When did I say to shut them down when *I* go to sleep? I guess i wasnt clear enough because some people can't seriously understand that what I meant was them being open during a certain time and being closed during a certain time. I know time zones are tricky being on a mega server (forgive me I played an est wow server for about 10 years), but say closing at 3 am est and opening 9 am est
Sounds like a plan, just in return, provide us that do evening, late night and early morning campaigns at minimum 500k AP each time they close at night. You know, for sake of balance and fair treatment, since you wish to segregate a large portion of the players for your personal ideals.
Flame_of_Hades wrote: »So 1, no, they can't shut the servers down because prime time is over, that would be stupid for those that have to play in off hours due to time zone and other factors.
BUT: The players in question are doing this not as a bi-product of playing at differing times, but because they want to win the campaign, and are willing to do it by any means necessary, even if their method of "Winning" isn't really a victory against other players..
In this particular situation, the campaign is DEAD at any time but prime time. This started because EP would take the map over night. Fine. But THEN. They do everything in their power to hold every keep on the map. During the first month of these activities by these people, they would respond to flagged resources with 10+ people.
Would you want to play a campaign where not only is everything that you fought to take is taken back without you being able to defend it, but where those same people who "stole" the map respond to you doing anything with overwhelming numbers? Id venture no.
This is why people don't log in until they are sure they will have a group that can fight the 10+ people.
Is this behavior against the rules? no. Is this behavior something ZOS can stop? not without massive changes. Does this behavior lead to a "win"? Yes. and this would be why these players do it.
Is this behavior scummy? yes. Is this behavior toxic? yes.
The problem is, the only way to stop this behavior is to disinsentivise it. Change the scoring system so that if one faction has a 3-4-5:1 population ratio, NO ONE EARNS POINTS. This way, people who want to play at this time, can still play, but those who simply want the cheap win can't get it.
That wouldnt work, so if i want to win a campain i just have to lead once and than make sure to be the weakest faction all the time ? sounds still like an easy win to me
If i needed to fix the problem i would either reset the scrolls every day or lock them so none can take it during the night times (that wouldnt affect ppl who want to play in the late hours since scrolls dont give much ap but it would prevent a big point leap over night because scrolls give the biggest point gain)
When did I say to shut them down when *I* go to sleep? I guess i wasnt clear enough because some people can't seriously understand that what I meant was them being open during a certain time and being closed during a certain time. I know time zones are tricky being on a mega server (forgive me I played an est wow server for about 10 years), but say closing at 3 am est and opening 9 am est
When did I say to shut them down when *I* go to sleep? I guess i wasnt clear enough because some people can't seriously understand that what I meant was them being open during a certain time and being closed during a certain time. I know time zones are tricky being on a mega server (forgive me I played an est wow server for about 10 years), but say closing at 3 am est and opening 9 am est
dtsharples wrote: »The issue is that all the Oceanic players hop into the same faction.
Then proceed to complain that they can't find fights and have to PVDoor the map.
If they just used their brains and separated somewhat equally into the 3 factions, they would have the same PVP experience that the rest of us have.
It must be a pretty sad version of ESO Cyrodiil that these people see and I genuinely feel bad about that. But it's something that only they can fix themselves.
dtsharples wrote: »The issue is that all the Oceanic players hop into the same faction.
Then proceed to complain that they can't find fights and have to PVDoor the map.
If they just used their brains and separated somewhat equally into the 3 factions, they would have the same PVP experience that the rest of us have.
It must be a pretty sad version of ESO Cyrodiil that these people see and I genuinely feel bad about that. But it's something that only they can fix themselves.
dtsharples wrote: »The issue is that all the Oceanic players hop into the same faction.
Then proceed to complain that they can't find fights and have to PVDoor the map.
If they just used their brains and separated somewhat equally into the 3 factions, they would have the same PVP experience that the rest of us have.
It must be a pretty sad version of ESO Cyrodiil that these people see and I genuinely feel bad about that. But it's something that only they can fix themselves.
Don’t worry, faction lock will solve this issue
Uh-oh... 0139am pst and... Looks like a couple of keeps just flipped. @Gilvoth and @Luckylancer not gonna be too happy about it.
It won't because the AD late night population is entirely AD mains.