Top-tier PvP'ers griefing inexperienced event questers is just shameful

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I know you are all doing it, and I know you are posting your eLiTE KiLl cOuNteR stats of over 100's of kills and 0 deaths, and making 500k+ AP an hour in your PvP guild chats. You know who you are. Ganking AR rank 4 people as they come in one at a time, while in groups of 2 or 3 (or more) and relying on the fact town door mechanics haven't been updated like Keep doors, so they can't even get back out. It's beyond cheap.

As if you aren't all sitting on 10's of millions of AP, because it's honestly not very useful outside of The Golden once a week. So spare me the "well we're just making AP" justification.

It's bullying and toxic. It borders on harassment. Spare me all the wElL zOs iS tO bLaMe or gO pLaY oNe oF tHe nEw CamPaIgNs because where I see this kind of behavior happening most is in the new campaigns. Spare me any other of the litany of excuses. It's just pathetic.

If you get your rocks off mopping up inexperienced players who stand no chance, even when they outnumber you 3:1 or 4:1, you are not a competitive PvPer or a sportsman, you are a bully. If you think that's fun, farming people who have (a) no desire to really fight you while they're doing the quests and (b) no chance of beating you, I urge you reconsider from the point of view of the real human beings on the other side of the screen. Most of them are probably lovely people. Can you maybe consider if mostly worthless points in a video game are worth being a total prick to them?

And yes, I am well are all the companion styles will be selling for a few hundred gold the 5th week when writs can drop all of them.

But the main point here is that these events are the only experience some people will have with Cyrodiil. Anyone who's been playing this game for years has seen the populations of Cyrodiil dwindle down to only barely being able to support one campaign outside of primetime. The last thing anyone who cares about the health of PvP should want to do is go terrorize one of the few points of contact that PvE players might have with Cyrodiil.

And we're not talking about casual roleplayers, if someone is following the event calendar and coming to Cyrodiil to farm boxes, they are at least a semi-dedicated PvE player and have the potential to be a productive member of Cyro if they get that spark that makes them want to try it. Even if none of them stick around, so what. At least we don't want them on the forums complaining about PvP being toxic. You know ZOS listens to the loudest forum warriors. At least pretend not to be jerk for one week to fool our guests. :D

I say this because the people I see doing it are longtime players, many I'd consider top-tier players, who should know better. People who have a lot of time invested in this game, who surely will have to find something else to do with their time if Cyro populations continue to decline as they have been. Come on y'all. Be better than this.

Edited by josh.lackey_ESO on April 20, 2019 7:30PM
  • Iskiab
    Unfortunately same as it always was. Those who can pvp in BGs and cyrodiil, those who can’t don’t . They have to work their way down the food chain to try and find the most inexperienced opponents they can. There are some people who even do lowby premades to target sub-50 players new to the game.

    Edited by Iskiab on April 20, 2019 7:47PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Ankael07
    You are not entitled to safety in Cyrodiil and PVP is not bullying. Next
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • laissezfaire
    I agree. It would be just like top tier pve-ers farming overland mobs and bragging about it. When I see these top tier pvpers doing this, I lose respect for them if they were someone I respected. Most of the people farming these pve-ers, however, were pvpers that I had no respect for... Nothing is going to change their minds. It has a lot to do with ego and not AP. Most top pvpers could care less about AP - that is not why they pvp.
  • Crixus8000
    All doing it ? I don't attack unless attacked, I even let a level 13 sit and hit me for like 5mins while I was questing because I didn't want to kill a low level player and make them have to run all the way back. Many pvp players are also only their for quests, but of course many want to kill too.

    But it is a pvp zone, people will kill each other here, it is expected. There are many things pve players can do to have an eaiser time though, for example, making a pvp character and doing research, practicing to get better so they might at least hold their own in a fight, joining a larger group to have strength in numbers and waiting until certain towns are friendly colored to decrease the chance of enemies.
    Edited by Crixus8000 on April 21, 2019 12:17PM
  • VaranisArano
    When I came to Cyrodiil to fish for Master Angler, I did so with the assumption that it was a PVP zone, PVP was going to happen, and I was going to die.

    PVP happened. I died. I rezzed up and went back to fishing. Eventually, I tried out Cyrodiil for PVP and found I liked it.

    Everyone who's in Cyrodiil knowingly queued up for a PVP campaign that doesnt have safe zones.

    I really don't understand folks who queue for a PVP zone and then expect not to have PVP happen to them.
  • Iskiab
    Yea, what I generally do is only attack those who attack me... unless I’m in the sewers. There’s an old pvp expession ‘red = dead’ and attack anything that’s attackable. Personally I don’t see a point.

    If someone’s running around solo they could just be after Skyshards, I don’t even see a point in dismounting because it could mean an hour of being stuck in combat.
    Edited by Iskiab on April 20, 2019 7:54PM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • laissezfaire
    Everyone understands it is a pvp zone but it would be nice if those egomaniacs could put other people's interests ahead of their own for one week of the year.
  • Didgerion
    After i kill someone quite fast, i can tell...."well probably that one was new to PVP"...most likely I won't engage the player next time if I remember the name.

    The game is not very friendly to inexperienced/new players. You can blame experienced players as much as you like, but it is not their fault.

    The biggest fault here is of ZOS. They create such events that are very frustrating to new players, and are quite abused by experienced ones.
    Edited by Didgerion on April 21, 2019 1:41AM
  • Ackwalan
    The people that do that are not top-tier PvPers. This is the only week out of the year they can actually get a kill. Any real Pvper would quickly get bored with that kind of game play.
  • StormeReigns
    WEEK 3
    April 18 at 10:00AM EDT– April 25 at 10:00AM EDT

    Fight your fellow players! Complete Alliance War and Battlegrounds daily quests to earn Gift Boxes that have a chance to also include Abnur Tharn Outfit Style pages. This includes Cyrodiil Town dailies, all Board missions, the Cyrodiil dailies, the Battlegrounds dailies, and Imperial City dailies.
  • Enkil


    I agree. We should all call them out in zone and shame them for it too.

    So many people are always bitching how PvP is dying and we don’t have enough players, can’t populate multiple servers. Then an event comes along that attracts tons of potential PvP players and some of those same people grief them, farm them, and belittle them on zoom chat relentlessly. What gives?

    We all could stand to be to be more welcoming, helpful, and merciful; especially during events.

  • Zukasha
    Enkil wrote: »

    So many people are always bitching how PvP is dying and we don’t have enough players, can’t populate multiple servers. Then an event comes along that attracts tons of potential PvP players and some of those same people grief them, farm them, and belittle them on zoom chat relentlessly. What gives?

    We all could stand to be to be more welcoming, helpful, and merciful; especially during events.

    Players who cry about getting attacked and killed in a PvP zone are not potential PvP players.
  • Rake
  • CP5
    Enkil wrote: »

    I agree. We should all call them out in zone and shame them for it too.

    So many people are always bitching how PvP is dying and we don’t have enough players, can’t populate multiple servers. Then an event comes along that attracts tons of potential PvP players and some of those same people grief them, farm them, and belittle them on zoom chat relentlessly. What gives?

    We all could stand to be to be more welcoming, helpful, and merciful; especially during events.

    Exactly this, I can't believe pvp'ers haven't caught on that, if a players first time in cyrodiil is during one of these events and they are treated like nothing more than cattle to be farmed, not only will they not come back and keep the pvp population healthy, but it will only create more tension between the groups.
  • Parrot1986
    Zukasha wrote: »

    Players who cry about getting attacked and killed in a PvP zone are not potential PvP players.

    Grand overlords who sit in Bruma hall with 4 other high ranked players on a temporary no CP 7 day campaign with the sole intention to fear, slow, freeze and aoe anyone who enters doesn’t sound like much of a pvp player either.

    I do both PVE and pvp and don’t agree with PVE players just moaning about being killed whilst questing, there’s a difference to that and what some players are doing to purely go out their way onto campaigns that aren’t those which they normally play and into areas just to screw with people.

  • Karius_Imalthar
    I know that the concept of "fun" (except at the expense of someone else's fun) or "honorable combat" etc is lost on most of these children but at the same time you have to know to expect that there is no mercy from the enemy and no sympathy from your peers. It's a sad but honest truth. You can do scouting missions pretty quickly and easily. "It ain't much but it's honest work."
  • Enkil
    Zukasha wrote: »

    Players who cry about getting attacked and killed in a PvP zone are not potential PvP players.

    Huh???? They aren’t here crying... instead they just don’t come back to Cyrodiil and the servers quickly go dead after event....

    The people calling others out for shameful behavior aren’t crying either.

    Back before there was all his AvA stuff... players and guilds had to go recruit, gear, teach and build up the newer players into competent PvPers.. Perhaps such notions are lost on those that only know mmo PvP from a wow or later perspective where allies are handed to you by way of joining some developer contrived alliance.

    Edited by Enkil on April 20, 2019 10:05PM
  • Zukasha
    Enkil wrote: »

    Huh???? They aren’t here crying... instead they just don’t come back to Cyrodiil and the servers so dead after event....

    Some are crying obviously. And they won't come back regardless, because they are only there for the PvE.
    I'm all for helping players get into PvP if that's what they are actually interested in, but if they have no interest in PvP, then keeping PvP away from them isn't going to change that.
  • Glass
    Learn to PvP or don't go to Cyrodiil, is as easy as that. If you can't take being killed by other players then don't go to a hostile area. Like someone pointed out the eso official page said:

    WEEK 3
    April 18 at 10:00AM EDT– April 25 at 10:00AM EDT

    Fight your fellow players!...

    If this doesn't suit you then this event is not for you, you can always buy the Abnur Tharn style pages in the guild stores.

  • hiway
    Soul Shriven
    I left the game entirely due to this and horrible lag in pvp.
  • CP5
    Glass wrote: »
    Learn to PvP or don't go to Cyrodiil, is as easy as that. If you can't take being killed by other players then don't go to a hostile area. Like someone pointed out the eso official page said:

    WEEK 3
    April 18 at 10:00AM EDT– April 25 at 10:00AM EDT

    Fight your fellow players!...

    If this doesn't suit you then this event is not for you, you can always buy the Abnur Tharn style pages in the guild stores.

    Thing is the pvp'ers who are doing this aren't looking for a fight, they are looking for easy pickings. At this point I don't think they should be surprised why the pvp side of the game gets slower updates.
  • StormeReigns
    CP5 wrote: »

    Thing is the pvp'ers who are doing this aren't looking for a fight, they are looking for easy pickings. At this point I don't think they should be surprised why the pvp side of the game gets slower updates.

    No fight is fair. And often most, if not all fights are one sided. It isn't dictated that these encounters would be fair and honorable.

    You either pick it, or someone picks it for you, your job is to use every means available to you that is provided to survive so that you can complete the dailies.
    Sure, it sucks, and a pain cause no one likes to see their characters die, but pvp problems have pvp solutions.
  • Y_Wedi_Sythrio
    It's wordy but I agree. No honor in killing players that don't know what's up.
    Y Wedi Syrthio
    Throws the Shade-PvP & Spits It Out-PvE
    Argonian Warden Healer.
  • zyk
    Salty PVE players have brought this upon themselves via vitriolic whispers and forum threads. Basically, the mere concept of demanding a PVE safe area in a PVP zone is outrageously offensive to many players.

    It's not my cup of tea, but I have no sympathy for players who are upset because they are being engaged in pvp in a pvp zone. They are having infantile temper tantrums because they are being deprived of the gift boxes they are addicted to.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    Remember that week when Mike Trout and Bryce Harper refused to play in the major leagues and instead went to an A league stadium and roughed up some minor league pitchers for the lulz? Me neither.
  • Gilvoth
    It's wordy but I agree. No honor in killing players that don't know what's up.

    that is not the case here.
    they know full well they are entering a player versus player area.
  • CP5
    SkerKro wrote: »

    No fight is fair. And often most, if not all fights are one sided. It isn't dictated that these encounters would be fair and honorable.

    You either pick it, or someone picks it for you, your job is to use every means available to you that is provided to survive so that you can complete the dailies.
    Sure, it sucks, and a pain cause no one likes to see their characters die, but pvp problems have pvp solutions.

    I think killing a player who's in a load screen entering a building or talking to an npc goes under the category of bad sportsmanship. If you're fine with that kind of behavior great, but that's why people don't stick around and the pvp and pvp to pve communities just get more aggressive.
    Edited by CP5 on April 20, 2019 10:57PM
  • Glass
    CP5 wrote: »

    Thing is the pvp'ers who are doing this aren't looking for a fight, they are looking for easy pickings. At this point I don't think they should be surprised why the pvp side of the game gets slower updates.

    This is still pvp, you like it or not. It is cyrodiil anyone is entitled to kill anyone they want, if the other player doesn't fight you back then is his problem.

    Also what that last part means? that pvpers are getting punished with slower updates because of their behaviour? just lol
  • Arkangeloski
    it's a blood bath every year :D , if I'm questing for boxes I don't really mind pve'ers but sometimes they feel strong when they have numbers lol and when it happens they drop like flies.
  • Enkil
    It’s called a PvP community... ESO’s currently sucks because of such dense & short-sighting thinking exemplified in several of the responses to this thread. :D:/
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