The Moon-Sugar Meadow home will be available in the Crown Store on all platforms starting on August 29. The Moon-Sugar Meadow is only available unfurnished.
The Coldharbour Surreal Estate will be available on all platforms starting on April 4.
The Exorcised Coven Cottage will be available on all platforms for a limited time, from October 19 to November 1.
The Exorcised Coven Cottage will return to the Crown Store on all platforms for a limited time, from October 18 to November 1.
It's beautiful, but I know I won't be able to build a decent house, plus furnish it to a satisfactory standard, on 700 slots.
Then, of course, there is the fact that you can't resize building assets and there are no real window frames, doors, or roofs, you can use.
Really wish you could add an optional, pre-built, house to these plots.
Or, alternatively, remove one that is already placed there, if you prefer.
If either was the case, I would buy it.
There is no end date listed for the meadow, which means it will likely be a permanent addition. Thus it will probably be available for gold as well as crowns.
MornaBaine wrote: »
I have often thought the same thing! And there are sooo many good, reasonably sized, buildings in the game already that would make great houses. I really would love to have a choice of plots of land and then a choice of houses to put on them in the location/position I want. That would be amazing. Right now their building pieces are... just enough to be frustrating. Like you have the good BEGINNINGS of something...but you can't complete ANY style. *sigh*
Not necessarily, look at EarthTear
MornaBaine wrote: »
I have often thought the same thing! And there are sooo many good, reasonably sized, buildings in the game already that would make great houses. I really would love to have a choice of plots of land and then a choice of houses to put on them in the location/position I want. That would be amazing. Right now their building pieces are... just enough to be frustrating. Like you have the good BEGINNINGS of something...but you can't complete ANY style. *sigh*
I think the Elsweyr style offers fairly comprehensive structural capabilities. This is an example of what is possible with them at MoonSugar Meadow
I think the Elsweyr style offers fairly comprehensive structural capabilities. This is an example of what is possible with them at MoonSugar Meadow
I think the Elsweyr style offers fairly comprehensive structural capabilities. This is an example of what is possible with them at MoonSugar Meadow
MornaBaine wrote: »
I can't blame you for that. it's looking like they have completely moved away from housing for in game gold tho, which is VERY unfortunate.
MornaBaine wrote: »Hmmm... I don't remember where to find the PTS to download it.
jcf190b14_ESO wrote: »I'm looking forward to this homestead to make a marketplace for my Baandari character. Thanks for the ideas and concepts!
SantieClaws wrote: »This one has travelled there again tonight and built a little approximation of the village temple.
Before she did so though she took a rough film of the area for planning purposes.
You may find it useful too also perhaps?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
jcf190b14_ESO wrote: »
Love it. Thank you!
PS I clicked on your link to the imperial trading company and it took me to a spamware, virus laden website...I had to shut down my entire browser to get out of it