It’s called a PvP community... ESO’s currently sucks because of such dense & short-sighting thinking exemplified in several of the responses to this thread.
I do not know of a community of actual PVP players that would comply to a demand that they not engage players in PVP in a PVP zone. It's outrageous.
I'm highly critical of pugstomping in general, but I have zero sympathy for anyone with an expectation of a PVP-free experience in Cyrodiil to facilitate their lootbox addiction. I am enjoying reading their salt in Discord.
Lootbox rage demonstrates how low gaming has sunk.
The people that do that are not top-tier PvPers. This is the only week out of the year they can actually get a kill. Any real Pvper would quickly get bored with that kind of game play.
Every night we have good players in optimal builds group up to kite randoms and pugs. This really isn't any different. I agree it's lame, but at the same time I feel no sympathy for those upset merely because they've been engaged in PVP while in a PVP zone they chose to be in.josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »I get the idea "well it's a PvP zone", sure, then go out and fight them. I am not saying you shouldn't fight over the towns. But setting up a gank squad of experienced PvPers, some of them I personally know are top-tier players, to mow down lowbies is just bullying, you know it is, you know it's toxic, and it seems like some of you get off on being the biggest pricks you can be to other people playing the game. Like you some of you sitting there at your computer getting these big rushes of dopamine when you read you have upset people, that's kinda messed up. It doesn't resemble any kind of competitive spirit or sportsmanship.
Why should they have done that? Why have the event in Cyrodiil at all, then? If anything, it should just be the gate quests that award loot boxes, but they definitely shouldn't have facilitated safe PVE in Cyrodiil. That's nonsensical.josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »Yes, ZOS should have engineered the event a little differently, maybe set the houses up to only be entered by the town owner or made them safe zone for this week.
If you think that's fun, farming people who have (a) no desire to really fight you
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »I know you are all doing it, and I know you are posting your eLiTE KiLl cOuNteR stats of over 100's of kills and 0 deaths, and making 500k+ AP an hour in your PvP guild chats. You know who you are. Ganking AR rank 4 people as they come in one at a time, while in groups of 2 or 3 (or more) and relying on the fact town door mechanics haven't been updated like Keep doors, so they can't even get back out. It's beyond cheap.
As if you aren't all sitting on 10's of millions of AP, because it's honestly not very useful outside of The Golden once a week. So spare me the "well we're just making AP" justification.
It's bullying and toxic. It borders on harassment. Spare me all the wElL zOs iS tO bLaMe or gO pLaY oNe oF tHe nEw CamPaIgNs because where I see this kind of behavior happening most is in the new campaigns. Spare me any other of the litany of excuses. It's just pathetic.
If you get your rocks off mopping up inexperienced players who stand no chance, even when they outnumber you 3:1 or 4:1, you are not a competitive PvPer or a sportsman, you are a bully. If you think that's fun, farming people who have (a) no desire to really fight you while they're doing the quests and (b) no chance of beating you, I urge you reconsider from the point of view of the real human beings on the other side of the screen. Most of them are probably lovely people. Can you maybe consider if mostly worthless points in a video game are worth being a total prick to them?
And yes, I am well are all the companion styles will be selling for a few hundred gold the 5th week when writs can drop all of them.
But the main point here is that these events are the only experience some people will have with Cyrodiil. Anyone who's been playing this game for years has seen the populations of Cyrodiil dwindle down to only barely being able to support one campaign outside of primetime. The last thing anyone who cares about the health of PvP should want to do is go terrorize one of the few points of contact that PvE players might have with Cyrodiil.
And we're not talking about casual roleplayers, if someone is following the event calendar and coming to Cyrodiil to farm boxes, they are at least a semi-dedicated PvE player and have the potential to be a productive member of Cyro if they get that spark that makes them want to try it. Even if none of them stick around, so what. At least we don't want them on the forums complaining about PvP being toxic. You know ZOS listens to the loudest forum warriors. At least pretend not to be jerk for one week to fool our guests.
I say this because the people I see doing it are longtime players, many I'd consider top-tier players, who should know better. People who have a lot of time invested in this game, who surely will have to find something else to do with their time if Cyro populations continue to decline as they have been. Come on y'all. Be better than this.
josh.lackey_ESO wrote: »Of course, I can't call out the name or I will get banned from the forums. But I have watched teams of even 5 people sit in the houses, and mow down newbies one at a time. One team of 4 even set up a cold fire to kill AR 5-8 people who were coming in the door one at a time to turn in a quest.
I get the idea "well it's a PvP zone", sure, then go out and fight them. I am not saying you shouldn't fight over the towns. But setting up a gank squad of experienced PvPers, some of them I personally know are top-tier players, to mow down lowbies is just bullying, you know it is, you know it's toxic, and it seems like some of you get off on being the biggest pricks you can be to other people playing the game. Like you some of you sitting there at your computer getting these big rushes of dopamine when you read you have upset people, that's kinda messed up. It doesn't resemble any kind of competitive spirit or sportsmanship.
And I am not here as a PvE roleplayer to cry salty tears because someone picked on me, so miss me with that. I am and have been in the competitive guilds, I have been playing PvP here for years, logged ~6000 hours in cyrodiil, earned 10's of millions of AP, Trueflame emp, all the rest. I just think what I'm seeing happen is pretty sad, and think y'all should give these new guys a break; dial it down a few notches.
Yes, ZOS should have engineered the event a little differently, maybe set the houses up to only be entered by the town owner or made them safe zone for this week. But just because you can be a bully doesn't mean you should. And again, I am not talking about just fighting people over towns, or getting some kills on questers, that is fair enough. I am talking about specific toxic behavior like the gank squads or siege in the quest houses. So don't strawman what I am saying to mean "dOnT pVp iN cYroDiIl LuL" you know that isn't my point. Sure, pick on the questers a little bit, it's a part of Cyrodiil, but some y'all have just gone way too far. While getting killed or ganked is normal, I agree, what I see happening to these guys not part of the typical Cyro experience. If it had been my first experience I probably wouldn't have ever come back a second time.
I find it hard to believe that "top tier" PvPers are doing this sort of thing. I know it's happening and it is poor sportsmanship (in my opinion) to set up gank squads to mow down people just because they can. But the top tier PvPers I know, and know of, would not find this fun at all. There are just some trash people out there.
Unfortunately there are some we would like to think would not stoop to that level. But it’s happening..
It’s sad when people will disregard their own rep and esteem for easy kills.
I'm sorry to hear that. I guess that puts them in the trash people category then.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »[removed quote]
The PvErs don't have to be in a PVP zone all content is optional. Doesn't take much to group up and push a ganking group out either just requires a bit of engagement in PvP content. Think of it like a PvP er needing to go deal with PvErs for monster helms. It's just as frustrating I assure you
Parrot1986 wrote: »
It’s not been like that though, 5 or 6 people setting up in a quest hall that you have to load into is pretty much impossible to fight against and isn’t PvP it’s just trolling. That’s like me and 2 mates grouping with a PvP player for that helm and kicking him from the group on the last boss.
1) Get a functional group with players familiar with PvP and decent gear, VC would be a good idea too
2) Let all players load up their ults on NPCs before aiming to enter the building
3) Fully buff up and use some proactive defense ults before entering as a group (like barrier and magma shell)
4) When inside ulti dump them with multiple offensive ults and use at least one good healing ult to keep your group alive
Sicerius420 wrote: »
won't really help against a group of 20 or more players ult dumping on the first group to enter. I know this because me and my entire group went from server to server doing this in the towns got 200 to 500k ap per group that entered the buildings
Salty PVE players have brought this upon themselves via vitriolic whispers and forum threads. Basically, the mere concept of demanding a PVE safe area in a PVP zone is outrageously offensive to many players.
It's not my cup of tea, but I have no sympathy for players who are upset because they are being engaged in pvp in a pvp zone. They are having infantile temper tantrums because they are being deprived of the gift boxes they are addicted to.