Rarely used in pvp? Huh?? Seriously? 🥴
Considering all the changes coming in PTS, I feel like ZOS overlook the biggest problem with one of the most beloved Ulti on DK, yet rarely used outside tanking in PvE or the very rare PvP.
It costs too damn much.
It's only a few seconds worth of immortality and full penetration cheese... but when penetration is already the name of the game in PvP and end-game content, it's not as effective as its theory.
Can't we have at least,
a. 150 ulti reduced from 200; or,
b. make the duration up to 20 sec on the base level.
Considering all the changes coming in PTS, I feel like ZOS overlook the biggest problem with one of the most beloved Ulti on DK, yet rarely used outside tanking in PvE or the very rare PvP.
It costs too damn much.
It's only a few seconds worth of immortality and full penetration cheese... but when penetration is already the name of the game in PvP and end-game content, it's not as effective as its theory.
Can't we have at least,
a. 150 ulti reduced from 200; or,
b. make the duration up to 20 sec on the base level.
You would lose sustain. 1750 H/M/S upon activating roughly.
Higher cost ultimate=More Sustain
Ragnarock41 wrote: »It has a reasonable cost for what it does actually. Its not a weak ultimate, nor an overperforming one. Don't try to fix what is not broken.
Considering all the changes coming in PTS, I feel like ZOS overlook the biggest problem with one of the most beloved Ulti on DK, yet rarely used outside tanking in PvE or the very rare PvP.
It costs too damn much.
It's only a few seconds worth of immortality and full penetration cheese... but when penetration is already the name of the game in PvP and end-game content, it's not as effective as its theory.
Can't we have at least,
a. 150 ulti reduced from 200; or,
b. make the duration up to 20 sec on the base level.
You would lose sustain. 1750 H/M/S upon activating roughly.
Higher cost ultimate=More Sustain
It's used by every stam DK in open world pretty much. And it's the go to for duels.
On pc eu its widely used. Specially the last 3 months. Its such a strong ulti it insane. Isnt it increased in duration in elsweyr btw?
I found corrosive to be a niche ult like berserkers strike.
it costs too much, and is not as effective as one would hope it to be. sure you can get kills with it, but there is probably not a single situation where you would not have gotten that same kill with DB or leap.
people tend to either have so much armor that they are a tank and will STILL just heal through your damage, or be a glass cannon to the point that the pen is overkill on top of whatever pen you already have, and will once again heal through it.
that an pvp is effectively about burst, corrosive does not burst, and the damage cap may sound nice, in practice once again its not that effective.
I tried to run it for a while but found its decent survival ult, and a decent offensive ult, but worse then either, and too expensive. running SB ult or Psijic for the minor protection and possible outplay potential, then leap or DB on offensive bar is just better.
trying to hedge your bets by going with one of the most expensive ults in the game that does neither great offensive or defense is going to end up leading to disappointment, especially as DK lacks burst and executes and that's usually made up through ults, sacrificing your ult for more consistent dot mediocrity is going all in on a playstyle that does not work in pvp.
You literally dot someone up and pop corrosive and start going into your spammable. You literally just melt through people
LeifErickson wrote: »If anything this ult needs a nerf.
juhislihis19 wrote: »Strange. On PS4 EU I've seen Corrosive being used maybe once during my 18 months of gameplay.
It's a travesty that the cost is same with Permafrost (which gives amazing mitigation to you and your friends, better damage, CC). Not to mention Corrosive is still buggy time to time and lets more damage in than the 3%.
Can someone honestly say they see Corrosive being used more than Perma? Anyone seen a group of DK's all with Corrosives? What about a group of Wardens with Permafrost?
Sure in duels it's probably great but so are Sloads, Blessed and other wonky sets. Dueling is not an argument, since they often have strict rules about sets, skills etc.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »LeifErickson wrote: »If anything this ult needs a nerf.
Sure if they gave us real passives and actually viable stamina skills, instead of garbage, then why not. Otherwise please stay away from the one and only thing that allows this class to end fights without taking 30 minutes.
That being said the current Tank meta and lack of strong penetration sets is also an issue. I believe nerfing sets like Spriggan/TFS along with other penetration sources was a big mistake in PvP meta, Everyone got a lot tankier as a result of it, And while that made corrosive armor really really good, it also made the overall gameplay a lot worse.
juhislihis19 wrote: »Strange. On PS4 EU I've seen Corrosive being used maybe once during my 18 months of gameplay.
It's a travesty that the cost is same with Permafrost (which gives amazing mitigation to you and your friends, better damage, CC). Not to mention Corrosive is still buggy time to time and lets more damage in than the 3%.
Can someone honestly say they see Corrosive being used more than Perma? Anyone seen a group of DK's all with Corrosives? What about a group of Wardens with Permafrost?
Sure in duels it's probably great but so are Sloads, Blessed and other wonky sets. Dueling is not an argument, since they often have strict rules about sets, skills etc.