Emma_Overload wrote: »As usual, I can't help but point out how bad this set sucks for ward users ever since the proc condition got nerfed. It's absolutely ridiculous that entire specs are gimped from using one of the best defensive sets in the game!
They really need to roll back the nerf on this one so that ALL classes can use it.
EtTuBrutus wrote: »
No they don't, it's broken with shields.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
the set doesn't proc on shield damage, only health damage.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
the set doesn't proc on shield damage, only health damage.
Someone must have made a YouTube video showcasing it.
Guess the secret’s out.
Any old costume? I seem to often have bar swapping issues on Mag Warden with Pirate Skeleton + Austere Warden outfit, so I'm not entirely sure what the cause is. It does make me nerdrage sometimes, though.
Don't you just have to wear a costume to counter that bug? Not a big deal I would imagine.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Think more people are using it simply because more more people are talking about it. Set been around for a long time and was stronger when you could purge it.
It’s beca sources of major defile were nerfed, sources of healing are stronger than ever via passives, and literally no downside to this set anymore. Double damage sets plus this set allows you to not wear protective jewelry.
EtTuBrutus wrote: »
Look at the statement above mine
he meant its OP with shields lol.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
no, he meant to say it is op when it procs on shield damage. the way you guys are saying it the way you are is, like, purposely vague.
no he meant that it was MEGA OP when it used to proc off shields, which was the suggestion by the poster he commented on.
Though with how minor vul works, this set is more balanced than people think. But add in block+high resists+shields and thats the OP combination. Lucky for PS users, you can run the same 3 combinations mentioned and be just as tanky as PS but can slot something like bloodspawn instead
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
no, he meant to say it is op when it procs on shield damage. the way you guys are saying it the way you are is, like, purposely vague.
Waffennacht wrote: »It's not OP, especially with how mitigation is calculated with major/minor buffs. I don't have the math, but @Minno has provided me with gobs of info.
It is a strong defensive set; but no more so than TK or Malubeth (in range). Both under similar circumstances will provide roughly the same amount of mitigation.
I assume one of the main reasons tons of players are running PS now is they removed the easiest way to gain major protection which was the resto ultimate. They also removed major protection from the templar ultimate which was a great source for templars. Both of these nerfs killed a lot of builds, or forced those builds into pirate skelly.
So now you basically need to get major protection from a 5 set piece like ironblood or steadfast, or you can get it from a monster set which has really high uptime. The minor defile is a downside, but not much of one.