Yes, of course.
I absolutely love the Meadow, visually speaking, so I was very happy I could just about afford it without buying more Crowns.
Whereas, I didn't bother with Hunter's Glade, as I just didn't like it that much.
I'm really glad it's not time limited and I can save my crowns that I currently have for a time limited thing and then use my later Eso plus to get this. That's if I can hold off from temptation.
Shhhhhh don't tell them that.Elara_Northwind wrote: »It's lucky for ZOS that we all have different opinions on housing, and lucky for those of us who love to visit others homes and see what amazing creations that they have come up with! It would be boring if we all liked the same ones!For me, I don't dislike the meadow at all, but there are other homes I would prefer to spend that many crowns on, but sometimes we are hit by crazy ideas so it's great that this one is not limited, so that we don't have to rush in to purchasing it, knowing that it will always be there
I do think that all homes should be available to purchase with gold though, because although I applaud ZOS for their hard work with some of these homes, some of the prices are outrageous, not so much for this one, £40 or so isn't as bad as the £100 ones, but for pixels it is still quite pricey for some people, especially those whose main enjoyment from this game comes from housing, who already have to fork out a crazy amount of crowns, and grind for days each time they purchase and decorate a new home.
SantieClaws wrote: »This one has now set the village as an open house via EHT.
So feel free to rest your wagon and stop to get the wheels repaired, stock up on supplies from the market, visit the healer or even get some nice new clothes made.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Shhhhhh don't tell them that.If the monetization department hears of this, they will make all homes limited time to pressure people into immediately purchasing them.
Jokes aside though, I agree completely that homes should be purchasable with gold as well, but that it's nice that there is some variety in house styles so that everybody can find something they like! And well, personally I wouldn't buy the Meadow even if it was Limited Time only because I'm not interested in it. Perhaps if it was less than 1mill gold, I might consider getting it as a storage home but no way am I spending 6,4k Crowns on that.
I was planning on getting the meadow, but when I previewed it again Thursday, I realized all the water is quite brown...
I realize that's perhaps more realistic, but I'd been planning to build out into the water, and brown water just looks icky
Was pretty bummed out, but aside from that it's a gorgeous property and very reasonably priced, imo
That sounds a lot more worth it to me! I'm not 100% sure I'd buy it, but I would at least consider it during a Crown sale or something.How would people feel about it if they made, say, a slightly raised, large (but, not huge), two storey house, with doors, clear windows, balconies and verandas just about the same size as the non-grassy area to the West of the plot?
If that cost, say, 2,000 Crowns, bringing the entire price up to 8,400 Crowns and you still, then, had 699 slots free (minus the ones taken up by removable trees and rocks), would that then make it seem more worth the money?
I may have to take you up on that offer using my EU character. Perhaps seeing it used in such a way will convince me of its worthSantieClaws wrote: »Open for visitors any time and now set as primary residence so do call in if you wish to do so.
SantieClaws wrote: »Just a little note of worth. Claws Meadow Village is the guild hall, as such, for Clan Claws. Thus things change. Sweetrolls go from the market, pigs and chickens wander. Many homes and businesses belong to those in the guild.
Thus nothing stays the same ...
Some have also asked for a map so this one will do something when she can.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
SantieClaws wrote: »After a few more changes in Claws Meadow Village this one has made a decision. There will be no guided tours. This one most especially wants guests and travellers to experience it as they would any other small village that they come across in their travels. Also Mayor Winkworth Claws is getting on a bit these days.
And of course every village does have little secrets to be discovered ...
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Shadow_Akula wrote: »... oh and the slaughterfish ouches. Why put that much water space there if it can’t all be used, just invis wall the opposite river bank.
@LadySinflower this is very much possible on console. I always use NO add-ons to build and I build using a game-pad.
Sturmfaenger wrote: »Took a stroll in Clan Claws Clan Village today - danced a bit in the meadow, too - and to find the huts and tents there just made me realize how big the area truly is, more so than walking around in my empty version. I don't yet know what to build there. But ideas will surely come.
Oh @SantieClaws I just visited your village in the peaceful meadow and it’s simply stunning! The level of detail and creativity is wonderful, things like the wagon in the smithy for repair and the mischievous pig pilfering someone’s forgotten goodies on the beach
I lament the limitations placed on you though. It would be so nice to have a dozen more animals in town and the farms, and to have your helpers and other characters staffing their stalls and storefronts.