Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
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The Xbox Live™ service interruption has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

This is ESO!

*The Banished Cells have doorways where mobs get stuck on, players past these doorways using single targeted abilities on these mobs within will not be able to connect.

*When using Pirate Skeleton, it's possible to see the head/hair accessory in a glossy white texture as of Scalebreaker.

*After killing the large gator boss in Wayrest Sewers I (Slimecraw), players may experience the NPC dialogue not progressing to when they unlock the door, thus, the door is forever locked. This prevents further proceeding with the dungeon.

*Sometimes when playing marches of sacrifices, the; mysterious bush, mysterious mushroom, mysterious dirt, and mysterious bag cannot be interacted with, preventing the wisp you follow from spawning and acquiring boons and the associated achievement.

*Maelstrom Arena has extreme syncing problems; resources and health desync, roll dodge invisibility frames, and skills not registering. Enemy animations end after actual clipping with player.

*Guild vendors will sometimes falsely tell you that no items are available. Doing a "/reloadui" fixes this. Additionally, the GS UI may tell you the name of the item doesn't exist, thus, disallowing the search. This resolves upon restarting client.

*Nature's Embrace, from Warden, has an issue where the skill will fire and begin animation, but only after it has reached the target will the range and LoS be validated. Should either range or LoS fail after the delay will be skill be terminated, despite that the skill icon had appeared highlighted and magicka cost consumed. Reported seen as of Scalebreaker.

*Pet's and mobs get stuck in IC sewers, too stupid to use stairs.

*Mounts have infinite stamina as long as the sprint key (default: shift) is held, regardless if having been depleted. Stamina exhaustion only applies after; letting go of sprint, losing momentum/stopping, or changing direction with keys (not rotating camera + forward key). As of Scalebreaker, this ancient bug has been squashed.

*Leaderboard scores not properly updating (afaik, weekly).

*Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

*Enemies dying at a distance then suddenly teleporting closer to you, telling you, "[out of range]" when you try to loot.

* Descaling the max resolution of furniture, especially in player housing.

*Casting Honor of Dead with a nearby player in mist form will twitch the caster and then fail, very annoying if the misted ally was inadvertently targeted.

*Casting Streak sometimes self stuns the player in place.

*Channeled, teleport abilities and heavy attacks sometimes makes the player's facing direction flash between the target location and their current movement/momentum of direction, causing the skill to fail and locking the player in what seems to be a mini seizure where they alternate between two different facing directions.

*The new jode player house causes (seemingly) random crashes, that, among its poor design.

*While in Cyrodiil it is possible to port out by queue for BGs. Either play the match or leave, you will be back in PvE zones.

* Missing or broken dye channels, especially on new crown store purchases. (Example being: Nightflame Arms Pack.)

*Some cone telegraphs that rotated have been desyncing with enemy animations such as Asylum Sanctorum where one of the bosses sprays steam, this can sometimes appear as a 360 degree turn while the boss continues to face, say, the tank.

*Also apart of Asylum Santorum, the poison AoEs that lock to player will appear centered telegraphically, but is actually offset to the side causing players outside of the visible retile to be harmed.

*The final boss of Maw of Lorkhaj causes random and multiple crashes, especially after a group wipe. This seems to happen to the same players within a group.

*Clouding Swarms fails with keeping the player invisible. This issue couldn't be resolved, in response, ZoS has revamped this ability to allow the player to "materialize" when activating it again while active. This deals additional damage in the form of a teleport strike.

Devouring Swarm does not scale with stamina as ults should with highest resource. Prior to Scalebreaker, the Weapon Damage scaled ~800% less than that of the Spell Damage scaling, while Stamina scaling was ~1500% less than Magicka. Now in 5.1.5, the coefficient base damage makes up for (but not limited to) half of the healing.

*Infusers in Blackrose Prison sometimes ignore bashes.

*The Blackrose Prison Battlemage and Tames-The-Beasts boss' projectiles ignores; Protective Plates, Shimmering Shield, and Ball of Lightning. As do their major and minor defile, bleed, and incrementing damage cannot be purged.

*The Blackrose Prison Lady Minara boss also suffers from AoE issues, causing players to take full damage regarless if they are in the telegraph or not sometimes.

*There are times where the player switches costumes when switching bars or appears completely naked OR even invisible, not sure what causes this, seems very random but not very occurrent.

*Mounting on a horse (more often while moving) can sometimes leave the player in a running animation while on top, "riding" it.

*The Windows client suffers from resolution and closing conflicts, it hangs up on players to force close via task manager / command-prompt.

*The daedric ruins battleground map has a weird terrain clip where if the player is hit with a knock back ability, close to the pillars at base (the ones that hold the relics), they can fall through and under the map. This leads to serious problems with relic games if they go through while carrying it.

*Stamnecro specifically seems to have a bug that locks player input, forcing them to block, only solution is to die. Doesn't always work.

*MMR (Match Making Rank) for BGs, specifically over 50+ is a mess and discourages (but not limited to) new players from returning to it. This is caused by players under level 50 BGs who have achieved high MMR to retain high MMR when moved into the over level 50 campaign. This is also caused by how MMR is lost, matched, and filtered.

*Mend Spirit only applies major buffs via light attack, the heavy attack removes the major buffs immediately. This skill has also lost the visual circular aura it had on the affected player.

*Lottus Blossom with Mend Spirit has trouble recognizing itself, it's pathetic.

*Stamina/Spell cost reduction % bonuses are based on current skill cost values after cost reduction glyphs and flat values are added rather than the base cost of a skill, therefor, resulting in less multipliers as they will increase at a declining rate due to additive values.

*Tether skills for Necromancer flicker and give false positives when you attempt to interact with already used corpses by other necro. These abilities are already clunky to begin with and don't fire even if lit in skill bar because the cross hair is obstructed by other actors/npcs/rodents/pebbles.

* Broken queue, "unable to queue as of this time" because too many queue. This restriction was put in place because the server became encumbered with players and failed to make teams, resetting the queue into a ready state, prompting players to accept repeatedly.

*Trading furniture in houses may cause that furniture to disappear.

*Upon exiting a house, it's possible for the server to not save last removes/edits/additions, causing the house to appear the exact same way it did the previous time they stepped foot in it. This can result in lost of items (that were added to the house from inventory), duplicates of items (that were removed to inventory), and replaced furniture.

*Lakemire Xanmeer house has textures tares on the corner wall/entry way on the top floor.

*Mistveil has a hallway inside at the main entrance.

*Amaya Lake Lodge is missing an entire room on the bottom floor and the room at the very top is very huge to the outside.

*Strident Springs has windows all over that don't actually exist inside.

*Puncturing Strikes uses an older version of camera controls, predating the adjustments with Murkmire because underlying issues with gamepad controls could not be fixed .

*Psijic villa has a similar issue, however, it has a one sided magically lit window in the main hall that you can walk behind and "poof!" Wtf?

*Quondam Indorilia has towers that you can see from outside, but when you walk under them inside, the ceiling is concaved the same way it is everywhere else on the upper floor.

*NPCs will refuse to talk to you if you just zoned into a location or are still loading something, forcing the player to face the NPC while nothing happens till you try again later.

*Channeled heavy attacks (resto, lightning, mend spirit) lock players in animation and/or not completing, preventing use of other skills till you hit block to override the action. (This sometimes happens with sprint.)

*There are still instances in group content were pets are expected to be invulnerable, yet, still receive damage and die. This generally happens as a result of mechanics.

* Locking players from mounting and weapon swapping, when previously was permitted, seemingly at random.

*Placing a volcanic rune under enemy spawn points in battlegrounds can auto kill players to take full health environmental damage. This is problematic with chaosball where people tend to defend and linger by base.

*A chaos ball can be taken with a player to their spawn point when they res after dying within a small window upon grabbing the ball.

*Weapons and their particle effects/ graphics appearing below the player's feet.

*Mounting will fail to summon the mount or show other player's mounts at times, making them hump the ground while gliding across the land.

*Undo and morphs sometimes fires without restoring resources or other times doesn't bring you back to where you were. (Example being, even after a fall.)

*The giant daedroth (maw of the infernal) boss from Banished Cells II endlessly breaths fire. This is only an animation problem as players are not actually damaged by it. Fixed as of Scalebreaker.

*Casting Channeled Acceleration slows you. Originally before 3.3.5 Dragonbones all cast time skills slowed you by 50%, but this one became an exception and still does. The ones that were excluded from this change were melee abilities (Uppercut, Puncturing Strikes) or channeled abilities (Soul Strike, Rite of Passage, Rapid Fire). Channeled Acceleration does not have a channeled function despite the reasonably misleading name, just read the tooltip or try it out.

*Turning the camera while trying to perform jabs on Templar while also moving may hinder it from executing.

*Dragon's fire breath while swooping from above kills everyone in path before it nor the telegraph actually reaches them.

*On the topic of the Dragon's, their fire can also appear hidden and invisible, particularly happens when their animations begin.

*Dragon's will at times jerk and flip seemingly 160 degrees in flight, usually happens before going to sit on high terrain.

*The golden vendor hasn't been updated for two years, there are lots of missing sets, post Morrowind.

*Several other telegraph issues, such as gargoyles in Hel Ra Citadel (which also don't hold aggro properly anymore and ignore taunts at random).

*Heavy Dead-Water helmet motif has missing meshes around the neck peice that allows you to see through it. Where is my neck?

*Wayrest Sewers I, crocodiles sometimes aggro and get stuck under grates or fail to use stairs, forcing a stuck in combat situation. (Possibly linked to other bugs listed regarding this dungeon.)

*Wayrest Sewer I, after defeating the orc boss, the door behind him sometimes fails to prompt open for some group members. If some members proceed to fight Varaine, the boss behind the door, the isolated group members stuck outside of the door will have to wait.

*Also apart of Wayrest Sewers I, the boss, Varaine, sometimes gets stuck and won't come down from the upper wooden platform. Forcing players to fight at a range.

*Goliath Bash alone deals too much burst potential, netting high parses in rapid consecutive sucession. Tooltips can read 14k conal aoe damage a second without CDs and can be weaved as a block animation cancel. This is on top of the; 30k heal, 30k max health, and LA/HA heals over 20 seconds. As of patch 5.0.10, the bash attack from this ability will no longer target bridges or targets behind you and will always cost resources, instead of only if you hit a target. QoL improvements have been made to the telegraph and the bash will now adopt the traditional standard of scaling with highest resource, as all ultimates do.

*WW Berserker morph LA with DoT bleed application deals too much damage alone. Netting high parses in rapid consecutive succession. The DoT deals unmitigatable bleed damage over 4 seconds that was condensed from 8 seconds and increased in strength by ~24%, last patch. Those running bonuses such as blood drinkers set, CP, rapid rot, or other relevant passives will inherit this buff, multiplicatively. This is a cause for the large disparity of the performance between the Pack Leader and Berserker morph. As of Scalebreaker, ZoS has decided to turn bleeds into generic DoTs and the wolves summoned by the other morph to be; untargetable, less damaging, and more CC focused.

*Sorc/Warden/WW Pet collision and targeting obstruct intended targets and waste resources, players expoit this in BGs by standing in and behind their collision boxes. (Except WW as of 5.1.5.)

*The housing permissions glitch is back, allowing people to revert previous permission changes with a prompt.

*Trying to visit a house that isn't public nor are you listed as visitor for can sometimes result in a crash.

*Some skill advisor setups tell you to invest in abilities that don't make any sense. Example being: Sorcerer, Eldritch Mender, tells you to morph Dark Exchange into Dark Deal. Healers want magic back not stamina.

*Guard no longer double dips into the targets mitigation and then into the casters, but now ignores the casters' resistance and increases the damage taken by debuffs such as vulnerability. The damage taken can result in more than the tool tip while still mitigating a static amount from the ally. This double dips if both are debuffed.

*Combat pets will at times attempt to aid the player in seiging keeps and destructable objects, this has been resolved with Scalebreaker.

*Knocking back a Necromancer in beckoning armour off a cliff or into lava results in pulls that can kill both of you. This can result in inadvertently profiting deaths passively while dying.

*Casting ground targeted skills while quick cast ground abilities is set to yes (instead of auto or no in settings), if by accident you hit the skill twice, it forces the second cast of the skill in a queue and ignores other input/selection till fired, whereas, when non ground casted abilities cause a GCD (Global Cooldown) in effect, it will override the queue to the most recent input. This bug results in a GCD of ~2 seconds and will prohibit LA weaving. The Scalebreaker update will now un-queue AoEs after weapon swapping, preventing stuck in cast situations!

*Crown store poisons that deal poison DoT damage no longer scale to player level properly, resulting in significantly low numbers.

*The unstable wall of elements morph of wall of elements no longer has three Aoes that explode, instead the closest one to the player does and the other two vanish. (Noted from the lightning version of this skill.) With Scalebreaker, the final DoT tick of the skill is no longer consumed by the explosion. [The explosion part of this ability needs further testing as it may not be entirely resolved.]

*Pets still don't enter pvp areas with full health even after the apparent "fix" awhile back.

*Shadow Image fails to revert the player back to the shadow, usually prohibited because of a lack of LoS (line of sight) which can be caused by; small objects, divits in terrain, or seemingly by nothing. The shadow is thus removed at the expense of nothing. ZoS has reverted the changes made to this ability as of Scalebreaker to allow it to be used on or in association to destructable objects (apparently being the cause of this problem).

*There are "stuck in combat" issues that are caused by NPCs resetting (but not stopping) or not resetting at all. This also happens in PvP, regardless of being in a group or not, the in combat status seems to flag and not reset until players die or "blood port". Dying doesn't always resolve the issue, some instances with bosses can lock whole dead parties of 4 in combat, leaving them to try relog before they are allowed to revive.

*In rare instances, seemingly after dying upon impact to a snare, you can revive with permanent slow movement speed that even after dodge rolling (sometimes works) doesn't resolve. This is apparent in PvP, however, it can also happen at random and without dying where the snare times out as a debuff but the snare persists. This then leads to another problem where purges don't work because the snare no longer has an associated debuff it's registered by. There is another instance where this bug is caused by canceling a heavy attack that gets the player "stuck" in animation.

*On lower end systems in large zones like Cyrodiil, traveling at a great distance can result in cell loading issues where large sections of land (cells) load nothing but low resolution and low poly terrain. Stepping on this terrain can result in the player moon walking (walking on the spot), locking them in sprint (if they were running), float (if they jumped into the area), and leaving them vulnerable to enemy players/NPCs till the cell begins to load.

*The HUD (Head-Up Display) for any queue counter and status will sometimes disappear from UI(User Interface) when switching zones or facing a loading screen.

*The UI for allies in the HUD can show false indications of health, sometimes players will seem like they are stuck at 60% health when really they are full.

*The last boss in Selene's Web can cause pets to go missing during the pull and drop phase when the web breaks, this can be avoided by pet command [F] + Right-Click so they ignore and follow, otherwise, resummons them.

*Veteran Frostvault vault protector lasers bug out, causing them to go through the bubble shield or sometimes won't even make the shield.

*The health scooter/over-head on players can (but more so rarely) suffer from stuck and false indications of health as well.

*The Warden's bear, Feral Guardian and morphs active ability, can be interrupted when the bear is teleported to the player if the target out ranges the area which calls pets to ignore distant targets and come back. When this happens, ultimate is depleted.

*The hunger summoned by the defiler set fails to start its attack animation, even if the target is in front of it. It will just continue to rotate its cardinal direction until it times out.

*Scalebreaker patch has introduced short cast times to ultimates with startup animations so there is better syncing, however, abilities like dawnbreaker can now be bashed/interrupted, despite that the patch notes state otherwise.

*Stinging Slashes Master weapon doesn't apply bonus damage to the final tick of bleed. [Needs further testing, knowing if it's an issue with all 1H types would be nice.]

*Abilities that force a target to move (pull, knock-back, or teleport) that has a stun component can cause the target to drag and continue in the momentum of the movement they were put in. This has been exploited to scale keeps and get out of bound with terrain/walls. Sometimes this is only a visual error and not actually happening from the other end user(s), where the laying animation is not resetting, however, this is different as they will clearly be in control of their laying sliding body (lol).

*Players doing the quest for Wayrest Sewer I will not be able to hand in to proceed completing their quest if they do not kill Allene Pellingare within her room at the end of the dungeon (example; running out of the cavern area into the sewer tunnels).

*IC banners that channel abilities such as HoT AoEs can sometimes ignore interrupts/bashes, despite interrupt cues light up.

*Dungeons with animated doors that open to proceed the groups after/before bosses sometimes appear closed visually but can be walked through. This is most commonly experienced within the Banished Cells I and II but also happens elsewhere. This is also sometimes caused by not being present at the scene of when the animation happens.

*The Dwarven Crystal Mechanism that sells for 50,000g by the Luxury Vendor turns on and off, however, every second "on" state doesn't seem to turn on the light and sometimes doesn't play the exploding cogs/gears and sound effects.

*The 6th house totem sold in Vivec has a red glowing hexagram that isn't visible in preview mode.

* Duplicates of the same furniture items exists but under different names, example being fighters guild Hall Stewarts has a Daedric Chest which is also sold by the Luxury Vendor.

*Some duplicates have been crown exclusive knock offs with better functionality, example being the Coldharbour Chandelier sold by the zone achievement vendor in the hollow city which was also sold in the limited time Molag Bal Bundle pack which glows much much brighter (and renamed as Daedric Fragment, Coldharbour).

*In the aylied ruins battleground map, before a match starts, players can walk I to portals at certain angles/spots that will teleport them back into the center of base.

*In the daedric ruins battleground map, before a match starts, players can use the staircase and large fire pots at certain angles to jump and get out of bound of the barrier before the start timer runs out.

*Invisibility pots do not suppress DoTs like other forms or sources of invisibility like; Nightblade Cloak, CP passive, or synergies (hidden refresh).

*Casting Nature's Grasp as a Warden repeatedly over great distance in battlegrounds can result in automatic crashes to the login screen.

*The stuck "in combat" state won't reset after a group wipe when facing the twins and their colossus in veteran Crypt of Hearts II.

*The harpies of Blackheart Haven might not come down at times, as they can get stuck flying 30 feet off the ground, this also causes the stuck in combat state (for legitimate reasons though) and makes fighting them at range a nuisance.

*Each tick of Entropy and morphs can be dodged, despite being successfully applied to debuff list.

*Arx Corinium last boss, Lamia Queen, will sometimes gain immunity to taunt and the tank will lose aggro before the taunt debuff expires. It appears that only the range taunts work such as frost staff HA and inner fire, the piercing strike has trouble taunting her. After she screams, the boss needs to be taunted multiple times or she will attack random players across the room. Quintas in Volenfell, Drodda in Direfrost Keep and the Engine Guardian in Darkshade Caverns are examples of bosses that actually have taunt immunity and the game will always tell you that when attempting to taunt them.

*Coda flowers and varla stones do not remain lit, they light up upon placing them, but when you zone out of a house and return, they no longer emit a glow.

*After the Scalenbreaker patch, players without the Elsweyr expansion were able to create Necromancers for free. ZoS has confirmed this issue as it was not intended.

*In the overland world, interiors of buildings are placed underneath terrain, because of this, it's possible to see quest markers and party member icons appear below the terrain (seemingly in the ground) when outside, or in the ceiling when inside a house. Party member's icons should appear at doors as should progressing quests (usually do), while quests that haven't been started should not appear unless you're in their respectable interiors.

*Merchants, bankers, pets, target dummies, and mounts have disappeared from player homes with Scalebreaker. This can be resolved when attempting to retrieve them through interface.

*Furniture has been losing their parent/linked objects and "moving" when returning home.
Edited by SirMewser on August 16, 2019 4:11PM
  • Donny_Vito
    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    L2P issue.

    But yeah, a lot of these documented issues can be irritating.
  • SirMewser
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    L2P issue.

    But yeah, a lot of these documented issues can be irritating.

    Walls should have collision, it's a bug.
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Tamriel is a crazy place. Working as intended

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • Azirius
    SirMewser wrote: »
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    L2P issue.

    But yeah, a lot of these documented issues can be irritating.

    Walls should have collision, it's a bug.

    Naaaaah mate. It’s the new(old) phase through walls mechanic for not “getting gud”.
    PC EU
    Azirius Razorclaw - Dragonknight Stamina DPSAlaeneth - Nightblade Stamina DPSKal'Moora - Warden Stamina DPSAetheralia - Templar Stamina DPSThe Grieving King - Necromancer Stamina DPSOthorus - Sorcerer Stamina DPSIdamagaron - Sorcerer Magicka DPSNelienthia - Necromancer Magicka DPSGalvano - Templar Magicka DPSExalted Inferno - Dragonknight Magicka DPSGlacia Hailstrom - Warden Magicka DPSSomara'Ko - Nightblade Magicka DPS/TankLithiriu - Warden HealerYalithra Redoran - Dragonknight HealerTilerius - Templar TankJärnvargen - Dragonknight TankWinter Valkyrie - Warden TankMistress Demise - Necromancer Tank
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    L2P issue.

    But yeah, a lot of these documented issues can be irritating.

    Actually encountered that bug for the first time last week. How on earth is that a l2p issue? Walls should be walls and CC break should work reliable. Both seem to be issues.
  • SirMewser
    Azirius wrote: »
    SirMewser wrote: »
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    L2P issue.

    But yeah, a lot of these documented issues can be irritating.

    Walls should have collision, it's a bug.

    Naaaaah mate. It’s the new(old) phase through walls mechanic for not “getting gud”.

    Okay, well I guess that's how ZoS sees it so thanks for the perspective. I'd fire you.
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    Don't forget the "Slow" bug that especially Necros get. You get slowed for no apparent reason and the only way to fix it that I know of is to log off and back on. Perhaps dying will fix it? Not sure.

    No more Reflective on DKs. That's gone. Beckoning armour is working as intended.

    Channeled Accelration is a channel so yes, it does slow you while channeling.

    Certainly agree with everything else. COH2 is where that boss is and yes, it still exists. Not only do players get knocked through the walls the boss itself will enter the walls and stay there at times.

    That took a while to document all that. Hat off to you!
  • Azirius
    SirMewser wrote: »
    Azirius wrote: »
    SirMewser wrote: »
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    L2P issue.

    But yeah, a lot of these documented issues can be irritating.

    Walls should have collision, it's a bug.

    Naaaaah mate. It’s the new(old) phase through walls mechanic for not “getting gud”.

    Okay, well I guess that's how ZoS sees it so thanks for the perspective. I'd fire you.

    Haha, why because I agree the bugs are ridiculous and frustrating? I suppose the sarcasm was missed?
    PC EU
    Azirius Razorclaw - Dragonknight Stamina DPSAlaeneth - Nightblade Stamina DPSKal'Moora - Warden Stamina DPSAetheralia - Templar Stamina DPSThe Grieving King - Necromancer Stamina DPSOthorus - Sorcerer Stamina DPSIdamagaron - Sorcerer Magicka DPSNelienthia - Necromancer Magicka DPSGalvano - Templar Magicka DPSExalted Inferno - Dragonknight Magicka DPSGlacia Hailstrom - Warden Magicka DPSSomara'Ko - Nightblade Magicka DPS/TankLithiriu - Warden HealerYalithra Redoran - Dragonknight HealerTilerius - Templar TankJärnvargen - Dragonknight TankWinter Valkyrie - Warden TankMistress Demise - Necromancer Tank
  • StabbityDoom
    * throttled data for addons like Master Merchant and ATT...
    EHT zealot
  • Koolio
    Since I’ve done posts like this (no response from devs)

    And some of the bug reports are definitely mine with videos

    I’ll will be following this post closely.

    Thank you for your efforts.

    Shadow image bug still present.



    Thank you for you time and effort on this post. Greatly appreciated
  • Hallothiel
    Are the housing ones really bugs or just how they are designed?

    (Yes - is annoying but not necessarily a bug.)
  • StabbityDoom
    Maybe OP you could edit your original post to include the ones others suggested below, so it's all compact and complete in one post?
    EHT zealot
  • JadonSky
    Have to say I always see forums for each individual issue you have listed. Putting it all in one page really puts things in perspective. Well done hope for the time and effort you put into documenting it all it will get a response. But my hopes aren't very high
  • barney2525
    SirMewser wrote: »
    *Maelstrom Arena has extreme syncing problems; resources and health desync, roll dodge invisibility frames, and skills not registering. Enemy animations end after actual clipping with player.

    *Pet's and mobs get stuck in IC sewers, too stupid to use stairs.

    *Leaderboard scores not properly updating (afaik, weekly).

    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    *Enemies dying at a distance then suddenly teleporting closer to you, telling you, "[out of range]" when you try to loot.

    *Descaling the max resolution of furniture, especially in player housing.

    *Casting Honor of Dead with a nearby player in mist form will twitch the caster and then fail, very annoying if the misted ally was inadvertently targeted.

    *Casting Streak sometimes self stuns the player in place.

    *Channeled, teleport abilities and heavy attacks sometimes makes the player's facing direction flash between the target location and their current movement/momentum of direction, causing the skill to fail and locking the player in what seems to be a mini seizure where they alternate between two different facing directions.

    *The new jode player house causes (seemingly) random crashes, that, among its poor design.

    *Missing or broken dye channels, especially on new crown store purchases. (Example being: Nightflame Arms Pack.)

    *Some cone telegraphs that rotated have been desyncing with enemy animations such as Asylum Sanctorum where one of the bosses sprays steam, this can sometimes appear as a 360 degree turn while the boss continues to face, say, the tank.

    *Also apart of Asylum Santorum, the poison AoEs that lock to player will appear centered telegraphically, but is actually offset to the side causing players outside of the visible retile to be harmed.

    *The final boss of Maw of Lorkhaj causes random and multiple crashes, especially after a group wipe. This seems to happen to the same players within a group.

    *Infusers in Blackrose Prison sometimes ignore bashes.

    *The Blackrose Prison Battlemage and Tames-The-Beasts boss' projectiles ignores; Reflective Plates, Shimmering Shield, and Ball of Lightning. As do their major and minor defile, bleed, and incrementing damage cannot be purged.

    *The Blackrose Prison Lady Minara boss also suffers from AoE issues, causing players to take full damage regarless if they are in the telegraph or not sometimes.

    *There are times where the player switches costumes when switching bars or appears completely naked OR even invisible, not sure what causes this, seems very random but not very occurrent.

    *Mounting on a horse (more often while moving) can sometimes leave the player in a running animation while on top, "riding" it.

    *The daedric ruins battleground map has a weird terrain clip where if the player is hit with a knock back ability, close to the pillars at base (the ones that hold the relics), they can fall through and under the map. This leads to serious problems with relic games if they go through while carrying it.

    *Stamnecro specifically seems to have a bug that locks player input, forcing them to block, only solution is to die. Doesn't always work.

    *MMR for BGS, specifically over 50+ is a mess and discourages (but not limited to) new players from returning to it.

    *Mend Spirit only applies major buffs via light attack, the heavy attack removes the major buffs immediately. This skill has also lost the visual circular aura it had on the affected player.

    *Lottus Blossom with Mend Spirit has trouble recognizing itself, it's pathetic.

    *Tether skills for Necromancer flicker and give false positives when you attempt to interact with already used corpses by other necro. These abilities are already clunky to begin with and don't fire even if lit in skill bar because the cross hair is obstructed by other actors/npcs/rodents/pebbles.

    *Broken queue.

    *Lakemire Xanmeer house has textures tears on the corner wall/entry way on the top floor.

    *Mistveil has a hallway inside at the main entrance.

    *Amaya Lake Lodge is missing an entire room on the bottom floor and the room at the very top is very huge to the outside.

    *Strident Springs has windows all over that don't actually exist inside.

    *Psijic villa has a similar issue, however, it has a one sided window in the main hall that you can walk behind and "poof"! Wtf?

    *Quondam Indorilia has towers that you can see from outside, but when you walk under them inside, the ceiling is concaved the same way it is everywhere else on the upper floor.

    *Channeled heavy attacks (resto, lightning, mend spirit) lock players in animation and/or not completing, preventing use of other skills till you hit block to override the action. (This sometimes happens with sprint.)

    *Locking players from mounting and weapon swapping, when previously was permitted, seemingly at random.

    *Weapons and their particle effects/graphics appearing below the player's feet.

    *Undo and morphs sometimes fires without restoring resources or other times doesn't bring you back to where you were. (Example being, even after a fall.)

    *Casting Channeled Acceleration slows you. Originally all cast time skills slowed you, but this one became an exception.

    *Turning the camera while trying to perform jabs on Templar hinders it from executing.

    *Dragon's fire breath while swooping from above kills everyone in path before it nor the telegraph actually reaches them.

    *Several other telegraph issues, such as gargoyles in Hel Ra Citadel (which also don't hold aggro properly anymore and ignore taunts at random).

    *Heavy Dead-Water helmet motif has missing meshes around the neck peice that allows you to see through it. Where is my neck?

    *Wayrest Sewer I doors don't prompt to allow players to open for some group members, especially before fighting Varaine who sometimes gets stuck and won't come down from the upper wooden platform. Forcing to fight at a range and having isolated party members wait.

    *Goliath Bash.

    *WW LA.

    *Sorc/Warden Pet collision and targeting obstruct intended targets and waste resources, players expoit this in BGs by standing in and behind their collision boxes.

    *The housing permissions glitch is back, allowing people to revert previous permission changes with a prompt.

    *Trying to visit a house that isn't public nor are you listed as visitor for can sometimes result in a crash.

    *Guard no longer double dips into the targets mitigation and then into the casters, but now ignores the casters' resistance and increases the damage taken by debuffs such as vulnerability. The damage taken can result in more than the tool tip while still mitigating a static amount from the ally. This double dips if both are debuffed.

    *Knocking back a Necromancer in backoning armor off a cliff or into lava results in pulls that can kill both of you. (Not really a bug, but not sure if intentional.)

    *Crown store poisons that deal poison DoT damage no longer scale to player level properly, resulting in significantly low numbers.

    *The unstable wall of elements morph of wall of elements no longer has three Aoes that explode, instead the closest one to you does and the other two vanish. (Noted from at least the lightning version of this skill.)

    *Pet's still don't enter pvp areas with full health even after the apparent "fix" awhile back.

    So... .... ...

    what's the problem?

  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    Killin' it...
  • Donny_Vito
    SirMewser wrote: »
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    L2P issue.

    But yeah, a lot of these documented issues can be irritating.

    Walls should have collision, it's a bug.

    They should, but honestly it should never get to that point which is why I jokingly said it's a L2P issue. if you can't break free from a fear within multiple seconds then I believe that is on you.

    And another thought, which is honestly besides the point..... why are you guys fighting right next to the walls anyways if you know about this issue? Fight the boss in the middle of the room and problem solved.
  • JKith
    You missed the Wayrest Sewers 1, the fire boss before you go up the stairs and drop down from the platform. My WHOLE GROUP got stuck in the walls. :smile: Cost me 146 gold......
  • Arca94
    Thanks for taking the time to type all this up and post it. This list really puts things into perspective.

    Sad part is, there are still a lot more bugs not mentioned in this post alongside the awful server performance (particularly in Cyrodiil). Zos really needs to start prioritising fixing these issues some of which have been around for years, instead of churning out more rubbish for the crown store every week.

    I swear every time I see a new reskin of the same 5 mounts appear in the crown store I die a little inside...
  • Mrsinister2
    I have been running on top of my back bar weapon and shooting light attacks out of my feet for over a month.

    Great list tho
  • StabbityDoom
    I have been running on top of my back bar weapon and shooting light attacks out of my feet for over a month.

    Great list tho

    that's awesome. I need video of your feet shooting light attacks.
    EHT zealot
  • Censered
    I have started to find the long load time issues extra annoying on my dps toons lately because after a 20 to 40 minute wait my que will pop during a load screen. Four times this week so far and twice when I was trying to get a second run out of an xp scroll.

    Edit: To add to the annoyance I have a very active 3 year old so I may only get to do 2 runs in a day but if I need to drop stuff off at the bank it goes down to one run due to lag/load screen.
    Edited by Censered on June 28, 2019 8:01PM
  • DreadDaedroth
    If you're stunned by a npc both in cyrodiil and tamriel zones you could start to slide horizontally often going inside the enviroment and you can't do anything till the game teleports you back, this happens on xbox.
  • geonsocal
    *Locking players from mounting and weapon swapping, when previously was permitted, seemingly at random.

    "stuck in combat"

    there's a new one now where we can't interact with objects when in stealth...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Waffennacht

    Er... Wait... Where?
    Edited by Waffennacht on June 28, 2019 8:04PM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • SirMewser
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    SirMewser wrote: »
    Donny_Vito wrote: »
    *Crypt of Hearts skeleton boss (just before the bedroom with the two pillar locked door) fears players through walls.

    L2P issue.

    But yeah, a lot of these documented issues can be irritating.

    Walls should have collision, it's a bug.

    They should, but honestly it should never get to that point which is why I jokingly said it's a L2P issue. if you can't break free from a fear within multiple seconds then I believe that is on you.

    And another thought, which is honestly besides the point..... why are you guys fighting right next to the walls anyways if you know about this issue? Fight the boss in the middle of the room and problem solved.

    Some new players just don't know nor expect it.
  • GhostofDatthaw

    Er... Wait... Where?

    Eso is the dude getting kicked
  • Cadbury
    Was I the only one to immediately think of the song "This is America" by Childish Gambino after reading the title and OP's post?
    Edited by Cadbury on June 29, 2019 2:43AM
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • SirMewser
    Don't forget the "Slow" bug that especially Necros get. You get slowed for no apparent reason and the only way to fix it that I know of is to log off and back on. Perhaps dying will fix it? Not sure.

    No more Reflective on DKs. That's gone. Beckoning armour is working as intended.

    Channeled Accelration is a channel so yes, it does slow you while channeling.

    Certainly agree with everything else. COH2 is where that boss is and yes, it still exists. Not only do players get knocked through the walls the boss itself will enter the walls and stay there at times.

    That took a while to document all that. Hat off to you!

    Channeled Acceleration isn't actually a channeled ability at all, it has a cast time and then applies.

    Dark Conversion has a cast time also, yet, it does not slow the player down at all like Channeled Acceleration does.

    Update 3.3.5 Dragonbones alleviated the punishment of movement for casting abilities while melee and channeled skills (skills that DoT/HoT over time) were made exceptions.

    With the notion you've had though, I believe that this skill wasn't properly given an identity since the name is misleading, hence it may not haver been considered as an actual cast time ability.
    Nothing about this skill has a channeled function despite the name.

    As for Reflective Plates thanks for pointing out the typo, I mean protective plate.
    Regardless, ranged damage mitigation is not applied or picked up as range damage by Battlemage and Tames-The-Beasts.
    Edited by SirMewser on June 29, 2019 3:52AM
  • SirMewser
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Are the housing ones really bugs or just how they are designed?

    (Yes - is annoying but not necessarily a bug.)

    The ones that reset permissions are indeed horrid bugs.

    Crashes caused by homes are still bug crashes.

    Others are object bugs that have missing or torn meshes and texture.

    Some of the houses even have windows (Psijic Villa) that you can see from one side (main hall) but magically lit by an invisible source (entry way, just look up). There is also missing fixtures that prevent light from emitting in, especially with the new small INN room with Elsweyr. They don't cause problems, they are just visual bugs.

    The houses that don't have matching interiors to exteriors are not really bugs, just poor/compensated design.
    Edited by SirMewser on June 29, 2019 4:09AM
  • AbysmalGhul
    Did someone say L2P over a bug? *insert Nick Young meme*
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