Or if you see some cool-looking guy just look up his costume and dyes! I get really annoyed when I se someone and think "I wonder what gear he has" then press "F" and there's nothing there!
I don't want any of you weirdos inspecting me.
You can always do it the old-fashioned way and just ask them.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »You’ll be able to see a lot of this info on PC when the new patch hits in a little over a week. Just activate ESO logs and interact with the player in some way. I’m not sure exactly what is required to initiate logging another character, but if you fight against or with them, or even do something like healing them it should work. When you check the log it will show you all their gear and skills.
...maybe... because people dislike all those "Must be -this- super-effective to join our speedrun PUG" inquisitions?Seriously, why there is still no inspect feature in this game?
...will let you look up a LOT.
Seriously, why there is still no inspect feature in this game? This will be so good! Not only it will be cool to look at other player's achievements, but to look at equipment of an expirienced player would benefit a lot of inexpirienced people! Or if you see some cool-looking guy just look up his costume and dyes! I get really annoyed when I se someone and think "I wonder what gear he has" then press "F" and there's nothing there! Or am I, as always, being stupid and at least something from what I mentioned you can already do?
Seriously, why there is still no inspect feature in this game? This will be so good! Not only it will be cool to look at other player's achievements, but to look at equipment of an expirienced player would benefit a lot of inexpirienced people! Or if you see some cool-looking guy just look up his costume and dyes! I get really annoyed when I se someone and think "I wonder what gear he has" then press "F" and there's nothing there! Or am I, as always, being stupid and at least something from what I mentioned you can already do?
I don't want any of you weirdos inspecting me.
You can always do it the old-fashioned way and just ask them.
Another auto decline for you
Speaking of auto-declines, is there any way to see how many you have auto-declined?
I can only assume all those people who walk up to me, stare at me and then dance around like maniacs until I walk away are trying to kill me.
Nothing against people who dance like maniacs...
Seriously, why there is still no inspect feature in this game? This will be so good! Not only it will be cool to look at other player's achievements, but to look at equipment of an expirienced player would benefit a lot of inexpirienced people! Or if you see some cool-looking guy just look up his costume and dyes! I get really annoyed when I se someone and think "I wonder what gear he has" then press "F" and there's nothing there! Or am I, as always, being stupid and at least something from what I mentioned you can already do?
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I’m OK with an inspect option as long as players can toggle it off