VioletCyrodiil wrote: »Simply put, it feels like we are being ignored and shut down on certain threads... we just want some answers, one way or the other.
I'm not here to demean anyone or incite anything against the devs. We just want some feedback on the matter. Even if you have absolutely no plans to make improvements to housing, we would absolutely love to at least hear that from you, because it would mean that you are willing to communicate on the matter.
VioletCyrodiil wrote: »Simply put, it feels like we are being ignored and shut down on certain threads... we just want some answers, one way or the other.
I'm not here to demean anyone or incite anything against the devs. We just want some feedback on the matter. Even if you have absolutely no plans to make improvements to housing, we would absolutely love to at least hear that from you, because it would mean that you are willing to communicate on the matter.
I'm beginning to suspect that this is the answer, and of course, they don't want to say that. I doubt any of us would be happy with that answer, even if it is communication from them, because we obviously don't want ZOS to be finished with housing (though they would continue to do asset flips). And, if that is the answer, then they know that if we know it, we'll lose what little interest we might still have in housing and move on, which means lost revenue. If they keep us hoping and hanging on, then we may continue to invest in future possibilities.
I hope I'm wrong, but this zero communication is getting more and more suspicious. Or, perhaps they aren't ready to say anything on what they're working on, since plans can change, and they don't want to have to retract any statements.
ETA: I had high hopes in January when they started hyping the Season of the Dragon and all the stuff they were going to do to celebrate 5 years. I thought...surely they'll add some cool new features to housing and give us some cool new gold-purchasable houses (like a house in the Hollow City). Instead, we got hype about an overarching story (which they've done before), a new class (which they've done before, although many players have long wanted necromancer), and a monstrous free "home" (which I would trade in a heartbeat for a small house in the Hollow City, or a cozy cottage in Eastmarch, or an apartment in Balmora, or a small home in Orsinium, or...).
Shadow_Akula wrote: »VioletCyrodiil wrote: »Simply put, it feels like we are being ignored and shut down on certain threads... we just want some answers, one way or the other.
I'm not here to demean anyone or incite anything against the devs. We just want some feedback on the matter. Even if you have absolutely no plans to make improvements to housing, we would absolutely love to at least hear that from you, because it would mean that you are willing to communicate on the matter.
I'm beginning to suspect that this is the answer, and of course, they don't want to say that. I doubt any of us would be happy with that answer, even if it is communication from them, because we obviously don't want ZOS to be finished with housing (though they would continue to do asset flips). And, if that is the answer, then they know that if we know it, we'll lose what little interest we might still have in housing and move on, which means lost revenue. If they keep us hoping and hanging on, then we may continue to invest in future possibilities.
I hope I'm wrong, but this zero communication is getting more and more suspicious. Or, perhaps they aren't ready to say anything on what they're working on, since plans can change, and they don't want to have to retract any statements.
ETA: I had high hopes in January when they started hyping the Season of the Dragon and all the stuff they were going to do to celebrate 5 years. I thought...surely they'll add some cool new features to housing and give us some cool new gold-purchasable houses (like a house in the Hollow City). Instead, we got hype about an overarching story (which they've done before), a new class (which they've done before, although many players have long wanted necromancer), and a monstrous free "home" (which I would trade in a heartbeat for a small house in the Hollow City, or a cozy cottage in Eastmarch, or an apartment in Balmora, or a small home in Orsinium, or...).
Probably true, but either way they’re starting to lose the housing community, only so long we can go without communication.
As evidenced by these recent threads, that time has come, we’ve had enough of the silence, so if the answer is that they have zero plans for it, so be it. Let us move on to other things until a time they do have plans for it.
It’d actually be nice to have a dev response for once even if not the answer many of us hoped for.
I’ve given up hope for weapon and armor furnishings at this point. We can have dead bodies but weapons, armor, racks and mannequins are over the line it seems for zenimax. (The assests already exist in game too). Poll I started over a year ago in January 2018:
219 votes, 1 was no and even then the person who clicked no admitted they’d misclicked so really 209 said yes and 10 said maybe with 0 saying no and still ZoS never commented, they never even looked at the thread.
In fact I’ve lost all hope for anything house related after Elsweyr’s furnishings go live on the live server 😔 no size upgrades, no equipment furnishings, no dev responses.
P.s. despite my hopes running out, my voice stands with the people in these recent threads, we will not be silenced until we get simple communication from ZoS
Imperial_Voice wrote: »Id comment but after ZoS keep deleting my comments and threatening to ban me (apparently Im inciting action against the devs according to them) I have nothing left to say but "sad."
I was about to comment on a new thread I saw on these forums, but it seems it was removed. It was about housing feedback and the continued lack of communication... so since I can't find it anymore, I'll add my thoughts to this older thread instead.
The lack of community interaction in the housing aspect of the game is simply unacceptable. Feedback is regularly ignored and the devs don't approach us with any statements, news, reactions, plans, other than complete silence or being asked to not complain about the housing devs, or threats of being shut down if we continue to speak up. It's a pretty disappointing experience, and really bad PR.
We have been complaining for years, adding our feedback on the PTS, submitting bug reports, about recurring housing issues like houses being too large and too dark and having bugged windows that don't work. Not only did nobody go back to fix these things then, but they also keep doing the same thing in newer houses. Seeing the new Eslweyr houses with the same issues and many bugged windows that never light up makes one really wonder if anybody actually reads housing feedback at all. They keep making houses that have no doors on them, and houses that have invisible walls that block off access to a large part of the interior, so really, does anybody actually play the game at ZOS, does anybody listen to player concerns at all?
Cyro has been getting update after update, new system after new system, from destroyable structures, to artifact weapons, to a campaign rework. How many crowns do people spend in Cyrodiil, oh wait I know, none. But if people who spend literal hundreds of dollars on the housing system request (after many years of constructive feedback and unheard complaints) that they be taken seriously and be afforded the same attention that other aspects of the game get, that's unacceptable?
Housing is the most highly priced part of ESO, and many people in the housing community are wonderful people who in good faith and filled with hope poured hours and days of their time and hundreds and thousands of their money into it. We care about housing, we care about the game, we want it to be as good as it can possibly get, and we aren't even asking for much, simply to be acknowledged and not ignored, not necessarily have all our wishes implemented but at least to be heard, to be treated as valued customers that the devs care about, just as we treat housing as a valued pastime that we care about.
I trust that my complaint was worded in a civil enough fashion for me to avoid removal or censorhip crackdown. And I hope that we will finally see some changes that allow for a ZOS rep to pay attention to housing. Or was all of their budget and housing income spent on hiring Molina and getting streamers hyped about dragons, so they can't even afford one single rep to occasionally read and respond to the housing community? Come on, you need to do better.
Yes, it's a travesty. My restraint of words was less of a stylistic choice, and more of a necessity due to the apparently very real possibility of censorship and forum bans that have been going around lately for posts with critical feedback.Shadow_Akula wrote: »I was about to comment on a new thread I saw on these forums, but it seems it was removed. It was about housing feedback and the continued lack of communication... so since I can't find it anymore, I'll add my thoughts to this older thread instead.
The lack of community interaction in the housing aspect of the game is simply unacceptable. Feedback is regularly ignored and the devs don't approach us with any statements, news, reactions, plans, other than complete silence or being asked to not complain about the housing devs, or threats of being shut down if we continue to speak up. It's a pretty disappointing experience, and really bad PR.
We have been complaining for years, adding our feedback on the PTS, submitting bug reports, about recurring housing issues like houses being too large and too dark and having bugged windows that don't work. Not only did nobody go back to fix these things then, but they also keep doing the same thing in newer houses. Seeing the new Eslweyr houses with the same issues and many bugged windows that never light up makes one really wonder if anybody actually reads housing feedback at all. They keep making houses that have no doors on them, and houses that have invisible walls that block off access to a large part of the interior, so really, does anybody actually play the game at ZOS, does anybody listen to player concerns at all?
Cyro has been getting update after update, new system after new system, from destroyable structures, to artifact weapons, to a campaign rework. How many crowns do people spend in Cyrodiil, oh wait I know, none. But if people who spend literal hundreds of dollars on the housing system request (after many years of constructive feedback and unheard complaints) that they be taken seriously and be afforded the same attention that other aspects of the game get, that's unacceptable?
Housing is the most highly priced part of ESO, and many people in the housing community are wonderful people who in good faith and filled with hope poured hours and days of their time and hundreds and thousands of their money into it. We care about housing, we care about the game, we want it to be as good as it can possibly get, and we aren't even asking for much, simply to be acknowledged and not ignored, not necessarily have all our wishes implemented but at least to be heard, to be treated as valued customers that the devs care about, just as we treat housing as a valued pastime that we care about.
I trust that my complaint was worded in a civil enough fashion for me to avoid removal or censorhip crackdown. And I hope that we will finally see some changes that allow for a ZOS rep to pay attention to housing. Or was all of their budget and housing income spent on hiring Molina and getting streamers hyped about dragons, so they can't even afford one single rep to occasionally read and respond to the housing community? Come on, you need to do better.
It has indeed been removed. ZoS can’t handle being called out for how they handle customer relations. [snip]
Kind of you to word your response in a civil way, however unfortunately they’ll still ignore it. We can’t win no matter what, we ask nicely, silence. We get loud, unjust moderator abuse of powers. Don’t see how simple replies are too much to ask ZoS
[Edit for discussing disciplinary action.]
VioletCyrodiil wrote: »I love this game, I love the game series... but unfortunately, this entire matter has left me uneasy and especially apprehensive of the devs and the moderators.
Is there any one we can nominate as some kind of ambassador between the community and the devs? Someone trustworthy?
wishlist14 wrote: »I don't unders6and why you all feel ignored, its not as if our devs are not creating any housing content.
I see so many awesome developments and improvements to our housing aswell as gorgeous new furnishings and furniture recipes coming up in the new Elsweyr chapter and yet you all don't seem to appreciate it.All I read about is complaints and not many compliments at all. Did you guys not view the stunning Elsweyr homes? And the fine quality detail and love that went into all those stunning furnishings brings tears to my eyes 😢
What brings more tears to my eyes are how you guys treat our devs. Who do you think created our housing in the first place ?
I know I'm going to get hate because i don't agree with your approach. There are respectful ways to ask for things and they should always be followed by patience. I had asked for the Dunmer chimenea a couple of times and I let it go. Always loved them as they reminded me of the pot belly stoves. I happened to look in the writ recipes vendors list of items recently and to my great delight there is the recipe. It made my day. I had put the idea out there as im sure many other players did too and no one pushed it. Then one day there it was. Give our devs a break, be patient and respectful, they deserve it.
I know I am very opinionated and that may grate on people but it all comes from a good place. I hope you all do get the things you want. Have a lovely evening 💜
Greetings, there seems to be a lot of concern and misconception about the closure of several housing threads. We'd like to clarify that creating threads that simply bash the dev team and are not constructive in any way are not permitted. In addition, threads or posts that are discussing moderation action are also not permitted.
These rules have always been pillars in our community forum guidelines and we uphold them across all topics discussed on the ESO forums.
We hope everyone understands that they are free to discuss their opinion on housing suggestions or changes, as long as the conversation can remain constructive and civil. This means suggestions or critiques are provided without personal insults directed at either the dev team or other community members who may not share your opinion. If you ever have a question related to forum moderation, we encourage you to reach out to a moderator for clarification on an action that was taken. We are more than happy to discuss it with you.
Greetings, there seems to be a lot of concern and misconception about the closure of several housing threads. We'd like to clarify that creating threads that simply bash the dev team and are not constructive in any way are not permitted. In addition, threads or posts that are discussing moderation action are also not permitted.
These rules have always been pillars in our community forum guidelines and we uphold them across all topics discussed on the ESO forums.
We hope everyone understands that they are free to discuss their opinion on housing suggestions or changes, as long as the conversation can remain constructive and civil. This means suggestions or critiques are provided without personal insults directed at either the dev team or other community members who may not share your opinion. If you ever have a question related to forum moderation, we encourage you to reach out to a moderator for clarification on an action that was taken. We are more than happy to discuss it with you.
I'm not as into housing as you guys but I wanted to say that I've been harping on Cyrodiil performance for years and we've seen how quickly those threads get shut down. There are a lot of people that share your pain about being ignored, threatened and lied to. That's the ZO$ model now and it's sad. Good luck guys.
wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »Not sure if anyone saw this.
ESO Live April 26, 2019
Systems Designer Cullen Lee talked about the new house with Elsweyr and at 17:00 apprx he answers questions like more slots, etc.
And yes, it is not the answers we hoped for. Here's the link.
VaranisArano wrote: »wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »Not sure if anyone saw this.
ESO Live April 26, 2019
Systems Designer Cullen Lee talked about the new house with Elsweyr and at 17:00 apprx he answers questions like more slots, etc.
And yes, it is not the answers we hoped for. Here's the link.
Thank you for posting the actual Dev Comments.
I'm starting to question whether some of the players in this thread have actually listened to it.
I mean, its one thing to say "I disagree with the Devs' decisions and priorities and they should listen to me instead!" But its a whole 'nother thing to act like there's no communication.
These won't be an exact transcript, but close enough, starting at 17:00 to about 21:00
The Devs were discussing the FREE House, obtained through running Elsweyr content.
"When we did the Q&A for Combat, we noticed a lot of Housing questions..."
Item Slots - "One of people's biggest concerns. They are there for performance reasons. We really can't go above current limits right now. We've selected current limits to give people a balance between the different objects you might want to place in your home, and its really important to us that - even if maybe your rig would work at a higher count - that anyone who's playing hte game could still go into your house and have a good experience. Its really important to us that the community can share in that way. So that's the reason for the imits being the way they are right now."
Furnishing Bag - "an additional thing that comes up a lot"
*Devs discuss how players see the Crafting bag and think that because they can make it for one thing, "Why can't you just make it?"*
"The problem with Furnishings, gear or other things like them [video breaks up for me] *begins discussing how 4000 iron ore can just stack up * [video breaks up again for me]
Small, Medium, and Plot Homes - these are the most requested categories
"We've seen a lot of requests" -> "We've been doing a lot of manors."
There's upcoming Frost Vault Chasm - No ETA, as of the ESO Live
New Life Snow Globe was partly in response to this demand, where its a Medium home that they gave the slot limit of a Large home.
"So we are trying to fulfill those desires. We know that they're there and we are paying attention."
Like I said, if you want to disagree with the Devs priorities or the way they've gone about trying to answer some of your concerns, go right ahead. But for me? The Devs just answered my biggest Housing questions right there in that ESO Live video.
I'm satisfied. Maybe not with the answers, because no one likes to here "NO." But I'm satisfied that at leave my questions have an answer.
wishlist14 wrote: »I don't understand why you all feel ignored, its not as if our devs are not creating any housing content.
I see so many awesome developments and improvements to our housing aswell as gorgeous new furnishings and furniture recipes coming up in the new Elsweyr chapter and yet you all don't seem to appreciate it.All I read about is complaints and not many compliments at all. Did you guys not view the stunning Elsweyr homes? And the fine quality detail and love that went into all those stunning furnishings brings tears to my eyes.
Also zos devs do not comment on all issues, they choose areas that need their urgent atteantion and tend to focus on that.
I feel that zos have a long term plan and they follow that and now and then they add things here and there that players ask for or suggest.
Recently one of our devs posted a thread where we could suggest items that we would like to see as rewards for being eso plus members.
There was also a post about item ideas for our crown store. This is all direct communication with us, the forums community. It not have been directly aimed at the housing but neither was it directly aimed at the werewolf community. They don't even have their own forums section.😢
Yes there is a strong housing community in eso but we embrace the game as a whole so personally I don't feel im being ignored. Im an eso player not just a house dweller. Do you all get my point here?
I've been enjoying housing since day 1 and still going strong .......🌻🐝
Shadow_Akula wrote: »VaranisArano wrote: »wenchmore420b14_ESO wrote: »Not sure if anyone saw this.
ESO Live April 26, 2019
Systems Designer Cullen Lee talked about the new house with Elsweyr and at 17:00 apprx he answers questions like more slots, etc.
And yes, it is not the answers we hoped for. Here's the link.
Thank you for posting the actual Dev Comments.
I'm starting to question whether some of the players in this thread have actually listened to it.
I mean, its one thing to say "I disagree with the Devs' decisions and priorities and they should listen to me instead!" But its a whole 'nother thing to act like there's no communication.
These won't be an exact transcript, but close enough, starting at 17:00 to about 21:00
The Devs were discussing the FREE House, obtained through running Elsweyr content.
"When we did the Q&A for Combat, we noticed a lot of Housing questions..."
Item Slots - "One of people's biggest concerns. They are there for performance reasons. We really can't go above current limits right now. We've selected current limits to give people a balance between the different objects you might want to place in your home, and its really important to us that - even if maybe your rig would work at a higher count - that anyone who's playing hte game could still go into your house and have a good experience. Its really important to us that the community can share in that way. So that's the reason for the imits being the way they are right now."
Furnishing Bag - "an additional thing that comes up a lot"
*Devs discuss how players see the Crafting bag and think that because they can make it for one thing, "Why can't you just make it?"*
"The problem with Furnishings, gear or other things like them [video breaks up for me] *begins discussing how 4000 iron ore can just stack up * [video breaks up again for me]
Small, Medium, and Plot Homes - these are the most requested categories
"We've seen a lot of requests" -> "We've been doing a lot of manors."
There's upcoming Frost Vault Chasm - No ETA, as of the ESO Live
New Life Snow Globe was partly in response to this demand, where its a Medium home that they gave the slot limit of a Large home.
"So we are trying to fulfill those desires. We know that they're there and we are paying attention."
Like I said, if you want to disagree with the Devs priorities or the way they've gone about trying to answer some of your concerns, go right ahead. But for me? The Devs just answered my biggest Housing questions right there in that ESO Live video.
I'm satisfied. Maybe not with the answers, because no one likes to here "NO." But I'm satisfied that at leave my questions have an answer.
[removed baiting comment]
Big whoop they answered 3 questions, what about the other housing questions people asked? What about all the housing threads that ZoS doesn’t even bother looking at other than to search for rule breaking? How bout answers that don’t require forcing people to watch a Twitch or YT vid for 30 mins before getting the answer?
It’s not that we disagree with the prioritising or even the answer (I disagree with the frostvault house for example because pretty sure people want more gold houses not limited time crown only) it’s that they flat out don’t communicate with us in any meaningful way, and that is no act! Just look at this forum yourself, visit each section tell me how far you have to go for a ZoS response that’s not a mod action in each one. (You may need to go through more pages in other sections but other sections are more active so 2 weeks could be page 2 in housing, page 20 in general discussion, look at the dates instead)
Look they wanna say “we have other priorities at this time” then they should come out and say it instead of hiding behind moderator abuse of power. That is all the people here want, we want to know that they have listened to us, we want to stop feeling ignored.