Yeah lemme get a BoL that scales off max stats while we’re at it.
I believe all heals and shields should scale from max stats whereas all offensive abilities should scale from weapon and spell damage. I've hated the fact that both your offensive and defensive abilities scale from the same stats. It's lazy, and makes it so you don't have to sacrifice damage for survivability.
DocFrost72 wrote: »I'm down for a 5 piece crafted set that swaps scaling. Things that scale off stam and weapon damage switch to magicka and spell damage, and vice versa (including cost). This'd make your magicka vigor a reality.
DocFrost72 wrote: »I'm down for a 5 piece crafted set that swaps scaling. Things that scale off stam and weapon damage switch to magicka and spell damage, and vice versa (including cost). This'd make your magicka vigor a reality.
What's the point? Magicka characters can't afford stamina skill anyway. It should have magicka morph, or Rapid Regeneration should be a magicka equivalent of Vigor and should target self only.
I agree with this and sword daggers axes etc should scale with both to. I love melee magblade almost as much as my stamblade almost 🙂Over the last few patches, mulitiple magicka class based heals have received the ability to scale with weapon power and max stamina. The same should be applied to vigor.
Proposal: Resolving vigor now scales with max stats. Echoing vigor would remain stamina scaling only.
The current state of self healing in pvp is heavily imbalanced. Magicka shields have been heavily nerfed, while many stamina classes have the capability to stack both vigor and class based self healing. Examples include warden, necro, , stam dk and to a degree, stam sorc and templar.
For the forum warriors who will immediately start screaming, this would allow zos to gut shields even further.
In addition to mag heals scaling with max stam, we now have the new soul trap, which costs mag but scales off wd/stam. Its time to give a little the other way. No current stamina skills scale with max mag.
Over the last few patches, mulitiple magicka class based heals have received the ability to scale with weapon power and max stamina. The same should be applied to vigor.
Proposal: Resolving vigor now scales with max stats. Echoing vigor would remain stamina scaling only.
The current state of self healing in pvp is heavily imbalanced. Magicka shields have been heavily nerfed, while many stamina classes have the capability to stack both vigor and class based self healing. Examples include warden, necro, , stam dk and to a degree, stam sorc and templar.
For the forum warriors who will immediately start screaming, this would allow zos to gut shields even further.
In addition to mag heals scaling with max stam, we now have the new soul trap, which costs mag but scales off wd/stam. Its time to give a little the other way. No current stamina skills scale with max mag.