Maintenance for the week of June 24:
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A gentleman's guide to teabagging.

Teabagging... Some people love it, some people hate it. Regardless it happens regularly, some people teabag with reckless abandon, others are more reserved. I personally live by a set of rules that govern whether a player is due a clam slam or not. They are as follows:

1) What goes around, comes around. You teabag me, you're getting bagged.

2) If you run away from a 1v1, then come back a minute latter with your pals, you're getting bagged.

3) If you hide behind the zerg spamming snipe, you're getting bagged.

4) If you start setting up a meatbag when your group outnumbers mine 5-1, you're getting bagged.

I'm interested to see what rules other people have, and whether or not you agree with mine!

I'm sure some people will just say that teabagging in general is stupid, each to their own, I'm not trying to tell you how to play.

So let me know what you class as a teabaggable offense!
PS4 EU - Daggerfall Covenant
PSN - N_O_B_L_E-
  • ChunkyCat
  • Wise_Will
    There are only 2 reasons i will bag;

    1 - A failed gank attempt
    2 - You bagged me for no reason

    I find it adds a more comical/fun element to war
  • sudaki_eso
    Or just be an adult and dont do it all no matter what happend :wink:
    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • Elong
    I only teabag those I love the most, and despise the most. A strange set of rules to live by to be sure.
  • Zer0_CooL
    I only T-bag gankblades.
  • zyk
    If I do it, I try to be pretty sure the other party is okay with it because I've come to learn it can be harmful to people who have been sexually assaulted in the past.
  • UndeniablyAVG
    sudaki_eso wrote: »
    Or just be an adult and dont do it all no matter what happend :wink:

    I play video games to escape the pain of adult life. :D:D
    PS4 EU - Daggerfall Covenant
    PSN - N_O_B_L_E-
  • ChunkyCat
    Zer0_CooL wrote: »
    I only T-bag gankblades.

    I literally just t bagged a snipeblade in BG. KeK.
  • Mr_Walker
    I don't teabag because I have an IQ on the RHS of the bell curve. FFS, some of you could do with being a little more inventive. Slot a fun emote. I've gotten a few "lol" whispers from my "kneel praying" emote.

    Teabagging = lack of imagination.
  • Vietfox
    It also depends on the day or the time.
    Although during the day i don't t-bag that much because i'm focused on taking keeps and stuff, at night (late night) i tend to t-bag more often because i just mess around with people and also because i'm drunk.
  • Vietfox
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    I don't teabag because I have an IQ on the RHS of the bell curve. FFS, some of you could do with being a little more inventive. Slot a fun emote. I've gotten a few "lol" whispers from my "kneel praying" emote.

    Teabagging = lack of imagination.

    Teabagging is faster than emotes and can be spammed on more different people before they rez somewhere else :smiley:
  • Elsonso
    "A gentleman's guide to teabagging"? :smiley: Do those words go together?

    My personal "gentleman's" rule is "don't do it".
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • DirkRavenclaw
    TeaBagging is for Children, i keep on reporting it, so a person gets a response/slap on the wrist from ZOS, the same as you do with little Kids, simple
    Council Member of AtWritsEnd, Member of LoneWolfeHelp, Donor of GhostSeaTradingCO., Factor of EastEmpireTradingCO.,HonourGuard of ´DominionImperialGuard(DIG/PVP)

    Master Crafter including Jewelry, i craft for Mats and Donation, always happy to help, if Im not in the Middle of PVP, i play since around 14 Months
  • Morgul667
    T Bag is juvenile , not for gentlemen
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    I often feel sorry for zos employees sorting important support tickets from spam.

    The cries of "what is ballista" from the faceless employees cubicle.

    It's interesting that those who consider tbagging to be some kind of abuse are perfectly happy to rage whisper someone calling them all sorts of things even mailing them. I guess crouching up and down is more offensive right :)
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Ahtu
    Teabagging has never bothered me and I never do it. In fact, quite the opposite, I can't help but laugh especially if multiple people are teabagging me. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.
    Edited by Ahtu on May 16, 2019 1:06PM
  • Morgul667
    I often feel sorry for zos employees sorting important support tickets from spam.

    The cries of "what is ballista" from the faceless employees cubicle.

    It's interesting that those who consider tbagging to be some kind of abuse are perfectly happy to rage whisper someone calling them all sorts of things even mailing them. I guess crouching up and down is more offensive right :)

    Rage tell is just as lame
  • Defilted
    I have never done it and wont. Winning the fight speaks volumes IMO.
    XBOX Series X

  • UndeniablyAVG
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    I don't teabag because I have an IQ on the RHS of the bell curve. FFS, some of you could do with being a little more inventive. Slot a fun emote. I've gotten a few "lol" whispers from my "kneel praying" emote.

    Teabagging = lack of imagination.

    I agree with you on this, if i have the time I'll whack out a /shovel or a /eatbread. As someone else stated though sometimes it's all just a bit too fast paced for that. :D
    "A gentleman's guide to teabagging"? :smiley: Do those words go together?

    My personal "gentleman's" rule is "don't do it".

    You could be right here, I am of the mindset that if you're going to do something, you might as well do it with some 'dignity'. :D

    Just to be clear on my end though, when I get tea bagged all it ever does is make me smile/laugh. If anything i take it as a challenge, it does slightly confuse me that people can find it offensive. In my eyes a rage tell is much worse.
    PS4 EU - Daggerfall Covenant
    PSN - N_O_B_L_E-
  • Vapirko
    TeaBagging is for Children, i keep on reporting it, so a person gets a response/slap on the wrist from ZOS, the same as you do with little Kids, simple

    They dont hear anything from ZOS.
    I’ll always find it funny but I stopped doing it because people catch feelings. So when the situation calls for it - and those are few - generally you’ll catch my water bucket.
  • Sandman929
    I don't see the point, but then again puberty was a long time ago for me.
  • sudaki_eso
    sudaki_eso wrote: »
    Or just be an adult and dont do it all no matter what happend :wink:

    I play video games to escape the pain of adult life. :D:D

    In that case, go ahead :p
    PS4 EU - StamDK
  • technohic
    zyk wrote: »
    If I do it, I try to be pretty sure the other party is okay with it because I've come to learn it can be harmful to people who have been sexually assaulted in the past.

    How does that work? "Excuse me good sir. Mind if I drop my savory nuggets on the face of your corpse?"

    Personally I find it hilarious, particularly if someone gets salty over it. I lol when I see someone else do it, even if shaking my head over how ridiculous it is when I'm in a group and we just dog piled on someone and then somebody in mu group does it, I still laugh. But I dont do it usually as I am generally looking for the next kill.

    If I'm drinking heavily, all bets are off and couldn't tell you what I'd decide to do.
  • zyk
    technohic wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    If I do it, I try to be pretty sure the other party is okay with it because I've come to learn it can be harmful to people who have been sexually assaulted in the past.

    How does that work? "Excuse me good sir. Mind if I drop my savory nuggets on the face of your corpse?"
    I might know them or if they tbag, I can safely assume they won't be particularly offended.

    I don't understand how it can be offensive in most contexts, but it's totally understandable that it could act as a trigger to something like ptsd.

    Here's what @Recremen had to say about it:
    Recremen wrote:
    The reason for this is that all kinds of people play this game, including actual victims of sexual assault. Certain things like teabagging are literally psychological triggers that can mess someone up for the rest of the day or longer. There is no need to bring that kind of dynamic into the game. It is not a necessary part of the simulated combat experience. And it's not like these victims "should have known what they were signing up for" when they bought the game. The game wasn't advertised as an environment where you can simulate sexual assault, it was advertised for the simulated combat. The things you add to that are on you, and you really do have a degree of social responsibility to be a good member of the community. If you can't muster the social graces to do something as easy as "not teabagging" then maybe some psych treatment would do you some good as well.
    Knowing this, it's pretty easy for me to avoid doing it. I would hate for someone to have a very bad experience because of it.
    Edited by zyk on May 16, 2019 2:37PM
  • UndeniablyAVG
    zyk wrote: »
    Knowing this, it's pretty easy for me to avoid doing it. I would hate for someone to have a very bad experience because of it.

    I can honestly say that I have never thought about it this way before. I guess I've actually seen a virtual teabag as any form of sexual behavior. Food for thought though!
    PS4 EU - Daggerfall Covenant
    PSN - N_O_B_L_E-
  • Ahtu
    Everything's funny until it happens to you. It's all about perspective.
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    It's embarrassing behaviour, to be sure, but it is more warranted in some situations than others. Won a hard fight against a tough opponent who was being a jerk? Go for it. He deserved it.

    Just ganked a Level 10 crafter collecting mats? Wow, you're a big man.
    Lethal zergling
  • Benzux
    I'm not often found in PvP, but when I am, I always make sure to teabag people I know and/or recognize, most often from my main guild.
    Other times, I do revenge-bagging (you bag me, I bag you, simple), and sometimes I like to bag someone after a failed attempt at killing me. I've gotten a few hatemessages from some of these people, which are usually somewhere along the lines of them calling me a "zergling" just because I happen to be in a group of more than 4 people, consisting of my guildmates during a Guild-hosted event. I always reply to these people with "Don't worry, I believe in equality, so I bag everyone". Usually the hate whispers end there lol.
    BenzuxGamer - Xbox One since day 1 - CP 1500+
    Guildmaster of the Sacrificial Warriors, one of the oldest and most member-orientated Guilds on the Xbox One EU Megaserver
    "Casual" player from Finland who enjoys questing and dumb builds even after well over 1000 CP levels and 4000+ hours. A fan of Argonians, Goats and Elk. Also a massive Otaku (MAL Profile).
    "Following the meta makes you a sheep. That's why I'm a goat: I go in the opposite direction and make use of the things the sheep cannot." - Me, 2019
    Ben-Zu - Argonian MagDK DPS - EP (Main)
    Benzuth Telvanni - Dunmer MagSorc DPS - EP
    Haknir Head-Crusher - Nord DK Tank/Stam DPS - EP
    Delves-Deepest-Depths - Argonian StamBlade DPS - EP
    Raises-The-Dead - Argonian Mag Necromancer DPS7Healer - EP (Previously a Sorc healer, RIP)
    Bthuzdir Ynzavretz - Dwemer StamSorc DPS - AD (Dunmer in-game)
    Fafnir the Dragon - Nord Stam DK DPS - EP
    Bloodmage Thalnos - Breton MagBlade DPS - DC
    Finnis Wolfheart - Bosmer Stam Warden DPS - EP
    Gwyneth - Nord Warden Tank - EP
    Kud-Wazei Xeroicas - Argonian Mag Templar DPS/Tank - EP
    Barkskin Ben-Zhu - Argonian Warden Healer - EP (Alternate version of main)
    Xal-Vakka Xeroicas - Argonian DK Healer - EP
    Jaree-Shei the Wamasu - Argonian Sorcerer Tank - EP
    Gwennen Ereloth - Snow Elf Mag Warden DPS - EP (Dunmer in-game)
    Friedrich der Grosse - Imperial Nightblade Tank - EP
    Warfarin - Altmer Nightblade Healer - EP
  • Minno
    Tbag is an act of love, not war ;).
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
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