ESO on Google Stadia

In the final showcase reel for today's Google Stadia presentation, there was also Elder Scrolls Online.

1. Is ESO coming to Stadia?
2. Will we be able to transfer our Steam accounts and characters there?

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_JessicaFolsom thanks for information!
Edited by LeinadOrarogep on June 6, 2019 4:29PM
  • sekekama21554
    If that’s the case, Let’s hope they have better servers then what were currently getting. It’s really sad what state the server performance is in right now
  • LeinadOrarogep
  • JamilaRaj
    So, how is that going to work? Google will spy on players while playing and paying and will then advise, in exchange for cut from profits, videogambling companies how to milk players more effectively?
  • Joker99
    If that’s the case, Let’s hope they have better servers then what were currently getting. It’s really sad what state the server performance is in right now

    Further shows that people have no idea what Stadia is, you're not gonna get separate servers for it, you'll still play on one of the megaservers currently available and you won't get better performance, maybe better fps but significantly worse ping and tremendous input lag.
    DPS Slave:
    StamNB, MagNB, MagPlar, MagDK, StamDK, StamWarden
    Mostly just a scrub. Not even max CP.Actually max CP.
  • NocturnalSonata
    unless there is some sort of lag compensation magic occurring, Stadia players would find Ping and input lag unbearable on normal eso servers.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Nice! I'm going all in on Stadia, getting a nice 85' QLED 8k and a weeks supply of controllers, no more building gaming computers every year!
    -Unknown American
  • zaria
    If that’s the case, Let’s hope they have better servers then what were currently getting. It’s really sad what state the server performance is in right now
    Stadia servers are not ESO servers, they just replace your PC. Stadia will then communicate with ESO servers the same way an pc or console will before render is streamed back to you. In short lag will increase and the stadia lag is worse than the ESO lag as it will affect every action even stuff like menus.
    if you have an horrible pc like an old craptop stadia probably work out better.
    If you have an crap internet connection it will be far worse.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Johannesgeo
    Soul Shriven
    Google Stadia sounds good on paper, but I'm very skeptical if it's going to work.
    And since the servers are already struggling... it'll be even worse
    Just my two cents though ;D
  • Onefrkncrzypope
    The demos for stadia had people talking about latency so idk if it will preform better. I mean I guess it depends on how fast the calculation stadia server side is because it will beam you an image then respond to your input then send to zos then repeat. It sounds pretty shaky unless Stadia has direct connection and not through a ddos and if the ZoS doesn't need anti cheat stuff on Stadia. But if no change the Stadia would have to be super fast to out perform y'alls crazy desktops.
    -Immortal Redeemer-
    -Extinguisher of Flames-
    -Gryphon Heart-

    If I edited a post, it was for spelling. It is always because of spelling....
  • Cireous
    So, will people be able to play Elder Scrolls online on their phone (Google Pixel at first and other phones later)? This interests me a lot. But what about the controls? How would that even work with games not designed for mobile?
  • Marginis
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    So, how is that going to work? Google will spy on players while playing and paying and will then advise, in exchange for cut from profits, videogambling companies how to milk players more effectively?

    ZOS doesn't need Google to collect player data. The ESO community has already found several places where data collection was occurring, and Google was not needed. To be fair though, in regard to that, ZOS did alleviate most of those concerns by responding directly in those threads. Furthermore however, the monetization player investment practices I and much of the community finds distasteful seem very unlikely to be related in any way to this... glorified Ouya? It may just be my opinion, but it seems unlikely that such a small test market would factor into many decisions regarding the game as a whole considering the small portion of the playerbase even likely to use the new service.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • Peekachu99
    Cireous wrote: »
    So, will people be able to play Elder Scrolls online on their phone (Google Pixel at first and other phones later)? This interests me a lot. But what about the controls? How would that even work with games not designed for mobile?

    It has a Bluetooth controller that you buy. I assume that would work on Pixels, Google tablets unless the company are truly dense.

    Destiny 2 is getting cross-platforms saves for Stadia, too, so...

  • ManwithBeard9
    Move to Australia and play ESO on a console there, and that's how the Google Stevia would play.
  • JamilaRaj
    Marginis wrote: »
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    So, how is that going to work? Google will spy on players while playing and paying and will then advise, in exchange for cut from profits, videogambling companies how to milk players more effectively?

    ZOS doesn't need Google to collect player data. The ESO community has already found several places where data collection was occurring, and Google was not needed. To be fair though, in regard to that, ZOS did alleviate most of those concerns by responding directly in those threads. Furthermore however, the monetization player investment practices I and much of the community finds distasteful seem very unlikely to be related in any way to this... glorified Ouya? It may just be my opinion, but it seems unlikely that such a small test market would factor into many decisions regarding the game as a whole considering the small portion of the playerbase even likely to use the new service.

    Everyone wants access to Google's data on players. ZOS can track players at best across relatively narrow space of Zeni Media's games and associated services such as forums (coincidentally though, ZOS is not above embedding Google's tracking elements into this website), Google can track them virtually everywhere else, with a few notable exceptions, which are on one hand Google's competitors (you will not find Google's crap on Facebook, Microsoft, not even on Amazon) and on the other hand websites like Wikipedia or that of European Union (but not necessarily local governments; these appear to be considerably more stupid).
    In other words, ZOS has less data on fewer players than Google, and it is not even directly spying in games yet (...I think).
  • MisterBigglesworth
    Too bad this isn't online yet. I'm going on vacation next week and could've played ESO on my $100 laptop. :trollface:
    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
  • zaria
    Cireous wrote: »
    So, will people be able to play Elder Scrolls online on their phone (Google Pixel at first and other phones later)? This interests me a lot. But what about the controls? How would that even work with games not designed for mobile?
    yes, your problem is the controls however. But if you can run on an pad with keyboard and mouse or pack an slim controller its interesting if traveling a lot. You need an good internet connection however.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Wildberryjack
    As I said in the other thread on this subject, lag is my concern, delays between the keystroke and actions in the game seem inevitable. It would be nice if it worked and I'll def try it out but I'm a bit skeptical honestly.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • ghastley
    It needs a LOT more bandwitch on the internet connection, and there's no guarantee it won't increase lag. It's only beneficial if you run ESO on a really old machine with a very modern NIC and fibre to the home.
  • Merlight
    As I said in the other thread on this subject, lag is my concern, delays between the keystroke and actions in the game seem inevitable.

    I don't think you'll notice in prime-time Cyrodiil.
    EU ‣ Wabbajack nostalgic ‣ Blackwater Blade defender ‣ Kyne wanderer
    The offspring of the root of all evil in ESO by DeanTheCat
    Why ESO needs a monthly subscription
    When an MMO is designed around a revenue model rather than around fun, it doesn’t have a long-term future.Richard A. Bartle
    Their idea of transparent, at least when it comes to communication, bears a striking resemblance to a block of coal.lordrichter
    ... in the balance of power between the accountants and marketing types against the artists, developers and those who generally want to build and run a good game then that balance needs to always be in favour of the latter - because the former will drag the game into the ground for every last bean they can squeeze out of it.Santie Claws
  • Marginis
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    Marginis wrote: »
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    So, how is that going to work? Google will spy on players while playing and paying and will then advise, in exchange for cut from profits, videogambling companies how to milk players more effectively?

    ZOS doesn't need Google to collect player data. The ESO community has already found several places where data collection was occurring, and Google was not needed. To be fair though, in regard to that, ZOS did alleviate most of those concerns by responding directly in those threads. Furthermore however, the monetization player investment practices I and much of the community finds distasteful seem very unlikely to be related in any way to this... glorified Ouya? It may just be my opinion, but it seems unlikely that such a small test market would factor into many decisions regarding the game as a whole considering the small portion of the playerbase even likely to use the new service.

    Everyone wants access to Google's data on players. ZOS can track players at best across relatively narrow space of Zeni Media's games and associated services such as forums (coincidentally though, ZOS is not above embedding Google's tracking elements into this website), Google can track them virtually everywhere else, with a few notable exceptions, which are on one hand Google's competitors (you will not find Google's crap on Facebook, Microsoft, not even on Amazon) and on the other hand websites like Wikipedia or that of European Union (but not necessarily local governments; these appear to be considerably more stupid).
    In other words, ZOS has less data on fewer players than Google, and it is not even directly spying in games yet (...I think).

    A fair point, although there was discussion about software being installed on ESO users' home systems at some point, which I would say rivals if not outright beats Google's analytics. Long threads about it. I'm going to avoid getting this getting any more off-topic from the thread at hand though, so I'm just going to recommend looking up some old discussions on ZOS using Red Shell on the ESO forums and leave it at that.
    @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
  • Linaleah
    unless they miraculously fixed all the issues that playstation now had and still has? its not going to improve performance on an online game even a little bit. going to be nice to try out some offline games I don't feel like buying though. maybe. we shall see.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • pattyLtd
    How can an extra layer improve performance?

    I like google the search engine but all the rest is getting out of hand, it’s getting way too powerfull just like im way off topic :D
    English is not my native language, no grammar police please, tyvm
  • Emma_Overload
    So what is the underlying platform going to be? XB, PS or PC? Or all of them???

    Also, will you be able to play with mouse and keyboard?
  • idk
    If that’s the case, Let’s hope they have better servers then what were currently getting. It’s really sad what state the server performance is in right now

    Surprised but the game itself is likely not moving unless Zos is getting a better deal there than the current sites which I think are Texas and Germany. Further, Zos maintains 3 servers at both locations since we play on 3 different platform.

    This also does not mean the "server lag" we experience will be changed because that is a design issue in the game most of the time, not a server issue. It would only reduce certain lag via internet ping if it is a remote desktop type of design. Lag may occur in a different manner as well since the graphic would be streamed to our homes vs already loaded on our devices as they are now.

    Further, I doubt Steam customers will be able to move their game without buying the game again as some have done. Steam probably has their claws in that contract as strong as legally possible.

    I could be totally wrong about the remote desktop part though if that is the case then I am not sure what the benefit to existing players will be, if any.
    Edited by idk on June 6, 2019 8:55PM
  • Cireous
    zaria wrote: »
    Cireous wrote: »
    So, will people be able to play Elder Scrolls online on their phone (Google Pixel at first and other phones later)? This interests me a lot. But what about the controls? How would that even work with games not designed for mobile?
    yes, your problem is the controls however. But if you can run on an pad with keyboard and mouse or pack an slim controller its interesting if traveling a lot. You need an good internet connection however.
    Hmm, I definitely would not be interested in connecting a controller or keyboard and mouse to my phone. To enjoy the experience on my phone, I would need functioning hassle-free touch screen controls.

    Can you make this happen Zenimax? :smirk:
  • idk
    So what is the underlying platform going to be? XB, PS or PC? Or all of them???

    Also, will you be able to play with mouse and keyboard?

    Stadia will play on tables, phones, PCs and Mac.

    One important question is addons. Currently our PC games live on our PC drives and so do the addons. My thought, and just a guess, is that Stadia will play more like a console and we will not have addons available.

    I really doubt this is the panacea some think it is.

    Edit: as I read further, we will have to hear from Zos on the issue as it does not seem that consoles accounts will be moved there, this is a competitor of consoles and I doubt most PC players will want to play via Stadia for the aforementioned loss of addons.

    At this point you have to preorder for $130 USD and until Zos makes a statement about current accounts this is just a fantasy.
    Edited by idk on June 6, 2019 9:07PM
  • zaria
    Linaleah wrote: »
    unless they miraculously fixed all the issues that playstation now had and still has? its not going to improve performance on an online game even a little bit. going to be nice to try out some offline games I don't feel like buying though. maybe. we shall see.
    For consoles and ESO, PS5 and xbox two(?) will be awesome, even better once ESO is optimized for them.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Linaleah
    zaria wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    unless they miraculously fixed all the issues that playstation now had and still has? its not going to improve performance on an online game even a little bit. going to be nice to try out some offline games I don't feel like buying though. maybe. we shall see.
    For consoles and ESO, PS5 and xbox two(?) will be awesome, even better once ESO is optimized for them.

    again, i don't know. I've had ps now subscription, before we took the plunge and bought ps4. it had... issues. with imput lag. with visual glitches. occasionally it would just right out disconnect, and its NOT due to my internet connection. the main difference so far seems like which devices you can use stadia on (ps now can be limited) and its for pc rather then playstation games.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • jainiadral
    Cireous wrote: »
    So, will people be able to play Elder Scrolls online on their phone (Google Pixel at first and other phones later)? This interests me a lot. But what about the controls? How would that even work with games not designed for mobile?

    This would be great as a quick log in for chores like writs or horse training.
  • Loves_guars
    Slightly unrelated but


    Errr, I'm still not using the Stadia thing thanks. :P But I guess it's cool for people without PC?
    Edited by Loves_guars on June 6, 2019 10:14PM
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