Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »One and only one reason why they won't stop.... PvP
TequilaFire wrote: »We, including myself need to stop responding to the nerf threads as they always devolve into the same tired circular arguments.
VaranisArano wrote: »Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »One and only one reason why they won't stop.... PvP
Oh rly?
I guess I'm imagining all the PVE healers begging for self-heals to be nerfed so they can feel relevant again.
And all the PVEers going:
"My class/race does 2% less damage than the others, buff me or nerf them!"
"Nobody invites my class to the latest trial, buff me or nerf them!"
tinythinker wrote: »But then there would be fewer opportunities to share the ESO nerf song (to the tune of Devos' Whip It!):
Lava whip
Dark Cloak for the slip
Proccing a Frag
This fight's in the bag
When a class skill comes along
[You must nerf it...]
And it seems a little strong
[You must nerf it...]
There must be something wrong
[You must nerf it...]
Now nerf it
Make it safe
Safe for pugs
Troll bait
So awkward
Hit my head
Could not deflect it
It's way too late
To nerf it
Nerf it good
When my character goes down
[You must nerf it...]
More QQ posts will be found
[Unless you nerf it]
They won't go away
[Until they nerf it]
I say nerf it
Nerf it good
I say nerf it
Nerf it good
Lava whip
Dark Cloak for the slip
Proccing a Frag
This fight's in the bag
When a class skill comes along
[You must nerf it...]
And it seems a little strong
[You must nerf it...]
There must be something wrong
[You must nerf it...]
Now nerf it
Make it safe
Safe for pugs
Troll bait
So awkward
Hit my head
Could not deflect it
It's way too late
To nerf it
Make it safe
Safe for pugs
Troll bait
So awkward
Hit my head
Could not deflect it
It's way too late
To nerf it
Nerf it goodhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_QLzthSkfM
Crack that whip
Give the past a slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along
You must whip it
Before the cream sets out too long
You must whip it
When something's goin' wrong
You must whip it
Now whip it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To whip it
Whip it good
When a good time turns around
You must whip it
You will never live it down
Unless you whip it
No one gets away
Until they whip it
I say whip it
Whip it good
I say whip it
Whip it good
Crack that whip
Give the past a slip
Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
When a problem comes along
You must whip it
Before the cream sets out too long
You must whip it
When something's goin' wrong
You must whip it
Now whip it
Into shape
Shape it up
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To whip it
Get straight
Go forward
Move ahead
Try to detect it
It's not too late
To whip it
Whip it good
Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »One and only one reason why they won't stop.... PvPVaranisArano wrote: »Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »One and only one reason why they won't stop.... PvP
Oh rly?
I guess I'm imagining all the PVE healers begging for self-heals to be nerfed so they can feel relevant again.
And all the PVEers going:
"My class/race does 2% less damage than the others, buff me or nerf them!"
"Nobody invites my class to the latest trial, buff me or nerf them!"
You're correct. But the majority of the time a nerf thread is made because somebody died in pvp and comes to the forums crying about it. And before you make the assumption. No I'm not a pveer who blames pvp for everything. I do both equally.
These nerf threads are really annoying I completely agree there just done by bad players who take the L on the daily.Anyone else sick of seeing these? It's like these people want the game to fail and all our classes and characters to become weak and insignificant. It also doesn't help when 95% of these threads are asking for Nerfs which are completely unjustified. I only mention this because there has been a ridiculous amount of these threads popping up lately for some reason.
VaranisArano wrote: »Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »One and only one reason why they won't stop.... PvP
Oh rly?
I guess I'm imagining all the PVE healers begging for self-heals to be nerfed so they can feel relevant again.
And all the PVEers going:
"My class/race does 2% less damage than the others, buff me or nerf them!"
"Nobody invites my class to the latest trial, buff me or nerf them!"
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
VaranisArano wrote: »Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »One and only one reason why they won't stop.... PvP
Oh rly?
I guess I'm imagining all the PVE healers begging for self-heals to be nerfed so they can feel relevant again.
And all the PVEers going:
"My class/race does 2% less damage than the others, buff me or nerf them!"
"Nobody invites my class to the latest trial, buff me or nerf them!"
and there i thought we pve healers were begging for getting a better healing tools as well as fewer one shot mechanics which is what actualy makes us irrelevant, to be replaced with more consistent damage that needs to be constantly healed which is what would make us actualy relevant since no matter how powerful self heals for dps may be, it becomes inefficient to self heal so much vs relying on a healer to keep group topped up, so that dps could focus on you know, dps and only keep self heals for emergency situations. but what do I know, right?
or you know all the pve dps that play non meta classes begging for their abilities, especially class abilities to be brought UP to be on par with meta classes, rather then nerfs for other people.
TequilaFire wrote: »We, including myself need to stop responding to the nerf threads as they always devolve into the same tired circular arguments.
VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »One and only one reason why they won't stop.... PvP
Oh rly?
I guess I'm imagining all the PVE healers begging for self-heals to be nerfed so they can feel relevant again.
And all the PVEers going:
"My class/race does 2% less damage than the others, buff me or nerf them!"
"Nobody invites my class to the latest trial, buff me or nerf them!"
and there i thought we pve healers were begging for getting a better healing tools as well as fewer one shot mechanics which is what actualy makes us irrelevant, to be replaced with more consistent damage that needs to be constantly healed which is what would make us actualy relevant since no matter how powerful self heals for dps may be, it becomes inefficient to self heal so much vs relying on a healer to keep group topped up, so that dps could focus on you know, dps and only keep self heals for emergency situations. but what do I know, right?
or you know all the pve dps that play non meta classes begging for their abilities, especially class abilities to be brought UP to be on par with meta classes, rather then nerfs for other people.
Sorry if my snark bothered you. I wasnt trying to cast judgment on all PVEers (as that would be rather hypocritical) but rather to point out that NO its not just PVPers calling for nerfs.
This is the particular thread that prompted my comment, but its far from the only time PVEers complain on the forums. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/487068/make-the-healers-great-again-how-to-resolve-the-dps-vs-healer-issue
I'm really tired of PVE players being hyperbolic about how all nerf threads and the cause of all nerfs are PVPers. Like ZOS never nerfs anything at all for PVE reasons. Its old. They say it every update even when ZOS states they've got PVE reasons for nerfing things.
I'm well aware that many PVEers manage to discuss balance changes sensibly, but as I've stated above, acting like PVPers are 100% the cause of all nerfs is naive.
So in general, not you in particular, don't be hyperbolic, and I won't be nearly as snarky about it. Be reasonable. "Most", "Many", sure. When posters like the one I was responding to start acting like PVP is the "one and only" reason for nerfs, that just hits my "Nope, have you even been paying attention?" buttons and I get very snarky.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »At this point they should change forums comment reaction (Insightful, Agree, Awesome) into: Nerf, Buff, Rework. At least for 1 day for lols
VaranisArano wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »Daedric_NB_187 wrote: »One and only one reason why they won't stop.... PvP
Oh rly?
I guess I'm imagining all the PVE healers begging for self-heals to be nerfed so they can feel relevant again.
And all the PVEers going:
"My class/race does 2% less damage than the others, buff me or nerf them!"
"Nobody invites my class to the latest trial, buff me or nerf them!"
and there i thought we pve healers were begging for getting a better healing tools as well as fewer one shot mechanics which is what actualy makes us irrelevant, to be replaced with more consistent damage that needs to be constantly healed which is what would make us actualy relevant since no matter how powerful self heals for dps may be, it becomes inefficient to self heal so much vs relying on a healer to keep group topped up, so that dps could focus on you know, dps and only keep self heals for emergency situations. but what do I know, right?
or you know all the pve dps that play non meta classes begging for their abilities, especially class abilities to be brought UP to be on par with meta classes, rather then nerfs for other people.
Sorry if my snark bothered you. I wasnt trying to cast judgment on all PVEers (as that would be rather hypocritical) but rather to point out that NO its not just PVPers calling for nerfs.
This is the particular thread that prompted my comment, but its far from the only time PVEers complain on the forums. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/487068/make-the-healers-great-again-how-to-resolve-the-dps-vs-healer-issue
I'm really tired of PVE players being hyperbolic about how all nerf threads and the cause of all nerfs are PVPers. Like ZOS never nerfs anything at all for PVE reasons. Its old. They say it every update even when ZOS states they've got PVE reasons for nerfing things.
I'm well aware that many PVEers manage to discuss balance changes sensibly, but as I've stated above, acting like PVPers are 100% the cause of all nerfs is naive.
So in general, not you in particular, don't be hyperbolic, and I won't be nearly as snarky about it. Be reasonable. "Most", "Many", sure. When posters like the one I was responding to start acting like PVP is the "one and only" reason for nerfs, that just hits my "Nope, have you even been paying attention?" buttons and I get very snarky.
I would say that this person simply didn't understand what it is that makes healers all but irrelevant in current meta. not to mention their suggestion would actualy harm and nerf healers to some degree as well.
but fine. lets go with majority rather then all. vast VAST majority of nerfs are called for by pvpers. and I would go as far as to say that VAST majority of class nerfs happens due to pvp... including all the buffing and nerfing that happened to werewolves. which... btw, also includes healing nerfs. because "those damn healers/self heals making it impossible to kill people in pvp" and all
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »At this point they should change forums comment reaction (Insightful, Agree, Awesome) into: Nerf, Buff, Rework. At least for 1 day for lols