This game need an inspect option to show others gear

Every good mmo has this option, why not ESO?
Is this because ESO is too casual?
  • mobicera
    Why do you even need this?
    You can always ask if curious.
    ESO is less about gear than rotation and understanding game mechanics anyways.
    If you are in serious score pushing where this is actually relevant you know what your team mates are wearing anyways.
    I would prefer bug fixes...
  • AlnilamE
    No, it does not need that at all. You can ask, if you are curious. And you can see the effects of a lot of sets anyway.

    People are happy to link their gear in chat when asked. Go forth and be sociable!
    The Moot Councillor
  • code65536
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • VaranisArano
    ESO doesnt have a inspect option for more or less the same reason we don't have a real time DPS tracker for every member of our groups.

    People would abuse it to be toxic.

    People. We're why we can't have nice things.

    In the meantime, why not just ask if you want to know?
  • LadyNalcarya
    Tbh it would be pretty useless. Eso is a game where you can buy trial carries to get the best gear and still do *** dps so it doesn't really matter that much.
    Despite what people seem to think, it's pretty easy to spot a clueless player with a less than effective build without any addons or inspect features.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • ChunkyCat
    Or you could just ask someone what gear they’re using.

    You know, actually talk to people.

  • Ogou
    Could see it showing the outfit styles. Though usually just asking does the trick.
  • Coggage
    Nah, let them work out their own gear. There's plenty of builds to look at on the Internet.
  • Delparis
    Ok so you're saying that i need to ask someone to tell me his gear.
    1. That player may not tell me that gear because he's afraid his OP gear combo will be used by everyone
    2. Can lie and give a trash gear because he's afraid his OP gear combo will be used by everyone

    Why should I ask for something like this where every other good mmo give it by default?

    I think that the game is for casuals that's why. Only this kind of mesures are used in this case.

    btw, people aren't idiot anymore as they can use addons for parses to show their dps. why can we have access to this but not gear check?
  • Agenericname
    ESO is a good MMO.
  • SirAndy
    Delparis wrote: »
    I think that the game is for casuals that's why
    I don't think 'casual' means what you think it means ...

    If you are playing at the top 1% you will be running in an organized group where everyone already knows exactly what gear everyone else in the group is running.

    If you don't, you are not as leet as you think ...

  • SpacemanSpiff1
    Nah. Ask them if you want to know. If they don't want to say, that's their prerogative.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Nobody's business what gear I use. The fact that other MMOs don't understand that makes ESO the better game.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • rotaugen454
    Nah. Ask them if you want to know. If they don't want to say, that's their prerogative.

    Thank you Bobby Brown. ;)
    Sets are nice to know, but if someone is effective, I’m more interested in their rotation for DPS, skills for healers and tanks.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Coggage
    Delparis wrote: »
    Ok so you're saying that i need to ask someone to tell me his gear.
    1. That player may not tell me that gear because he's afraid his OP gear combo will be used by everyone
    2. Can lie and give a trash gear because he's afraid his OP gear combo will be used by everyone

    I wouldn't tell you simply because it's MY business and none whatsoever of YOURS. :D
  • Syuko
    I don't like peepers, just ask. 😉
  • VaranisArano
    Delparis wrote: »
    Ok so you're saying that i need to ask someone to tell me his gear.
    1. That player may not tell me that gear because he's afraid his OP gear combo will be used by everyone
    2. Can lie and give a trash gear because he's afraid his OP gear combo will be used by everyone

    Why should I ask for something like this where every other good mmo give it by default?

    I think that the game is for casuals that's why. Only this kind of mesures are used in this case.

    btw, people aren't idiot anymore as they can use addons for parses to show their dps. why can we have access to this but not gear check?

    That's not how this works....

    ZOS doesnt let anyone see your DPS without your consent. Even Encounter Logs assumes everyone is anonymous by default and its not real-time. The real-time addons we have don't show anyone else's DPS unless they choose to share it.

    In other words, you can guess another player's DPS but you can't know for sure unless they chose to share it.

    Gear is the same way. You can guess their gear from seeing it in action, but you can't inspect it without their permission.

    The DPS thing is specific because players were abusive with that info. The same issue comes up with a gear inspect.
  • Aurielle
    In other MMOs I’ve played that had this feature, it was always possible to list yourself as anonymous. PVPers did it all the time, so that people couldn’t see what they were wearing. Trash PVEers used to try it too, when trying to get carried in raids (and were usually kicked by the raid leader, because they were set to anonymous).

    Long story short, gear inspect is toxic in PVE, and a lot of PVPers would quit if it were implemented without the option of going anonymous.
  • Gilvoth
    i like my privacy.
    i don't want personal stuff made public.
    thank you.
  • xaraan
    No. It's none of your business what I'm wearing.
    -- @xaraan --
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    AD • NA • PC
  • rotaugen454
    I’m wearing Hanes and ***
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • rotaugen454
    I’m wearing Hanes and ***

    Can’t use a shoe company name?
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • fullheartcontainer
    Thanks but no thanks. You can be social and ask, and if people like me don't want to tell you our gear you can just deal with it
  • Aznarb
    Yeah, let bring more toxicity across Tamriel !

    If you wanna know, ask them.
    If they don't want to share, go ahead.
    If you'r not happy cuz you wanna do some pug vet with full "meta", kick them or leave.

    A friend have take years to make work a bow-bow build when everyone was saying it's impossible.
    Now he can pull 55k self-buffed and don't want to share with people who ask.
    He's proud of this build and don't want to see it everywhere. He have take time to learn and test all he can and don't want to see ppl just copy-past build stupidly and I agree with that.

    Not enough people take time to learn by themselves and just copy-past some random build from streamer/youtuber/blogger and don't even know if they'r actually good or not. As healer I can tell you lot of these "pre-made build" are not that good and even less up to date.

    People need to learn by themselves and communicate with other.

    Just my 2cts.
    Edited by Aznarb on June 27, 2019 7:45PM
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  • JumpmanLane
    The OP seems to be under the mistaken impression that’s sets carry people. Just knowing what someone is wearing is not going to give anyone an idea of the build (cp allocation for instance). Forget about rotation, skill experience.

    All an inspect would do is give know-it-all’s ( who know very little) an excuse if they wipe and a stupid reason to complain before they wipe if god forbid someone doesn’t run the “meta.”

    It’s a very bad idea.
  • Ydrisselle
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Delparis wrote: »
    I think that the game is for casuals that's why
    I don't think 'casual' means what you think it means ...

    If you are playing at the top 1% you will be running in an organized group where everyone already knows exactly what gear everyone else in the group is running.

    If you don't, you are not as leet as you think ...

    Yeah, if you want to be a top player, you will know where to get that information.
  • Nightowl_74
    I don't know, I'm used to that option in other games but never thought of it as a feature that adds much. As long as "so-and-so examines you" doesn't pop every time somebody looks at mine like it used to in FFXI I'm happy. That was really annoying.
  • karekiz
    code65536 wrote: »

    Speaking of which been using it in our raids and I can't for the life of my find any section for player CP showing up <Would have assumed it was in char sheet summary>. Am I crazy or just missing something?
    Edited by karekiz on June 27, 2019 7:45PM
  • Shantu
    No, it doesn't. If you want to know what gear I'm wearing...ask. Otherwise, it's none of your business.
  • alanmatillab16_ESO
    Delparis wrote: »
    Ok so you're saying that i need to ask someone to tell me his gear.
    1. That player may not tell me that gear because he's afraid his OP gear combo will be used by everyone
    2. Can lie and give a trash gear because he's afraid his OP gear combo will be used by everyone

    Why should I ask for something like this where every other good mmo give it by default?

    I think that the game is for casuals that's why. Only this kind of mesures are used in this case.

    btw, people aren't idiot anymore as they can use addons for parses to show their dps. why can we have access to this but not gear check?

    Because this isn't World of Warcraft. If ESO is too "casual" for you feel free to dominate with your "l33tpr0" skills and welfare epics over there.
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