Pirate Skeleton Set

it may have already been done, but can we talk about this set a bit?

i'm crossing ppl with it everywhere those days (no cp campaigns and bgs), and in fact, it snowballs a lot with already tanky setups by adding a 12 out of 15 sec of major protection for free.

Pretty useless on non-tanky setups (since you get get killed too fast for it to proc) it is very likely to be a must have in every tanky build because of its way of occuring.

the nerf to oblivion dmg enchants helped it to find such a good spot too i guess.

chat do you guys think of it?
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Think more people are using it simply because more more people are talking about it. Set been around for a long time and was stronger when you could purge it.
    Edited by CatchMeTrolling on June 13, 2019 8:58PM
  • Emma_Overload
    As usual, I can't help but point out how bad this set sucks for ward users ever since the proc condition got nerfed. It's absolutely ridiculous that entire specs are gimped from using one of the best defensive sets in the game!

    They really need to roll back the nerf on this one so that ALL classes can use it.
  • brandonv516
    What do I think of it? I think it's fine.
  • Minno
    waiting on the updated defense mitigation thread to be updated before giving my opinion again. Spoiler though, minor mitigation buffs when stacked with major versions are bugged and causing more dmg to be received than intended under the new equation.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • EtTuBrutus
    As usual, I can't help but point out how bad this set sucks for ward users ever since the proc condition got nerfed. It's absolutely ridiculous that entire specs are gimped from using one of the best defensive sets in the game!

    They really need to roll back the nerf on this one so that ALL classes can use it.

    No they don't, it's broken with shields.
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »

    No they don't, it's broken with shields.

    the set doesn't proc on shield damage, only health damage.
  • EtTuBrutus

    the set doesn't proc on shield damage, only health damage.

    Look at the statement above mine
  • Skander
    It's overpowered everyone knows it
    I meme, but my memes are so truthful they hurt
    -Elder Nightblades Online
    Want competitive pvp while being outnumbered? Tough luck, the devs clearly said you have to die in those situations
  • Minno

    the set doesn't proc on shield damage, only health damage.

    he meant its OP with shields lol.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • EtTuBrutus
    It's certainly top tier. But looking at mitigation + effective hps reduction of the 5 PC it's in line imo.
  • Mrsinister2
    It must be worse for me then for others but even with the disguise and non laggy fights I have almost no ability to bar swap with that set on.

    I don't understand how any one uses this set all it does is get me killed when I'm stuck on the bar with no heals.
  • ChunkyCat
    Someone must have made a YouTube video showcasing it.

    Guess the secret’s out.
  • darkblue5
    Oh no, more people are wearing a set that stops them from swapping bars. Whatever will I do to kill them when they can't activate the abilities they want to activate?
  • Thogard
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    Someone must have made a YouTube video showcasing it.

    Guess the secret’s out.

    I hate it when people do that.

    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
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  • Stx
    I assume one of the main reasons tons of players are running PS now is they removed the easiest way to gain major protection which was the resto ultimate. They also removed major protection from the templar ultimate which was a great source for templars. Both of these nerfs killed a lot of builds, or forced those builds into pirate skelly.

    So now you basically need to get major protection from a 5 set piece like ironblood or steadfast, or you can get it from a monster set which has really high uptime. The minor defile is a downside, but not much of one.
  • Stx
    darkblue5 wrote: »
    Oh no, more people are wearing a set that stops them from swapping bars. Whatever will I do to kill them when they can't activate the abilities they want to activate?

    Don't you just have to wear a costume to counter that bug? Not a big deal I would imagine.
  • wheem_ESO
    Stx wrote: »

    Don't you just have to wear a costume to counter that bug? Not a big deal I would imagine.
    Any old costume? I seem to often have bar swapping issues on Mag Warden with Pirate Skeleton + Austere Warden outfit, so I'm not entirely sure what the cause is. It does make me nerdrage sometimes, though.

    As for the monster set itself - it's definitely really good, but it feels almost "required" for certain Magicka builds to do well. When you lack mobility, which non-Sorc Magicka builds generally do, you have to build in a lot of durability in order to not get insta-wrecked vs decent players. Pirate Skeleton is one of the best ways to attain that durability; it's not as consistent as some other defensive options (other than the 1-piece bonus), but it's really strong while it's up.
  • Nirnroot420
    As someone who's used this set off and on for over a year now and who enjoys it quite a bit, the uptime could probably use some adjustment. On a magplar who's gonna take a lot of damage due to class mobility issues it's a god send at times, but it can also be a crutch for poor positioning and decision making, and ha sbaile dme out of situations I probably should not have survived.

    That being said though, in a ton of situations, especially in no-CP, Bloodspawn offers more mitigation with the added bonus of ulti gen and no minor defile. With this in mind, I think the adjustment to Pirate Skeleton should be somewhat minor and focused on uptime, maybe take it down to a 10 second duration from 12, which would give a long enough window to burst the formerly tanky opponent down.
  • Hashtag_
    Think more people are using it simply because more more people are talking about it. Set been around for a long time and was stronger when you could purge it.

    It’s beca sources of major defile were nerfed, sources of healing are stronger than ever via passives, and literally no downside to this set anymore. Double damage sets plus this set allows you to not wear protective jewelry.
    Edited by Hashtag_ on June 14, 2019 4:47AM
  • Montimer94
    In Cyrodiil in big and laggy fights it becomes really buggy because you sometimes not transform into the skeleton (even if you get the set effect) and, in between, you can’t swap skill bars. I’ve been stuck in the same bar for the whole duration of the proc, super annoying
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Hashtag_ wrote: »

    It’s beca sources of major defile were nerfed, sources of healing are stronger than ever via passives, and literally no downside to this set anymore. Double damage sets plus this set allows you to not wear protective jewelry.

    Major defile combined with minor is still strong. Healing is stronger than ever for who exactly? Not everyone is a warden or stam dk. Cp isn’t the only form of pvp either. Bloodspawn outclasses this set, especially in no cp. Without a disguise this set is actually a liability because you can’t bar swap and you can get locked in skeleton form not being able to cast a skill.

    The problem with this set isn’t the set at all, it’s the fact you can stack sources of mitigation more than ever. Healing isn’t stronger, players just can’t do enough damage to their target for the debuff to be noticeable. Sometimes I look on my death recap and my highest damage received is 4K, the lowest ult was 2k from an incap. In medium armor btw. A nerf to this just means more people would just put on heavy armor, it also will just hurt small scalers more because everyone else already build to be tanks or tanky. Not one single tank nerf has ever stopped tanks.

  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    EtTuBrutus wrote: »

    Look at the statement above mine

    Minno wrote: »

    he meant its OP with shields lol.

    no, he meant to say it is op when it procs on shield damage. the way you guys are saying it the way you are is, like, purposely vague.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on June 14, 2019 10:20AM
  • Minno

    no, he meant to say it is op when it procs on shield damage. the way you guys are saying it the way you are is, like, purposely vague.

    no he meant that it was MEGA OP when it used to proc off shields, which was the suggestion by the poster he commented on.

    Though with how minor vul works, this set is more balanced than people think. But add in block+high resists+shields and thats the OP combination. Lucky for PS users, you can run the same 3 combinations mentioned and be just as tanky as PS but can slot something like bloodspawn instead ;)
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • kalunte
    thanks for all your answers guys, i learned quite a lot there :)
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Minno wrote: »

    no he meant that it was MEGA OP when it used to proc off shields, which was the suggestion by the poster he commented on.

    Though with how minor vul works, this set is more balanced than people think. But add in block+high resists+shields and thats the OP combination. Lucky for PS users, you can run the same 3 combinations mentioned and be just as tanky as PS but can slot something like bloodspawn instead ;)

    hey man, i totally understand what is being said now, i did not read Emma_Overloads post close enough and the statement that EtTuBrutus made, that being "No they don't, it's broken with shields." implies that the set is suppose to work with shield but doesn't, when it is in fact supposed to work that way it currently does. that is the source of confusion on my part, that you both are pretty vague in your terms. even your own, "he meant its OP with shields lol." is vague and could be interpreted as the set does work with shields and is op because of that. very nonspecific terms you use. do you see what i am saying yet?
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on June 14, 2019 4:35PM
  • EtTuBrutus

    no, he meant to say it is op when it procs on shield damage. the way you guys are saying it the way you are is, like, purposely vague.

    That's what I'm saying.
  • Waffennacht
    It's not OP, especially with how mitigation is calculated with major/minor buffs. I don't have the math, but @Minno has provided me with gobs of info.

    It is a strong defensive set; but no more so than TK or Malubeth (in range). Both under similar circumstances will provide roughly the same amount of mitigation.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

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  • Minno
    It's not OP, especially with how mitigation is calculated with major/minor buffs. I don't have the math, but @Minno has provided me with gobs of info.

    It is a strong defensive set; but no more so than TK or Malubeth (in range). Both under similar circumstances will provide roughly the same amount of mitigation.

    yea you only save like 1-2k dmg in the end, before block/shields are accounted for. Ran into the same situation with transmutation at 5pc impen or 7pc impen; only a 1k difference at a certain resist level so it made more sense with trans to go 2pc well fitted for 10% dodge roll cost reduction. But for PS, the armor 1pc is the strength of the set and sadly nothing can be done to change the 1pc without overnerfing it, as long as oblivion dmg/bleeds are still around.

    Is 1k dmg saved op? That is up to the beholder. To me its not, especially when you can press the right mouse button and get 3-4k dmg saved on direct attacks or cast a 10-15k shield in pvp that costs only 2300.

    - we are finding the limits of the pseudo soft caps placed on the community, at least for mitigation. The only things immune from this are dmg, block, shields that value more than 5k strength.
    Edited by Minno on June 14, 2019 6:18PM
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • mursie
    Stx wrote: »
    I assume one of the main reasons tons of players are running PS now is they removed the easiest way to gain major protection which was the resto ultimate. They also removed major protection from the templar ultimate which was a great source for templars. Both of these nerfs killed a lot of builds, or forced those builds into pirate skelly.

    So now you basically need to get major protection from a 5 set piece like ironblood or steadfast, or you can get it from a monster set which has really high uptime. The minor defile is a downside, but not much of one.

    this - and a brand new class came out that has a passive that literally tells you to run pirate skeleton since it cuts the penalty of wearing it in half. no brainer.
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • Trian94
    Up until Elsweyr, I've seen this mset overperform too much especially on mdks and magplars. Haven't played Elsweyr that much to have a fully formed opinion on it but, in previous patches, I've witnessed it saving people from certain death when they were out of stam by allowing them to live long enough to cc break and heal themselves up. -Talking about no cp PvP as I've been playing in those campaigns for 2 years I believe.
    Edited by Trian94 on June 14, 2019 8:06PM
    PC EU

    Stamina Socerer main - Northam Stormborn
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