I know you are all doing it, and I know you are posting your eLiTE KiLl cOuNteR stats of over 100's of kills and 0 deaths, and making 500k+ AP an hour in your PvP guild chats. You know who you are. Ganking AR rank 4 people as they come in one at a time, while in groups of 2 or 3 (or more) and relying on the fact town door mechanics haven't been updated like Keep doors, so they can't even get back out. It's beyond cheap.
As if you aren't all sitting on 10's of millions of AP, because it's honestly not very useful outside of The Golden once a week. So spare me the "well we're just making AP" justification.
It's bullying and toxic. It borders on harassment. Spare me all the wElL zOs iS tO bLaMe or gO pLaY oNe oF tHe nEw CamPaIgNs because where I see this kind of behavior happening most is in the new campaigns. Spare me any other of the litany of excuses. It's just pathetic.
If you get your rocks off mopping up inexperienced players who stand no chance, even when they outnumber you 3:1 or 4:1, you are not a competitive PvPer or a sportsman, you are a bully. If you think that's fun, farming people who have (a) no desire to really fight you while they're doing the quests and (b) no chance of beating you, I urge you reconsider from the point of view of the real human beings on the other side of the screen. Most of them are probably lovely people. Can you maybe consider if mostly worthless points in a video game are worth being a total prick to them?
And yes, I am well are all the companion styles will be selling for a few hundred gold the 5th week when writs can drop all of them.
But the main point here is that these events are the only experience some people will have with Cyrodiil. Anyone who's been playing this game for years has seen the populations of Cyrodiil dwindle down to only barely being able to support one campaign outside of primetime. The last thing anyone who cares about the health of PvP should want to do is go terrorize one of the few points of contact that PvE players might have with Cyrodiil.
And we're not talking about casual roleplayers, if someone is following the event calendar and coming to Cyrodiil to farm boxes, they are at least a semi-dedicated PvE player and have the potential to be a productive member of Cyro if they get that spark that makes them want to try it. Even if none of them stick around, so what. At least we don't want them on the forums complaining about PvP being toxic. You know ZOS listens to the loudest forum warriors. At least
pretend not to be jerk for one week to fool our guests.

I say this because the people I see doing it are longtime players, many I'd consider top-tier players, who should know better. People who have a lot of time invested in this game, who surely will have to find something else to do with their time if Cyro populations continue to decline as they have been. Come on y'all. Be better than this.