Resolving Vigor should scale with max stats.

Over the last few patches, mulitiple magicka class based heals have received the ability to scale with weapon power and max stamina. The same should be applied to vigor.

Proposal: Resolving vigor now scales with max stats. Echoing vigor would remain stamina scaling only.

The current state of self healing in pvp is heavily imbalanced. Magicka shields have been heavily nerfed, while many stamina classes have the capability to stack both vigor and class based self healing. Examples include warden, necro, , stam dk and to a degree, stam sorc and templar.

For the forum warriors who will immediately start screaming, this would allow zos to gut shields even further.

In addition to mag heals scaling with max stam, we now have the new soul trap, which costs mag but scales off wd/stam. Its time to give a little the other way. No current stamina skills scale with max mag.
Edited by iCaliban on July 18, 2019 5:36PM
  • susmitds
    My stamblade is asking for a physical proxy det.
  • DocFrost72
    I'm down for a 5 piece crafted set that swaps scaling. Things that scale off stam and weapon damage switch to magicka and spell damage, and vice versa (including cost). This'd make your magicka vigor a reality.
  • templesus
    Yeah lemme get a BoL that scales off max stats while we’re at it.
  • iCaliban
    templesus wrote: »
    Yeah lemme get a BoL that scales off max stats while we’re at it.

    They have already done that with warden shrooms and natures grasp and the new necro tether.

    Vigor is a hot, not a burst heal. You could ask for stam BOL when rally scales with max mag for instance.
    Edited by iCaliban on July 18, 2019 5:51PM
  • Strider__Roshin
    I believe all heals and shields should scale from max stats whereas all offensive abilities should scale from weapon and spell damage. I've hated the fact that both your offensive and defensive abilities scale from the same stats. It's lazy, and makes it so you don't have to sacrifice damage for survivability.
  • iCaliban
    Daus wrote: »
    I believe all heals and shields should scale from max stats whereas all offensive abilities should scale from weapon and spell damage. I've hated the fact that both your offensive and defensive abilities scale from the same stats. It's lazy, and makes it so you don't have to sacrifice damage for survivability.

    Thats a whole different topic, and one im somewhat sympethatic towards. From a pvp perspective, this sort of already exists. If you stack max stat/damage, the trade off is loss of off stat (deadly on mag toons) or resists. Which is why pirate skeleton got nerfed. You could stack all the damage and healing you wanted, and PS would give you more than enough damage resist to compensate.

    As for this actual topic, I believe literally every singe class based HOT now scales with stam/wd. Natures embrace, healing tether, cauterize, surge, extended ritual all scale off stam/wd. Which can be stacked with vigor.
  • LukosCreyden
    Just make EVERYTHING scale with max stats! Homogenization at its finest!
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • SodanTok
  • katorga
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    I'm down for a 5 piece crafted set that swaps scaling. Things that scale off stam and weapon damage switch to magicka and spell damage, and vice versa (including cost). This'd make your magicka vigor a reality.

    That is a really cool idea. Kudos for out of the box thinking.
  • Seraphayel
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    I'm down for a 5 piece crafted set that swaps scaling. Things that scale off stam and weapon damage switch to magicka and spell damage, and vice versa (including cost). This'd make your magicka vigor a reality.

    This sounds absolutely amazing. Add Pelinal‘s Aptitude to it and you could create some really unique builds.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Insco851
    What magbuild in pvp has the necessary stam to be popping a vigor routinely? I mean- sure go ahead and let it scale- you won’t see many builds that can afford it.
  • delichon
    What's the point? Magicka characters can't afford stamina skill anyway. It should have magicka morph, or Rapid Regeneration should be a magicka equivalent of Vigor and should target self only.
  • idk
    I just think it is a bad idea to want homogenization. It is boring. OP might as well be asking for bow abilities to scale off magicka as well.
  • Seraphayel
    delichon wrote: »
    What's the point? Magicka characters can't afford stamina skill anyway. It should have magicka morph, or Rapid Regeneration should be a magicka equivalent of Vigor and should target self only.

    I’d like to have a good and reliable heal outside of Resto Staff. And yes, many class healing Magicka skills are bad and don’t rival Vigor.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Deathlord92
    iCaliban wrote: »
    Over the last few patches, mulitiple magicka class based heals have received the ability to scale with weapon power and max stamina. The same should be applied to vigor.

    Proposal: Resolving vigor now scales with max stats. Echoing vigor would remain stamina scaling only.

    The current state of self healing in pvp is heavily imbalanced. Magicka shields have been heavily nerfed, while many stamina classes have the capability to stack both vigor and class based self healing. Examples include warden, necro, , stam dk and to a degree, stam sorc and templar.

    For the forum warriors who will immediately start screaming, this would allow zos to gut shields even further.

    In addition to mag heals scaling with max stam, we now have the new soul trap, which costs mag but scales off wd/stam. Its time to give a little the other way. No current stamina skills scale with max mag.
    I agree with this and sword daggers axes etc should scale with both to. I love melee magblade almost as much as my stamblade almost 🙂
  • Papachico
    templesus wrote: »
    Yeah lemme get a BoL that scales off max stats while we’re at it.

    Would swap out BoL next patch for a magicka scaled vigor (50k tooltip) any day of the week.
  • xAk_MoRRoWiNdx
    Of the many things I don't understand about this game, this is one of them. Realistically, shouldn't EVERYTHING scales off of their respective "play style" if you will.

    Breath of Life - scales off Max Magicka
    Vigor - Scales off Max Stamina
    Rally - Scales off Max Stamina
    Healing Ward - scales off Max Magicka

    Like, I don't even know how to word this properly: Vigor didn't scale off of Stam?? Just WD?

    wtf? I need some explanations
    New to forums and stuff so I 99.9 percent probably won't see your response and such, so use the at symbol at me I guess? IDK :/. This BBCode stuff is really cool!! :D.
    Gamer from Alaska (907 Gamers, Alaskan Gamers Unite!).
    My little rant I guess?:
      One day Nightblades will get the buffs we desperately need and deserve, but so far, those buffs are not today.. The Elder Scrolls Online: Nightblade Nerfs Unlimited.
      Don't nerf you, don't nerf me, nerf the sorc behind the tree!.

      If you need help or advice, hit me up on Xbox: H4rry Poggers :D .
      Also open to talking on Discord!

      Ich kann Deutsch Sprechen bei der mittleren/zwischen Kenntnissen Ebene. Hallo! :D.

      CP level 1000+! Playing since 2015.

      My wishlist I suppose:
      • Bring back purge cloak. But I guess the new heal cloak is more beneficial. Hmmm....
      • MAKE IMPERIAL CITY GREAT AGAIN, BRING BACK THOSE INCREDIBLE DAYS. My best experiences in ESO where in there!
      • Return Stam builds to the power we held in One Tamriel. Long Live Stamina builds!
      • Put Magplar and MagDK into their place. Magpsorc is a hopeless case.
      • Is there any chance that we could get an Ebonheart Pact nerf? #CullingTheHerds .

      My 10 characters:
      • AD - xak-Morrowindx - Khajiit Stamina Nightblade. Hours: 107 days, 19 hours (2,568 hours).
      • EP - Ich bin Groot - Orc Stamina Dragonknight. Hours: 2 days, 16 hours (64 hours).
      • DC - Who Took My Bleach - Orc Stamina Sorcerer. Hours: 3 days, 18 hours. (90 hours).
      • EP - Niada Zaennon - High Elf Magicka Nightblade. Hours: 15 days, 18 hours (378 hours).
      • AD - Healsyournoobazzwithmemes - Argonian Magicka Templar. Hours: 1 day, 9 hours (33 hours)
      • DC - Engulfing Traps - Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight. Hours: 7 days, 17 hours (129 hours).
      • AD - Verführung - High Elf Magicka Sorcerer. Hours: 5 days, 9 hours (129 hours)
      • DC - Deadazz catch these birds - Nord Stamina Warden. Hours: 6 days, 21 hours (165 hours)
      • EP - So Bendy - Wood Elf Stamina Templar. Hours: 1 day, 15 hours (39 hours)
      • EP - Smash that mf Like button - Breton Magicka Warden. Hours: 20 hours, 20 minutes.

      Aldmeri Dominion Master-Faction!
    • ProzTh3Almighty
      Papachico wrote: »
      templesus wrote: »
      Yeah lemme get a BoL that scales off max stats while we’re at it.

      Would swap out BoL next patch for a magicka scaled vigor (50k tooltip) any day of the week.

      Not a real thing in a competitive build. Just a stacked nonsense showcase build lacking real viability
    • Anti_Virus
      I agree not only should vigor get this change but ALL heals should scale from max stats.

      I made a thread about this a while back and it was met with magicka players saying how this would buff stam, how it would be a bad change, it would make mag builds irrelevant etc. lo behold mag players now want this change.
      Edited by Anti_Virus on July 19, 2019 4:37AM
      Power Wealth And Influence.
    • sly007
      iCaliban wrote: »
      Over the last few patches, mulitiple magicka class based heals have received the ability to scale with weapon power and max stamina. The same should be applied to vigor.

      Proposal: Resolving vigor now scales with max stats. Echoing vigor would remain stamina scaling only.

      The current state of self healing in pvp is heavily imbalanced. Magicka shields have been heavily nerfed, while many stamina classes have the capability to stack both vigor and class based self healing. Examples include warden, necro, , stam dk and to a degree, stam sorc and templar.

      For the forum warriors who will immediately start screaming, this would allow zos to gut shields even further.

      In addition to mag heals scaling with max stam, we now have the new soul trap, which costs mag but scales off wd/stam. Its time to give a little the other way. No current stamina skills scale with max mag.

      Stamina should get shields that scale with max stamina as well, proxi with highest stats, and 10% crit chance for wearing 5 medium instead of 7%.
    • Saril_Durzam
      One thing i dont understand. Why Fear is breaking up with stamina? It looks more flavourly with magicka.

      There wont be balance while dodge (100% dmg mitigation) keeps scaled as stamina
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