OP siege doesn't worry good group players. I think some of you view the OP siege through rose coloured drugs.
JumpmanLane wrote: »
Nah...Op is right. During the siege bug era all you saw was legit small mans. Siege tore INTO ball groups. I’m mean WIPES of KNOWN BALL ZERGLINGS. Over and over, QUICKLY too.
Yep. Probably the best "bug" that have ever happened in Cyro.InvictusApollo wrote: »Do you remember the times we had the "Siege Bug"?
Yes, but those guys are the many so ZOS had to cave to what they wanted. If you ask me, siege bug times were better too.
I still wish for an oblivion damage siege that stacks damage based on the # of enemies
Siege gaining strength when population is extremely different between factions for the faction with less people
But you know...if that happened some people won't feel "pro" enough, and those people happen to be a majority.
The problem is that the change you suggested won't lead to the effects you describe/hope for.
You seem to have a vision of how you would want the game to be but don't understand why the game currently is the way it is.
TriangularChicken wrote: »buff to siege will hurt 1vX and small scalers as well...there have to be better ways to destroy zergs...reducing group size to 12 is step one.
InvictusApollo wrote: »As I said: buffin g siege weapons isn't my idea. My idea is to give everyone, even zerglings or pvers means to counter groups of stacked players. Siege Bug was accomplishing that but it did affect some small scalers and 1vXers. Scaling of aoe damage won't hurt us.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
Enlighten me then.
Reducing group size won't have any effect on zergs. Instead of one zerg group there will be many zerg groups running together.
The only effect would be on ballgroups but only minimal and only on PC where addons are being utilised to stack on the crown. Every ballgroup would simply divide into two groups with two leaders. One would be responsible for commanding both groups while the other one would just be responsible for stacking on the first one.
As I said: buffin g siege weapons isn't my idea. My idea is to give everyone, even zerglings or pvers means to counter groups of stacked players. Siege Bug was accomplishing that but it did affect some small scalers and 1vXers. Scaling of aoe damage won't hurt us.
Actually it has everything to do with mitigating damage. A stacked ballgroup is much easier to heal which directly mitigates damage. When a ballgroup spreads out, aoe heals lose their efficiency. You are however right about the mobility factor. Stacked group has beter movement. However a ballgroup that is stacked and mobile makes their members almost impossible to target. They move covering each other so even if other players tab target a single person, not all of their ranged attacks will hit the target. The damage gets spread among other ballgroup members and quickly healed by healers.However people tend to ignore the reason why ballgroups stack in the first place. Primarily it has nothing to do with direcly mitigating damage, neither single target nor aoe. Instead it's about being able to move around the battlefield quickly. Any ballgroup that stands still will die, even against pugs.
I still remember fighting a ballgroup that took stationary position on a wall to siege the inner keep. Me and five other players all targeted a single ballgroup member. I don't know about the others but I've been pumping into that guy damage combos that delete 90% of normal players in Cyrodill. His healthbar didn't even move. That is how much healing ballgroup healers were pumping into him. There were aoe hots all over the place.Regardless if you fight inside a keep or openfield, it's never a good strategy to try and "hold your ground" while you are outnumbered. In order to be successful you need to constantly moving around
Yes they will if they attack first. But not necessarilly if we get a prolonged fight. Assuming that a ballgroup will be stacked then before they kill off all zerglings (who are never stacked that much), some of those zerglings will put aoe dots on the ground or use aoe burst skills to hopefully overpower the ballgroup. At the very least the battle will be more even and thus more enjoyable and satisfying for both sides.Having said all of this, let's take a look at what impact increased AoE damage would have on this: It's not very hard to conclude that ballgroups will have an easier time to wipe zergs with it, as you already mentioned yourself.
No, no, no. Not bombed. And not necessarilly by a skilled player or by him alone. Almost all pvers in Cyrodill carry an aoe skill like for example Liquid Lightning. Most good stamina builds have at least Dawnbreaker. Many magicka builds carry a Comet. Those are all aoe abilities. I just checked and almost all of my BiS super optimized builds have at least one aoe damage ability. Even magsorc has a Curse. What I predict is that since so many players on the battlefield will have aoe damage abilities, it will be much much easier for them to kill a ballgroup if those abilities will have additional damage scaled from the number of targets hit.However you are assuming in (#8 and #4) that ballgroups being able to get bombed by skilled players will make up for this.
That is the trick: they won't have to. If aoe dots or direct damage skills will scale with number of affected targets, then just one such skill placed on one bar of most players, will be enough to mitigate a significant part of a ballgroups healing. The idea is to let several people hit as hard as single siege weapon from the Siege Bug week but only stacked players like zerggroups and ballgroups.It's unlikely that they will build for AoE bombing even after such a change because it's more a question of mindset.
It is possible. However there are allways very few such bombers at a time and they rarely pick fights with ballgroups. But it's not about our current bombers.Realistically a bomber (who is zergsurfing) can already kill a mediocre ballgroup, yet most duelists don't play a bomber.
But assuming they would: I'm not sure about a single guy but a small group will definetly be able to kill a ballgroup, and even now it's already possible.
Once again: the idea isn't to buff only bomb builds but to significantly buff aoe damage only against stacked opponents. It might sound the same but it is not.However this won't be a "permanently consistent" thing as ballgroups will adapt.
The good ones will still stack but will also be prepared for the bombers by keeping ground dots up, using reveal pots, etc.. Even with damage buffs it will mostly likely always require the element of surprise for a successful bomb.
The bad ballgroups will stack with enough pugs to the point where they will be able to resurrect everyone who died to the bomb and just roll over everything.
Ofcourse they will. And that is exactly what will make it easier to fight them. Not all premades are like that but there are some that literally form mini ballgroups, stack and use multiple aoes to kill ungrouped players. If my idea gets implemented then such a group will either have to spread out and thus minimize it's lethality or stack and risk getting killed by two Dawnbreakers, Comets or any other aoe ultimates that wouldn't kill them otherwise.((#6)A premade in BGs will probably benefit much more from such a change especially when they fight pugs and it really isn't hard for them to spread wide enough to avoid getting killed by AoE in a Xv1 scenario.
Ofcourse. PvE builds aren't suited for PvP. They are extremely squishy. But during the Siege Bug week it was also those squishy people who were hitting very hard and prevented zergroups and ballgroups from stacking too much. My idea will make those squishy builds make much more damage to stacked groups. Right now they are effectively useless. But with scaling their aoe abilities will act like siege engines from the Siege Bug week if they happen to all put them in one place. Lets for simplicity say that 4 Liquid Lightnings will be hitting a 12 man group as much as Coldfire Ballista from Siege Bug week. That damage won't be purgable. A stacked group will get killed if it enters that area. But if only a single player enters it, then he will take normal (insignificant) damage. Even the possibility of being faced with a stack killing pvers or pvpers will be enough of a detterent to unstack. Right now we don't have it because bombers are very rare and proximity detonation is unused by most people.(#7)A PvE player will still need to significantly change playstyle, build, CP, barsetup etc. Just because he has some ground dots in his PvE rotation doesn't help him to stay alive or even start bombing groups as it's completly different to what you do in PvE basically.
During Siege Bug week sieges were much longer and challenging. People were constantly dying and pouring in. And that is one of the reasons why we had much, much less lag. Instead of two opposing groups in one place. More people were in transit and thus less people were close to the keep. It was also much harder to ressurect anyone because of blanket fire from both sides.I think one big problem is that the longer a keep fight / siege take, the laggier it tends to get as more and more people have time to arrive and due to Soul Gem resses the amount of kills required to end a fight grows "exponentially" (i.e. in a 70v70 fight often times the dead people get ressed faster than others can be killed). Of course (#3) is correct and the zerg would die quicker so maybe it will be possible to clean them out easier than it's currently the case
I wish people would spend as much time, energy and efforts into building a group and theory crafting how to fight outnumbered as much as they do to try to counter a group of 12-16 people with a faction zerg.
Actually I have been theorycrafting builds that were meant to counter a ballgroup. Even with my theorycrafting skills it is still a roulette when all you have on your side is an unorganized group without voice communication.
InvictusApollo wrote: »it is still a roulette when all you have on your side is an unorganized group without voice communication.
How about an uncapped proximity detonation that hit a group of 16 for 120k damage each?
Would that be enough or should we lower the DR, eHPS, sHPS and mH a bit?
So do as the ballgroups, get people on voice and coordinate your skills. If the ballgroup can do so, what stops you from doing the same? I don´t understand the mentality of expecting to kill a group that´s organized, if you´re running with randoms....
Sandman929 wrote: »
Shouldn't it be? Or is your position that the disorganized mob should always win?
Sandman929 wrote: »Also, I agree with @InvictusApollo on one point, which is that I too would like to see more abilities that scale with the number of players hit the way proxy det does. Groups that attempt to fight larger numbers would make good use of those tools, whether it's 4 trying to fight 12, 12 trying to fight 24, or 16 trying to fight a faction.
dtsharples wrote: »He's suggesting you make your own group and stop crying about how other groups that have played together for weeks / months are running over you like a steamengine.
Put in the effort and stop expecting the random guy next to you to have the capability to take out whole groups of people.
Honestly your argument is fully ridiculous. There are numerous counters in game already that (stupidly) nobody uses. If you want to change the face of Cyrodiil man up and create a guild to lead instead of trying to take it on as one small man.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
Uncapping proximity detonation wouldn't completely solve the problem because only two kinds of people wopuld slot it: ballgroup members to kill zerg and ballgroup hunters. But I'd love to see effects of such buff.
As for DR, sHPS and mH - all changes to them would be global, as in for all players. Upcoming nerf to Healing Springs might slightly decrease eHPS of ballgroups. Although I predict that ballgroups will quickly adapt. Proximity detonation uncapping would be better and the best would be adding its effect to most aoe damage abilities in pvp (and pvp only) or to siege equipment.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
Actually I have been theorycrafting builds that were meant to counter a ballgroup. Even with my theorycrafting skills it is still a roulette when all you have on your side is an unorganized group without voice communication.
InvictusApollo wrote: »A: I will not go so low as to exploit broken game mechanics that allow ballgroups to be effectively invincible.
B: I don't lead for free. I have enough of that IRL to do it also in game during my free time.
C: I refuse to cause even more problems to others by making one more ballgroup, just to "fix" the problem for myself.even had I created a ballgroup hunters guild, that wouldn't be enough to counter all of them and actually fix the problems that they cause. They literally scare new players who are new to pvp.
People who think increased siege damage are the same zerglings who are 40k health tanks who have their quick bar full of siege and only siege. Never fight.
See a player? Run and siege.
Siege should only be made to work like proximity detonation. Not a stupid “I win button” because it’s totally trash now. People just siege and don’t fight. Nobody cares to play elder Siege online with a bunch of thumbless zerglings just sieging at the sight of one singe player.
I eargerly await the siege bots to try and defend their purpose of being a total NPC in cyrodiil.