you re-cast buffs outside of combat? That makes no sense.
Learn to pronounce
noun: habit; plural noun: habits
the tendency for something done very frequently to become automatic
an automatic reaction to a specific situation.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
I don't care if they got rid of it, but it's a completely different issue.
Vampirism is a key combat mechanic. Casting necro abilities in towns has nothing to do with anything. It's just a lore mechanic. It doesn't affect necromancer's effectiveness in actual content.
I have no idea why OP even spams abilities in towns. It's not a hard habit to break.