Nemesis7884 wrote: »It usually involves my wife in a lusty argonian maid costume...
Nemesis7884 wrote: »It usually involves my wife in a lusty Argonian maid costume...
I've been told I have RP tendencies bc I spend a lot of time coming up with cool names and only play certain content and make Quest decisions on certain characters. For instance, I only do bad stuff like steal/assassinate on my NB but, that is mostly just bc the stealth aspect. All my characters have their own roles and styles but I don't have background stories or pretend to be someone else each time I switch toons... So idk tbh. I suppose there are different degrees of RP.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Considering ESO is an MMORPG, your character should have a persona. You should have some idea of your character's backstory and motivations. And have them act accordingly.
You're probably doing just fine unless:
1) All you care about is maxing your numbers for DPS or Resists - you could care less what gear you use.
2) Your characters name is "Ganky McGankerson".
3) Faction is just what color logo is over your head.
bulbousb16_ESO wrote: »Considering ESO is an MMORPG, your character should have a persona. You should have some idea of your character's backstory and motivations. And have them act accordingly.
You're probably doing just fine unless:
1) All you care about is maxing your numbers for DPS or Resists - you could care less what gear you use.
2) Your characters name is "Ganky McGankerson".
3) Faction is just what color logo is over your head.
And believe it or not, #1 is the reason I am asking.. it seemed to be what a lot of people were saying... I, on the other hand, tend to agonize over names, what the character looks like and what they are wearing.. usually have a pretty good back story by the time I finish creating them.
I'm still not sure what I consider roleplay in a computer based game. I say computer based because I have played several table top roleplay games and know I consider that roleplay...
The subject came up in another thread and it got me curious as to what others consider as Role Play.
Is it just following the story? and creating a character that best suit's your style of play? leveling and maxing out a character?
A simple version for me would be my DK here in ESO.. he just wants his soul back and is willing to fight all kinds of obstacles to get it. ( following the MQ ). He's got a "White Knight" complex and likes to help people.
A more complex version is my Crafter Dae, it's her goal to build a nice home for her friends, crafting those things that they need to live while completing there 'jobs" or goals. To that end she has been learning each of the crafts to better serve her friends and do her part in acquiring a home for all of them.
For me Role Play is telling a story of the character I am playing. Living with their personality quirks, finding out their history.. and then living their life as they do the things that are 'them' in the game. (a simple version of my explanation. )
The subject came up in another thread and it got me curious as to what others consider as Role Play.
Is it just following the story? and creating a character that best suit's your style of play? leveling and maxing out a character?
A simple version for me would be my DK here in ESO.. he just wants his soul back and is willing to fight all kinds of obstacles to get it. ( following the MQ ). He's got a "White Knight" complex and likes to help people.
A more complex version is my Crafter Dae, it's her goal to build a nice home for her friends, crafting those things that they need to live while completing there 'jobs" or goals. To that end she has been learning each of the crafts to better serve her friends and do her part in acquiring a home for all of them.
For me Role Play is telling a story of the character I am playing. Living with their personality quirks, finding out their history.. and then living their life as they do the things that are 'them' in the game. (a simple version of my explanation. )
I would go a step further and say that roleplay in an game like this is actually In Character talking and responding with other people who do the same.
Most prominent example of this is @Santieclaws who posts here In Character as a (at this point somewhat famous) Khajiit. With the very distinct way that Khajiit talk.
However people who only know the term as part of "RPG" would not know of this part of experiencing the game, and some even delight in trying to ruin Roleplayers fun. (The why they do this, can be debated in another topic.)
unfortunately, because some dont know or understand the term "Roleplay" in the context of an mmo. A lot of Guild listings in the guild finder cat are plain useless.
role playing isn't telling a story. it is being part of a story with great detail in acting out your actions and interactions with others.
I am not absolute D&D role player. For me, role play is not create a full story for my character, because it is hard to fit in every game universe. It will break immersion no matter how hard I try to role play and sometime it will become very boring.
Instead I create character base on certain moral compass and style, and basic story which blend with game universe.
For example, my main is a "mind over body" style. In fantasy world he will be mage, in scifi world he will be psionic user/ scientist/ high tech gunner.
My RP is mostly a rule set of what my character will and won't do. Easy example, only two of my alts have done the Dark Brotherhood. The first one has no morals and will steal bread from your grandma to make a sandwich with cheese he stole from his grandma. His sister was a good girl until she was done wrong by having her child killed by a Noble. She went into Mama Bear mode and joined the DB so she could murder the entire family of the Noble.
All the rest of my alts only kill to protect themselves. Although they do have misgivings about being the catalyst for the situation that results in being attacked. Like, if you don't go in that cave, you don't have all those Bandits looking for your head.
Some of my alts only use that which they acquire in game from drips, some use crafted gear. Some of my alts don't do a lot of combat.