Tbag is an act of love, not war.
FleetwoodSmack wrote: »If people don't teabag me, I will take it as a great insult and cry in a corner because I wasn't noticed.
Bagging is definitely mood- and situation-dependent for me. But my favorite reason is when I see a dude bagging a corpse in a BG and then I murder him on the spot and get to bag both at the same time. Double the fun.
Hippie4927 wrote: »Tbag is an act of love, not war.
FleetwoodSmack wrote: »If people don't teabag me, I will take it as a great insult and cry in a corner because I wasn't noticed.
I have spent a lot of time in Cyrodiil and have never been t'bagged. I shall remain in the corner with my salty tears!
1) Air Tbagging is for fools who get nothing done. You are just embarassing yourself.
2) Do not tbag after you have zerged down a person. You have no right to claim victory in such a case, your tbag just makes you look pathetic.
3) Just going your way after defeating your opponent, is much cooler than tbagging.
4) Tbagging should be a way of expressing that your opponent did something unspeakable, rather than a way to celebrate your little victory.
InvictusApollo wrote: »Teabagging is literally simulating sexual activity with a dead corpse of your enemy. And thus there are no excuses to do so.
A person on the level doesn't insult himself with shamefull acts like this.
Use an emote if you wish to express your joy/satisfaction with felling an enemy who has wronged you or provided you a challenge.
UndeniablyAVG wrote: »Teabagging... Some people love it, some people hate it. Regardless it happens regularly, some people teabag with reckless abandon, others are more reserved. I personally live by a set of rules that govern whether a player is due a clam slam or not. They are as follows:
1) What goes around, comes around. You teabag me, you're getting bagged.
2) If you run away from a 1v1, then come back a minute latter with your pals, you're getting bagged.
3) If you hide behind the zerg spamming snipe, you're getting bagged.
4) If you start setting up a meatbag when your group outnumbers mine 5-1, you're getting bagged.
I'm interested to see what rules other people have, and whether or not you agree with mine!
I'm sure some people will just say that teabagging in general is stupid, each to their own, I'm not trying to tell you how to play.
So let me know what you class as a teabaggable offense!