I've noticed that some of the adds (certainly the Fates) will heal during the add pulls. Does anyone know if this is due to an aoe they are in, if it's timer based, or if it's something that can be interrupted?
Periodically, Nahviintaas will cast Battle Fury at one of these enemy units
Nahviintaas will shout and shoot a yellow ball of energy at the enemy unit that he wishes to empower
Upon landing, a large circular ground AoE 8.5m in radius will start to fill over the course of 5 seconds.
After those 5 seconds, the Battle Fury ground AoE will enrage and heal any enemy within it, so it is important to quickly either kill or pull out the enemies located within that AoE.
The boss will put an aoe (time stop) on the ground. If any adds are standing in it when the time stop happens, the add will heal and become enraged. Once the adds are enraged they deal a lot more damage and can wipe the group, so it's important that the tanks pull the adds out of the aoe as soon as it is placed on the ground.
Sometimes the aoe will be placed on a fate and it can be difficult to pull the fate out since the tank would need to run far enough away. So if it lands on the fate just be ready to focus it down.
Funny how I've seen a Fate enrage in the dead center of the room that was nowhere near the empowered circles. Coincidentally, it just so happened to get hit by the strafe before enraging. Ah well. Working as intended.