Losing the entire map overnight.

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Elong
    Heimpai wrote: »

    I was obviously being sarcastic, i will delete all my pvp alts when lock hits..no point in playing them if i can’t have some homed sotha and the rest vivec

    Sorry, it's really hard to tell these days :/
  • Heimpai
    Elong wrote: »

    Sorry, it's really hard to tell these days :/

    All good, just upset the QQ won and now I’ll be deleting characters from other factions since ZOS refuses to allow alliance changes..

    They won’t be remade, I’ll just lose my sorcs and nb‘s
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    its a start, and it would be nice.
    What an embarrassment to humanity. This thread is all about people who think the world revolves around them.

    Lethal zergling
  • Elong
    What an embarrassment to humanity. This thread is all about people who think the world revolves around them.

    Like you in other threads about faction locks...
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Elong wrote: »
    Like you in other threads about faction locks...
    Yep, supporting the majority opinion is clearly just self-interest.
    Lethal zergling
  • Gilvoth
    Yep, supporting the majority opinion is clearly just self-interest.

    thats not true.
    the only way to know what the true amount of people think and want would be to actually ask for a vote in a email sent to each and every single @name eso account.
    not by listening to zone chat and forums and group of friends.
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    thats not true.
    the only way to know what the true amount of people think and want would be to actually ask for a vote in a email sent to each and every single @name eso account.
    Sadly, that wouldn't be accurate, either. Some people have multiple accounts, and some people have shared accounts.

    Lethal zergling
  • Elong
    Yep, supporting the majority opinion is clearly just self-interest.

    You don't have proof to back that up.
  • Mr_Walker
    Yep, supporting the majority opinion is clearly just self-interest.

    The majority of people are usually blinded by self-interest, so yes, that's a good rule of thumb. In the race of life, always back self-interest; at least you know it's trying.
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Mr_Walker wrote: »
    The majority of people are usually blinded by self-interest, so yes, that's a good rule of thumb.
    That doesn't explain that guy... in that place... backed by a minority.

    Lethal zergling
  • Iskiab
    You can’t stop people from playing.

    All that needs to happen is get rid of end of campaign rewards for winning the campaign, make it solely from your performance when you’re online or how much AP you earn when you’re online.

    I’d be bored stiff if I was one of the aussies or Europeans logging onto the NA server and just rolling on the same faction to dominate the map. There must be a reason they’re stacking one faction, find out and remove it so they pvp instead.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    Iskiab wrote: »
    You can’t stop people from playing.

    All that needs to happen is get rid of end of campaign rewards for winning the campaign, make it solely from your performance when you’re online or how much AP you earn when you’re online.

    I’d be bored stiff if I was one of the aussies or Europeans logging onto the NA server and just rolling on the same faction to dominate the map. There must be a reason they’re stacking one faction, find out and remove it so they pvp instead.

    For NA sotha sil; Theres actually NA players logging onto the dominant faction and holding the entire map. The EU players I know have tried to play other factions, found out theyre alone against the NA emp+bonus crutch holders and go back to EU. The ONLY ones to blame, are the NA players themself and one romanian.
  • Karm1cOne
    There should be an ap buff for fighting with less pop than other factions. Like 10% per bar difference.
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Ok, I know we're at war, but don't attack me when I'm asleep. That's not fair. Also, don't attack where I am not expecting it. That is also not fair. Also, please do not bring more attackers than I have defenders. UNFAIR!
    Lethal zergling
  • Gilvoth
    Ok, I know we're at war, but don't attack me when I'm asleep. That's not fair. Also, don't attack where I am not expecting it. That is also not fair. Also, please do not bring more attackers than I have defenders. UNFAIR!

    that only works if the person is actually not in a coma, when we logg out its the same thing as being non existant.
    the people on the other alliance have no-one to fight against, and they use that as a exploit to take the entire map while no one is there.
    thats not a flaw in the enemy, thats a flaw in game design.
    we should not be forced to every single morning come into the game finding that the entire map is taken and we also have no one to fight against and instead we forced to fight npc's just to take back our own territories.
    and again, thats not a flaw in the enemy, thats a flaw in game design.

  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    and again, thats not a flaw in the enemy, thats a flaw in game design.
    No, it's absolutely NOT a flaw in game design. And I'll even explain to you why - because you could do the EXACT same thing the enemy does. Neither you, nor the other affected faction are prevented in any way from using that exact strategy. It is equal, and it is fair. Just because it's your beddy-bye time does not mean the world stops until you wake up.
    Edited by bulbousb16_ESO on May 1, 2019 5:10PM
    Lethal zergling
  • Gilvoth
    we disagree, lets leave it there.
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    we disagree, lets leave it there.
    Not really. Not only do I disagree, but I think the whole discussion is juvenile and shameful. It's not a mature argument - that some people should be forced to cease their activities because it's past someone else's bedtime.

    Lethal zergling
  • The_Lex
    OP, either I missed it, or you haven't answered this question: When should Oceanic/Aussie players play? I am an American but I have a few guild mates from Australia. When you tuck your little self in bed at 1 am est, it's about 3 pm for them. Should they not play the game at 3 in the afternoon because you don't like what happens to the map when you're snoring?

    My Aussie friends might petition ZOS to shut the server down when they go to bed at 1 am, even though it's 11 am on the east coast of the U.S. for the same reason. They worked hard to flip the map only to see their hard work ruined while they slept.

    Grow up. It's a big world out there. Go outside and take a walk.

    Edited by The_Lex on May 1, 2019 5:39PM
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Maintenance happens during some players' most desirable hours of play.

    Even on eastern US time, consider:
    Construction worker likes to play at 4 am before going to work at 6
    Bartender likes to play after closing shift which ends at 2am
    Security guard works at night and sleeps during the day

    Not to mention I love playing with Aussies and Kiwis, who also have much worse lag than the US but still persevere.

    This is not a cookie-cutter game for cookie-cutter people regarding when and how you play. Plenty of 9-5ers and students create the "prime time" window, but that does not invalidate somebody else's right to play when they want.

    Lastly, if you sleep a few extra hours, does the map look the way you want it to then? Could you solve this problem with a little extra rest?
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • SirAndy
    The_Lex wrote: »
    Grow up. It's a big world out there. Go outside and take a walk.
    If only they would actually walk far enough to get out of their own little bubble once in a while ...

  • idk
    If OP was truly dedicated they would not go to bed so early. How can one gripe about losing the map when they are the one who abandoned the battle.

    But seriously. Maps have been turned at night since the game launched. Even in full campaigns. Players shouldn’t be obstructed from playing because their playtime differs from yours.

    Both server locations have players from across the americas, Europe, Asia, AUS/NZ ans probably Africa. It would be poor business to restrict who can play when ans ejatbthey can play.
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    Not really. Not only do I disagree, but I think the whole discussion is juvenile and shameful. It's not a mature argument - that some people should be forced to cease their activities because it's past someone else's bedtime.

    The point is; why is there a group of people on most servers NA and EU abusing the off hours to pack up in ONE faction and colour the whole map? Its a PvP map FFS, if they want to enter Cyrodiil, they must PvP, or they cant earn AP. Simple. If theres no keep defence, no ap. THAT would force players from different timezones to spread out among the 3 factions, instead as the situation is today, where each faction PvE their respective cyrodiil campaign when theres noone to defend. The system as it is now, encourages players active in off hours to PvE in a PvP campaign, and THAT is a BIG problem. Seriously, nothing to discuss. If you dont agree, do dungeons, theres more than enough PvE content to do already, dont turn Cyrodiil into a *** dungeon.
  • bulbousb16_ESO
    Its a PvP map FFS, if they want to enter Cyrodiil, they must PvP, or they cant earn AP.
    No. It is not a PvP map. It is an Alliance War map. The players are attacking when the defenses are at the low ebb. That isn't "abuse" that is basic strategy.

    Maybe if you were the General of something, you would wait until your enemy was at their highest strength before attacking. Maybe that's why you work as a barista?

    Lethal zergling
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    No. It is not a PvP map. It is an Alliance War map. The players are attacking when the defenses are at the low ebb. That isn't "abuse" that is basic strategy.

    Maybe if you were the General of something, you would wait until your enemy was at their highest strength before attacking. Maybe that's why you work as a barista?

    come on dude, youre not even funny. These guys arent thinking strategically or anything at all. They just want cheap ap from PvE'ing a PvP map. Its utter ***. Youre smarter than that. No ap for empty keep caps would sort it out. oDont advocate PvE in a PvP zone.
    If this continues we will end up with PvP only during prime time with the lag it brings. Force the players to spread out over the alliances. No point in rewarding PvE. And ye, dont try belitteling me, shows you dont really have any good arguments.
    I watched your streams every now and then. You dont like lag. Thats what you will get if the only PvP action comes at primetime and the rest of the time its one coloured maps. Seriously dude...ITS A *** PROBLEM. There, spelled it out clear for you.
    Edited by killimandrosb16_ESO on May 1, 2019 9:18PM
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    The problem here are the people who won't stay up 24/7 to make the map interesting. If the map has been flipped overnight, it's nobody's fault but the guy who went to bed. Sometimes one has to make priorities in their life and really get on top of what is important. Sometimes real life has to take priority, so talk to your boss and re-arrange your schedule, sleep in the day, drop some classes if you have to, and help keep fights interesting in Cyrodiil all night long. This is your chance to do something real in your life other than just complain, carpe diem!
    -Unknown American
  • SirAndy
    The problem here are the people who won't stay up 24/7 to make the map interesting. If the map has been flipped overnight, it's nobody's fault but the guy who went to bed. Sometimes one has to make priorities in their life and really get on top of what is important. Sometimes real life has to take priority, so talk to your boss and re-arrange your schedule, sleep in the day, drop some classes if you have to, and help keep fights interesting in Cyrodiil all night long. This is your chance to do something real in your life other than just complain, carpe diem!

    Actually, that should be "carpe noctem" since "carpe diem" literally means "seize the day" ...

  • Mr_Walker
    These guys arent thinking strategically or anything at all.

    Aren't they? They're winning. That's generally the point of strategy.

  • Metafae
    erio wrote: »
    but say closing at 3 am est and opening 9 am est

    That is literally my prime time. Try again.
  • killimandrosb16_ESO
    Mr_Walker wrote: »

    Aren't they? They're winning. That's generally the point of strategy.

    winning what exactly? The lousy jewelry at the end of the campaign? Dont be smart, they dont do this for the campaign, they do it to cap as much ap as possible the easiest way. Later on in the evening they go to another campaign to PvP.
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