Re-thinking AP awards for keeps, holds, towns, and resources

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
Currently the base AP gain for offensive ticks when flipping resources, towns, and districts is 1500 AP. The base AP gain for outposts is 3000 AP and keeps is 6000 AP. These base values are still high enough to encourage things like PvDooring at any time of day, as well as piling on one faction and map painting uncontested during low population play times. These activities are right now some of the best ways to gain AP at a high rate. They shouldn't be. They promote game play strategies that are detrimental to the whole premise of AvAvA large scale combat, which is the foundation of PvP in Cyrodiil. While these objectives should be great sources of AP when they are fought over by large numbers of people of two or more alliances, they should be worth next to nothing when taken uncontested.

I would suggest changing the base AP of objectives to 100 AP, 200 AP, and 400 AP respectively. By doing so PvDooring would become more of a strategic move rather than a high end source of AP. PvDoor is part of the game and needs to be in certain situations. Attacking someone else's back keeps is a great way to get them to pull back off the front lines. It is also needed in some cases to spread fighting out away from the Emp keeps and the circular progression of them. People should be doing these things for strategic purposes, not because it is the easiest, fastest way to gain AP. The fastest ways to gain AP should be focused around people fighting each other in PvP.

When there are large amounts of players fighting over objectives, these objectives should yield the most AP of all. To this end the way the game calculates AP at objectives would need to be adjusted so that in combination with the lower base values it would arrive at the same amount of AP awarded for higher volume fights. If for instance 100 deaths would yield an 8 k tick and this is a desirable amount of AP for that many deaths adjust the math so that 100 deaths still equates to an 8k tick when added on top of the lower base amounts. This could be done in a linear fashion, a non linear fashion, or with staged value adjustments based on the first 20 deaths being worth so much AP the next 50 being worth a different value, and every death after that being worth another value yet. There are ways that it could be adjusted so that it escalated quicker or slower earlier or later in the death count. It could be done in bell curve fashion so that there is an optimum death count after which the AP awarded for the tick will start to decrease to disinsentivize everyone piling on just one keep and incentivizing them to spread out. What ever the end goal might be. Simply put if now each death adds 20 points to the pot and 100 deaths add 2 k points to the 6 k base for an 8 k total, it could be modified so that each death adds 80 points to the pot and 100 deaths add 8k points to the 400 base for 8.4 k total AP. In the end O ticks might be very similar to the way D ticks work, I won't pretend to know exactly how that is calculated, but D ticks obviously have a lower base point.

Awarding AP in this fashion will encourage people to fight each other to earn AP rather than take empty objectives. It may also encourage people who play during non peak population hours to spread out among all 3 factions rather than piling onto one faction and painting the map since that would now be a very slow way to gain AP. It also allows for fights at objectives to still give nice amounts of points when there are a lot of people at an objective trying to claim it, while giving very low amounts of AP for taking them uncontested.
  • kpittsniperb14_ESO
    PVDoor is due to population imbalances and lack of population to sustain numbers around the clock on all servers and not driven by AP necessarily. Your idea would simply lead to turtling keeps in primetime due to defense being more lucrative. Scoring favored defense at one point as you suggest and this is what resulted. Night capping/day capping and" but it's muh primetime and you don't understand the earth is round" capping are all possible because of low populations....this is what needs to be addressed.
    Magicka DK-Rowsdowerr
    Tertiary Meat GM
    "they're going to say, there's Daniel and he has 20 people with him, I want to kill him and there's
    40 more behind me."
    "I'm tired of the BS excuses, if you're going to do what you do at least admit what you're doing"
  • Ranger209
    I don't think scoring should favor defense over offense or offense over defense. Perhaps defensive ticks will need adjustment as well. It should, however, favor higher death counts. If someone takes or defends an objective and no one, or very few die, there should be little AP to be gained from this. If the death count is high there should be large AP gains, both offensively and defensively as the case may be. For instance at a keep if 1 person dies the tick whether offensive or defensive would be worth 480 AP, if 10 people die it would be worth 1200 AP, if 50 people die it would be worth 4400 AP, if 100 people die it would be worth 8400 AP, if 500 people die it would be worth 40400 AP. This is using 400 as a base amount and 80 per death with just a flat value escalation. Again this could be done many different ways linear, non linear, stepped, etc. to arrive at desired values for certain death thresholds during any particular fight over an objective.
  • Ackwalan
    It promotes people to spread out to parts of the map that are undefended, instead of zerg vs zerg.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    The system you're describing is more or less how it used to be--and the result was that generally all the large groups/pugzergs stayed strictly on the main ring and smashed into each other, with farm groups going to the backkeeps and whatnot.

    Now, those groups tend to at least occasionally head to "undefended" locations, which can lead to fun opportunities to actually fight a 24 man pug group without....3 others being there, too.

    It does incentivize off-hours PvDoor, but honestly "caring about the score" really stopped working about 2 years ago, when the population in PvP got less serious and there stopped being concerted round-the-clock efforts to play for the scoreboard.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Durham
    The system you're describing is more or less how it used to be--and the result was that generally all the large groups/pugzergs stayed strictly on the main ring and smashed into each other, with farm groups going to the backkeeps and whatnot.

    Now, those groups tend to at least occasionally head to "undefended" locations, which can lead to fun opportunities to actually fight a 24 man pug group without....3 others being there, too.

    It does incentivize off-hours PvDoor, but honestly "caring about the score" really stopped working about 2 years ago, when the population in PvP got less serious and there stopped being concerted round-the-clock efforts to play for the scoreboard.

    this ....
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Ranger209
    The system you're describing is more or less how it used to be--and the result was that generally all the large groups/pugzergs stayed strictly on the main ring and smashed into each other, with farm groups going to the backkeeps and whatnot.

    Now, those groups tend to at least occasionally head to "undefended" locations, which can lead to fun opportunities to actually fight a 24 man pug group without....3 others being there, too.

    It does incentivize off-hours PvDoor, but honestly "caring about the score" really stopped working about 2 years ago, when the population in PvP got less serious and there stopped being concerted round-the-clock efforts to play for the scoreboard.

    It is no secret that I am a big backer of Cyrodiil being first and foremost a large scale AvAvA competitive environment with objective based siege warfare. I believe that was the original intent and should still be the intent. My hope is that faction locks is the first step in bringing "caring about the score" back. Without faction locks the score is meaningless. When people are playing for all 3 alliances the score is pointless. Reinstituting faction locks is the first step in making the score meaningful. Actually having 3 unique teams that span all time zones and fight for a single faction is the first step in making that happen. It is the first step toward giving the score relevance and meaning.

    What needs to be done next is to make the score accurately reflect the effort of all of its participants over time and to compensate for population imbalance during that time. At some point, if it really is to matter and people really are to care about it, the scoring system will need to be adjusted and weighted based on population at any given time. But it goes deeper than that, because the things that people do during those low population hours carries over into the time frames when a weighted scoring system would be at its maximum threshold. When people paint the map and take all 6 scrolls there are some days that those scrolls don't ever make it back home. Sometimes it takes 2 days to get a scroll back, thus the impact that a small percentage of people have upon the score is dramatically disproportionate to the effort they imparted. This is another one of those things that make people not care about the score, or more importantly lead the score itself into irrelevance.

    I would wager to say that during the last 12 months there are some people that have won every campaign because the campaign they fight for is the campaign that wins. The effect that they have on the score when they run virtually unopposed is so far askew that it just doesn't matter what anyone else does. Matter of fact it doesn't matter what everyone else does. I have seen 1200 point swings in a 24 hour period because of what has been done in a 4 hour time frame which cannot be overcome in the next 20 hours when more balanced fighting among the factions is taking place.

    A population based weighted scoring system which compensates for peaks and valleys will definitely be needed, but before working on that I would try to address the issues that cause people to pile on one faction when population is low, and try to find ways to organically get them to even out among all 3 factions. While AP farming may not be the only reason that people tend to do this, it is definitely a major player. If there are other reasons that people do this then those should be brought up as well, and discussed, and thought through, to find ways to address them. The weight of these actions, I feel, goes beyond what a population based weighted scoring system can correct on its own.

    Once the score more accurately reflects the efforts of all of those contributing to it, ideas can be discussed about bringing in rewards that are more meaningful as well. Until that happens it would be completely unfair to have decent, relevant, desired rewards, because it would be totally unfair on how and to whom they would be rewarded. In the end this is where I would like to see Cyrodiil end up. It should be a competitive large scale team base environment, team being alliance, not group or guild, where everyone's actions contribute as equally to the score as possible. Doing something at 6 am, or noon, or 6 pm, or midnight should have the same value and weight reflected in the score. The time of day that you do said thing should not increase nor decrease its value or weight. It should be a place where the rewards make you say that was worth it, I'm glad I was a part of that, I want to do it again, but things need to be staged in the correct order to make the end result of all of it as viable and as long lasting as possible. There are no easy answers, there are a lot of moving parts, but this is the next area I believe needs to be addressed to make Cyrodiil what it was intended to be.
  • Mr_Walker
    Population (or the lack thereof) is what needs to be addressed.
  • magblade88
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    Population (or the lack thereof) is what needs to be addressed.

    Its definently a multi faceted problem, but the the servers cant handle the population we have now. A good start to fixing a lack of population would be making the game actually playable.
  • frostz417
    Make killls count towards campaign score. That’ll actually give people incentive to fight, rather than cyrodiil just being a mindless zerg fest with people running from fights.
  • Kartalin
    I think it might be better if the 6k for taking keeps were split evenly among the attackers rather than rewarded to each, with the amount to be split increased significantly based on the number of defenders that were present.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 37
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 37
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 36
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Kallenna, EP Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - Tertiary Meat - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Mr_Walker
    Kartalin wrote: »
    I think it might be better if the 6k for taking keeps were split evenly among the attackers rather than rewarded to each, with the amount to be split increased significantly based on the number of defenders that were present.

    That's a great idea, and it would ensure that people who don't play "primetime" are less incentivised to play, leading to positive outcomes!
  • Kartalin
    Mr_Walker wrote: »

    That's a great idea, and it would ensure that people who don't play "primetime" are less incentivised to play, leading to positive outcomes!

    Ideally a large group capturing a well-defended keep would get the same o-tick per person as a small group taking a lightly defended keep -- less people to split up a smaller tick balances that out. What it does not support is pvdooring.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 37
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 37
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 36
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Kallenna, EP Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - Tertiary Meat - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Ranger209
    Kartalin wrote: »
    I think it might be better if the 6k for taking keeps were split evenly among the attackers rather than rewarded to each, with the amount to be split increased significantly based on the number of defenders that were present.

    While I see merit in this approach, I don't know that it consistently goes far enough to disincentivize PvDooring for AP and piling on one faction during non peak hours. These are the things that 6k ticks as they are now do incentivize.
    Kartalin wrote: »

    Ideally a large group capturing a well-defended keep would get the same o-tick per person as a small group taking a lightly defended keep -- less people to split up a smaller tick balances that out. What it does not support is pvdooring.

    While I see merit in this approach, I don't know that it consistently goes far enough to disincentivize PvDooring for AP and piling on one faction during non peak hours. These are the things that 6k ticks as they are now do incentivize. I also think that taking an objective where 500 people die should be worth more than taking one where 5 people die. Though it could be done in some non linear way where it escalates sharply at first, or have some sort of time factor involved. The more I think about what your saying though the more I like it and see how it could work at peak population times as well as non peak times to incentivize actual PvP over PvDoor to gain AP.
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