Eliminate or greatly reduce the O tick from taking empty keeps and only gradually increase the tick for each defender that dies. Zergs will still run the map for emp and scrolls, but at least some of them will stop doing it if they aren’t getting s**t for AP.
Amazing idea. Well though out. I was just thinking what this game really needs is a further disincentive for folks to play the game.
I'm already seeing "off-peak" start earlier and earlier. How do you think that ends?
Amazing idea. Well though out. I was just thinking what this game really needs is a further disincentive for folks to play the game.
I'm already seeing "off-peak" start earlier and earlier. How do you think that ends?
If all factions are pop locked they are in balance which occurs roughly 20% of the time throughout the campaign. The other 80% of the time the population is less than pop locked and is susceptible to imbalance. You understand there is no negative consequence at all if population is balanced out. Spread out and remain unaffected, and maybe even get a little PvP in.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around all the different kinds of "solutions" posted on these forums that always come down to "i don't want other people to enjoy the game while i am not playing".
Or how about "I don't want a bunch of players to ruin the game when NO ONE ELSE is playing"?
It was never designed to be truly competitive PvP. Until you grasp that reality your ideas will continue to miss the mark.
Or how about "I don't want a bunch of players to ruin the game when NO ONE ELSE is playing"?
It was never designed to be truly competitive PvP on a small scale level, correct. It was designed to be competitive on a large scale level, but it has failings. Chief among those the considerations that must be met when population is low and how that affects a timed scoring system based on how many keeps/scrolls your faction holds on hourly increments. I believe there are ways to alleviate this situation such as modifying the way the scoring system works and accumulates based on population at a given time. But I also believe that what happens during these times of low population, because of things like scrolls and emp, has further reaching ramifications than just what is happening in the moment. They can linger many hours sometimes days and so just adjusting the scoring system is not the best way to go about dealing with the issue. I believe dissuading certain behaviors and persuading opposing behaviors is something that should be looked into prior to adjusting the scoring system, which I also think needs to be done. Dissuading faction stacking and persuading spreading out among the factions is a step in my mind that needs to take place before making population based scoring adjustments.
Very incorrect. Being there has never been anything to ensure balance between the three faction outside of hitting pop lock it could not be considered competitive PvP. Even the leaderboard and Emperor are not competitive as all that is based on Ap earned, not skill in PvP.
Yes, there is the guise of competition, which is what you describe, but it has never been actual competitive PvP due to it's design. Having truly competitive AvA with an open world design lacks the controls to make it competitive.
If "NO ONE ELSE is playing" then how can those people that ARE NOT PLAYING ruin *your* game while they are NOT PLAYING?
That makes no damn sense. Either there are people playing, in which case they are, well playing.
Or if they aren't playing, then who the hell is ruining your game?
And for that matter, how exactly are they ruining *YOUR* game? You aren't even playing during those hours.
I agree, it is not supposed to be competitive PvP as you are saying. It is supposed to be competitive AvAvA objective based siege warfare. It is supposed to be large scale, it is supposed to be zergs 50 v 50 or more. But what happens when people in time slots with very little population all team up on one alliance unopposed and run the map, and scrolls, and emp compromises the competitive AvAvA aspect of it. This is where the competitive AvAvA aspect is most flawed.
Not really. You are trying to say Cyrodiil was designed to be balanced, even numbers, when in fact there has never been anything in it's design to make it so.
At it's core Cyrodiil was designed and intended to permit an imbalanced with the number of players among the factions and balance of those numbers would only come into play during the peak hours of the day.
In fact, Zos added a low pop bonus that increases the AP earned, but does nothing to bring balance. Cyrodiil also had a huge bonus that made the team currenty running the map much stronger in both Cyrodiil and outside of Cyrodiil. It also gave the a faction that had a current emperor in that campaign a sizable HP advantage.
So there was and has never been anything in the design of Cyrodiiil to demonstrate any intention for the balance you are suggesting. I am speaking factually. You just want to falsely blame people who live in other areas of the world or work different hours than you for Cyrodiil being designed and intended to be different than what you want it to be. Again, that is the facts, not opinion or desire.
To play it certain ways, like stacking one faction, yes it does. Conversely it needs incentives to play other ways, like not stacking one faction and spreading among all 3. Glad we finally agree on something.
BaiterOfZergs wrote: »Zos might actually have to implement a system where the scoring open at a certain time and closes at a certain time.
People aren't playing, force feeding them systems like these won't fix anything.
The problem is once again, faction lock.
The problem with these types of posts is that you have 2 different types of “pvpers” arguing against each other.
1. People who want to win.
2. People who just want to PVP in an unstructured, open world environment.
Telling type 2 players to go play BG’s is useless because some of us who played other RvR games like DAoC or even GW2’s WvW mode, enjoy the openness of it; it’s a very unique style of PvP. I’m not calling all type 1 players AP farmers, but it seems for them, the actual PvP is secondary. They’re not interested in the actual fight, just killing and earning AP. Neither are “wrong” but neither will ever agree.
The best part about this game mode is the flexibility, of you want to zerg-surf, you can. If you want to (try) to solo/small scale, you can. No one wants the game mode to die, but with the current list of restrictions (faction locks, server stacking, and server performance etc..) ZoS is doing nothing to entice new players, they’re simply driving more and more core players away. I wouldn’t be surprised if PvP pop drops a bit more once the skill line purchases come through, players looking for vigor/caltrops won’t even need to enter Cyrodiil as long as they have one character who is level 10 in assault/support.
I think type 2 players feel like they’re more invested in Cyrodiil, which is why they’re some of the more vocal folks. Most type 1 players will often take the path of least resistance, joining the ranks of massive guilds to melt a map in a manner of hours, because they find it fun to dominate. I agree with the posters above who said Cyrodiil was never intended to be a fair PvP zone.
Game modes like these often die first because of the issues we’re experiencing. There’s no right or wrong, just ride the wave while it’s here because if left up to the player, the majority will do nothing to change course.
BaiterOfZergs wrote: »Zos might actually have to implement a system where the scoring open at a certain time and closes at a certain time.
ellahellabella wrote: »
That is far from fair for people that play in another part of the world. Dynamic scoring would be the better way to go.
dtsharples wrote: »The game is dying not progressing.
There is no incoming Oceanic server, they give zero *** for the servers they have.
dtsharples wrote: »I just don't understand how anyone can find a map that is one colour to be enjoyable? Please enlighten me anyone if you canThx.