VirtualElizabeth wrote: »
How is Warden a Failure? It's a support class - Magicka wise. Classes like this are needed in small group pvp. Not all players desire to be the epic PVP god with all the kills.
The design of the class is a failure cause no one has any clue about what the design is. When you play the initial 4 classes you understand how they are designed.
You don't need a premade to counter an offensively oriented Necromancer - it's just flat out worse than virtually everything else in that capacity right now. Also, Mag Sorc and Stamblade are both popular for solo open world Cyrodiil because they have mobility (and stealth in the case of Stamblade), which is something that Magicka Necromancer distinctly lacks. Mist Form and Race Against Time are the only options for Necromancers, and neither can really compare to Streak for open world fights.Unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed playing magcro in low MMR BGs. Yes, some nerds for sure will come here and say "go fight me and my premade, and see that you magcro is trash". Maybe, we'll see, however the ability of the class to easily smash potatoes is very important, imho; that's one of the reasons why magsorcs and stamblades are so popular in open world, let's not forget about that.
The Skeletal Arcanist is worse than the baseline, un-morphed skill for PvP...not that either one of them is actually worthwhile. The Arcanist morph causes the attack to become a 4 meter AOE, which mainly just serves to make it do even worse damage against Stam builds (thanks to widespread Major Evasion), and virtually nothing to enemy pets (which it will choose to target if they're closer than an enemy player).2) magcro has a very good hard CC, and this CC is shock clench. Since 90% of magcro dmg is aoe based (except spammable, but even stupid skeleton mage(!)), you can safely use shock staff, which buffs all your dmg and gives you much better CC than usual flame reach. Try doing this on magsorc or magblade - and you will lose 8% dmg on all your main skills.
And not everyone wants to play exclusively healer or support specs. Having a class that's only good for being a healer would seem like design failure, especially when that particular class is a Necromancer. In what game, or other setting, is a magic wielding Necromancer primarily someone who keeps their allies alive? (and I don't mean via reanimation)VirtualElizabeth wrote: »
How is Warden a Failure? It's a support class - Magicka wise. Classes like this are needed in small group pvp. Not all players desire to be the epic PVP god with all the kills.
There's a singular offensive ability that requires a corpse, and another that can gain extra benefit from one. Problem is, neither ability is actually very useful in PvP (if you're actually able to land the synergy on Avid Boneyard it's alright, but having it buffed by a corpse didn't affect the synergy's damage on PTS). In the current state of the game, corpses are best "saved" for defensive and healing abilities rather than wasted on the useless offensive ones.VirtualElizabeth wrote: »Edited to add: It reminds me of some of the game style with other more traditional MMOs like FF14. You have to have certain conditions going i.e. a dead corpse etc to activate a skill to do the most effective damage.
The design of the class is a failure cause no one has any clue about what the design is. When you play the initial 4 classes you understand how they are designed.
To be honest, they have wrecked the designs of the original four over time.
The only thing Necromancer has going for it is massive ult gen, and when that gets nerfed, the class is finished. And it will get nerfed because players are going to complain about perceived "spamming" of low cost ultimates.
You don't need a premade to counter an offensively oriented Necromancer - it's just flat out worse than virtually everything else in that capacity right now. Also, Mag Sorc and Stamblade are both popular for solo open world Cyrodiil because they have mobility (and stealth in the case of Stamblade), which is something that Magicka Necromancer distinctly lacks. Mist Form and Race Against Time are the only options for Necromancers, and neither can really compare to Streak for open world fights.Unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed playing magcro in low MMR BGs. Yes, some nerds for sure will come here and say "go fight me and my premade, and see that you magcro is trash". Maybe, we'll see, however the ability of the class to easily smash potatoes is very important, imho; that's one of the reasons why magsorcs and stamblades are so popular in open world, let's not forget about that.
I don't personally care about "potato mashing" at all, since I can do that on any class; getting into a low MMR BG can make one feel like a god, but it's by no means an accurate measuring stick for class balance.The Skeletal Arcanist is worse than the baseline, un-morphed skill for PvP...not that either one of them is actually worthwhile. The Arcanist morph causes the attack to become a 4 meter AOE, which mainly just serves to make it do even worse damage against Stam builds (thanks to widespread Major Evasion), and virtually nothing to enemy pets (which it will choose to target if they're closer than an enemy player).2) magcro has a very good hard CC, and this CC is shock clench. Since 90% of magcro dmg is aoe based (except spammable, but even stupid skeleton mage(!)), you can safely use shock staff, which buffs all your dmg and gives you much better CC than usual flame reach. Try doing this on magsorc or magblade - and you will lose 8% dmg on all your main skills.And not everyone wants to play exclusively healer or support specs. Having a class that's only good for being a healer would seem like design failure, especially when that particular class is a Necromancer. In what game, or other setting, is a magic wielding Necromancer primarily someone who keeps their allies alive? (and I don't mean via reanimation)VirtualElizabeth wrote: »
How is Warden a Failure? It's a support class - Magicka wise. Classes like this are needed in small group pvp. Not all players desire to be the epic PVP god with all the kills.There's a singular offensive ability that requires a corpse, and another that can gain extra benefit from one. Problem is, neither ability is actually very useful in PvP (if you're actually able to land the synergy on Avid Boneyard it's alright, but having it buffed by a corpse didn't affect the synergy's damage on PTS). In the current state of the game, corpses are best "saved" for defensive and healing abilities rather than wasted on the useless offensive ones.VirtualElizabeth wrote: »Edited to add: It reminds me of some of the game style with other more traditional MMOs like FF14. You have to have certain conditions going i.e. a dead corpse etc to activate a skill to do the most effective damage.
Magicka Necromancer's offense isn't some complex thing that needs to be figured out before the class' true power is revealed. It's just outright bad, and was easy to see with very little testing. You can't land Mystic Siphon on anyone that isn't AFK or lagging out, the Skeletal Mage does too little damage and only targets the closest enemy, Blastbones' AI is terrible and it's too easily countered, and no one is going to stand in your Boneyard long enough for the damage to do anything but pad a Battleground scoreboard (and the synergy is too finnicky to land reliably)
Waffennacht wrote: »Here's my issue with how mag necro played out:
There was no pathing issue, there was even a leap for the skele...
But because of PTS bugs the feedback was that of, "Omergggg too OP, P2W!!" Because people couldn't be bothered to read, all pets were auto critting and at higher than intended rate....
So they made the skele slower, made it not leap immediately at your opponent....
Then fixed the bugs, and Bam! PoS!
3. There is generally a problem with enough morphs/skills that are usable for PvP and that consume corpses.
There is a passive (Corpse Consumption) that gives 10 ult once every 16 secs when you consume a corpse. It's an essential part of the class sustain. However I'd guess that hardly any Mag Necros are consuming corpses in Cyro. Why?
VirtualElizabeth wrote: »3. There is generally a problem with enough morphs/skills that are usable for PvP and that consume corpses.
There is a passive (Corpse Consumption) that gives 10 ult once every 16 secs when you consume a corpse. It's an essential part of the class sustain. However I'd guess that hardly any Mag Necros are consuming corpses in Cyro. Why?
You can consume your own NPC corpses to trigger this and other skills - like the ones generated by Blastbones, skeletal mage etc. I think this part of the learning curve with this class I was talking about earlier. The tool tips don't really outline this.
VirtualElizabeth wrote: »3. There is generally a problem with enough morphs/skills that are usable for PvP and that consume corpses.
There is a passive (Corpse Consumption) that gives 10 ult once every 16 secs when you consume a corpse. It's an essential part of the class sustain. However I'd guess that hardly any Mag Necros are consuming corpses in Cyro. Why?
You can consume your own NPC corpses to trigger this and other skills - like the ones generated by Blastbones, skeletal mage etc. I think this part of the learning curve with this class I was talking about earlier. The tool tips don't really outline this.
You need a skill that consumes corpses on your bar first, in order to consume corpses. My point is that you won't have one on your bars in PvP. Cause hardly any of the skills that consume corpses are usable in Cyro for the reasons listed. That's not a tooltip issue, or learning curve issue. That's a usability issue.
Mojomonkeyman wrote: »Of course Stamina Necromancer is better than Magicka Necromancer...Do you really think your offense would be improved by losing access to literally every single non-class damaging ability that you're using (including proc'd bleeds)? The only offensive Necromancer ability that doesn't have a Stamina morph is Boneyard, and it's hot, liquid garbage most of the time in PvP.Lol there's actually people who think Stamcro is better?, have fun getting owned by everyone cause Stamcros "burst" is not only the most avoidable, it takes the longest to even set up.
Then there's sustain, which is pretty much none existent
The offense differences between Magicka Necromancer and Stamina Necromancer come down to specific morphs of the class abilities, and weapon lines. You wanna trade away Dual Wield + 2h + 1h/shield + Bows for Destruction and Resto Staves? And the only offensive class skill where Magicka gets an arguably better morph is Mystic Siphon vs Detonating Siphon, but that skill is so worthless in PvP that it doesn't matter.
I'm not exactly sure where I'd place Stamina Necromancer on the overall hierarchy of PvP prowess, but it's definitely above Magicka Necromancer for offensive roles.
Not even close to being right, maybe you should look at both builds before even commenting next time. You do realize LA trait (4,884 spell pen) and the Necro trait that gives 1,500 phy/spell pen, that's 6,384 spell pen and if you run WoE that's another 5,280 spell pen for a total of 11,664 which would wreck face in non cp. If you do cp pvp it could go even higher with not only points but say you run a set of spinners that's another 3,329 spell pen which would net you 14,993 spell pen W/O ANY DAMN POINTS. Oh and I forgot the 5% from the destro talent also
You wouldn't even get half of that with a stam build, which to even get close to half of it you would need to run a 2h and s/b (with puncture) and nothing else (even adding the mace 20%). Meanwhile you can run destro/resto or destro s/b.
As a Magcro you'll have possible shields, heals, mag regen/sustain, insane amount of spell pen, negative effect removal
Meanwhile Stamcro has meh phys pen, no regen (outside of the 200 extra regen talent, which mag version will also have), has to ether use a 225 ult or DB which is a 125 ult (meanwhile mag can use same 225 ults, destro ult, resto ult, mage ult, vamp ult).
Coming from a stam play style lover/player, Necro has one of the worst stam kits in the game if not the worst. Even assuming they fix BB for both mag and stam, mag would still be better with the amount it has not only in its kit but possible playstyles compared to stam. Mag will be good in pvp and pve, while stam will be good in pve.
You are conveniently ignoring the fact that magnecro will always lack: gapcloser, instant stun, defile, escape and proper dots. Stam has native access to all of those.
VirtualElizabeth wrote: »3. There is generally a problem with enough morphs/skills that are usable for PvP and that consume corpses.
There is a passive (Corpse Consumption) that gives 10 ult once every 16 secs when you consume a corpse. It's an essential part of the class sustain. However I'd guess that hardly any Mag Necros are consuming corpses in Cyro. Why?
You can consume your own NPC corpses to trigger this and other skills - like the ones generated by Blastbones, skeletal mage etc. I think this part of the learning curve with this class I was talking about earlier. The tool tips don't really outline this.
You need a skill that consumes corpses on your bar first, in order to consume corpses. My point is that you won't have one on your bars in PvP. Cause hardly any of the skills that consume corpses are usable in Cyro for the reasons listed. That's not a tooltip issue, or learning curve issue. That's a usability issue.
For BGs necrotic potency is very viable to slot - you consume both corpses of your pets and dead enemies (which die and wait for respawn for a while). In addition, you get some dmg mitigation from it, which together with both protections (pirate sceleton and psijic ult) and high resists provide a lot of mitigation.
Added a default build in the Skills Advisor for Necromancers.
VirtualElizabeth wrote: »
How is Warden a Failure? It's a support class - Magicka wise. Classes like this are needed in small group pvp. Not all players desire to be the epic PVP god with all the kills.
Added a default build in the Skills Advisor for Necromancers.
And it starts. No fixes for broken necro mechanics this patch.
Joy_Division wrote: »VirtualElizabeth wrote: »
How is Warden a Failure? It's a support class - Magicka wise. Classes like this are needed in small group pvp. Not all players desire to be the epic PVP god with all the kills.
By limiting its scope to "support" is the definition of failure. No more "play as you want!" Instead, "you will play as we dictate because the class isn't good enough to go outside this niche!"
VirtualElizabeth wrote: »3. There is generally a problem with enough morphs/skills that are usable for PvP and that consume corpses.
There is a passive (Corpse Consumption) that gives 10 ult once every 16 secs when you consume a corpse. It's an essential part of the class sustain. However I'd guess that hardly any Mag Necros are consuming corpses in Cyro. Why?
You can consume your own NPC corpses to trigger this and other skills - like the ones generated by Blastbones, skeletal mage etc. I think this part of the learning curve with this class I was talking about earlier. The tool tips don't really outline this.
You need a skill that consumes corpses on your bar first, in order to consume corpses. My point is that you won't have one on your bars in PvP. Cause hardly any of the skills that consume corpses are usable in Cyro for the reasons listed. That's not a tooltip issue, or learning curve issue. That's a usability issue.
For BGs necrotic potency is very viable to slot - you consume both corpses of your pets and dead enemies (which die and wait for respawn for a while). In addition, you get some dmg mitigation from it, which together with both protections (pirate sceleton and psijic ult) and high resists provide a lot of mitigation.
Well yeah Necrotic is viable, like I mentioned above as well, but it's basically the only viable skill. I have 4 skills creating corpses in my build (2 pets, armor, blastbones) as well as the corpses of enemies, allies and NPCs. Yet Necrotic is the only reliable option for picking up those corpses.
Adding corpse consumption to both morphs of Render Flesh and changing Tether so you don't need to face the corpse would make corpse usage far more viable for quite a few different builds.
Lughlongarm wrote: »1)Ghost heal is probably the best self heal in the game, no corpes needed. You have purge as well which is huge. You also have the heal with the minor defile(no corpes needed), another excuse to run Pirate Skeleton monster set.
2) For single target damage you have a very magden like kit of a strong burst skill, strong aoe skill(much betterr than the warden skill), DOT skill, mehaa spammable that will be replaced with a destro staff skill, and a niche stun that will be replaced with the destro staff stun skill.
You can also theory craft a tanky dot necro with aoes and debuffs , using the pull effect from the defensive skill.
Necro ulti is tons of pressure, good timing and nothing can survive the combo(hard to pull of).
Joy_Division wrote: »VirtualElizabeth wrote: »
How is Warden a Failure? It's a support class - Magicka wise. Classes like this are needed in small group pvp. Not all players desire to be the epic PVP god with all the kills.
By limiting its scope to "support" is the definition of failure. No more "play as you want!" Instead, "you will play as we dictate because the class isn't good enough to go outside this niche!"
Illuvatarr wrote: »Class is incredible. This is a learn to play issue.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Class is incredible. This is a learn to play issue.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Class is incredible. This is a learn to play issue.
I had some people try to argue similar things on the PTS forums, but with one singular exception (which was mentioning the broken Stamina/Health build that could achieve a ~30k damage tooltip on the Goliath's AOE/Cone bash), no one ever provided any substance. They just assured me, and others, that we were all bad and didn't know what we were doing, and that the class was actually amazing. But without some sort of evidence, I'm just going to continue to dismiss those claims out of hand (unless you're talking about in a healer or support role).Illuvatarr wrote: »Class is incredible. This is a learn to play issue.