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so about random dung and tp to fg1

just leaving this here when I was queued for yesterday pledge, waiting long time with patience with broken DD role from grouping tool and loading screens and then to get grouped with cap cp (ot atleast clsoe to cap) jerks on vet more

just posting this here and unfortunately I cant do anything to those players and at all probably most will jsut answer me it son me...becaus eI wanted to do yesterday pledges which I could do (very interessing why(PC EU))

from my point of view this is good example how not worth is que for dungs in group finder as just normal DD and waiting very long while for fake heal can get into this really fast on dungs which are easy
more worth is to que as fake heal, even get kicked 1 times by someone's who dont like it and get into this even after 3 time than get into dung as normal DD role and wait that long time
no, Im not going into true tank role or healer role for things like this as to often I was with to low dps with it to do these dungs fast enough for me to not struggle in these while on DD I literally can carry most of group if they are noobs + I jsut have no fun playing tank or healer while I see rest group are jsut noobs and dps is really low, no I dont have problem to these noob players, I have problem with how boring is tank/healer lore in easy content when just dps is low
  • ShaV
    Soul Shriven
    hope ZOS fix fg1 runs
  • Girl_Number8
    Cx, just go with your friends or guildies for the dungeons you need. It will save you the hassle....I mean on the daily random for xp idc but I really do love doing the dalies given out and do those with my guildies everyday. I just don't seeing Zos fixing this soon, so that is how I deal with it. It has only happened twice to me during events but not any other time :)
  • Wolfkeks
    Yeah sadly there is not much you can do about it expect maybe run with dungeons with friends or guildies.
    And wow, it is not very nice to kick someone who wants to run a specific dungeon because the other randoms want to run fg1. If you want to use that 'trick' do it with 3 other friends or guildies.
    Hope you have better luck next time! :smiley:
    "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
    EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower
    Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, vAA hm, vHelRa hm, vSO hm, vMoL hm, vHoF hm, vAS+2, vCR+3, vSS hm, vKA, vRG, Flawless Conquerer, Spirit Slayer
  • Hotdog_23
    I thought they were fixing it so you could not jump to another dungeon and still get credit for it?
  • Edziu
    Cx, just go with your friends or guildies for the dungeons you need. It will save you the hassle....I mean on the daily random for xp idc but I really do love doing the dalies given out and do those with my guildies everyday. I just don't seeing Zos fixing this soon, so that is how I deal with it. It has only happened twice to me during events but not any other time :)

    welp the problem I have is that not much people from my guilds or friends want to do pledges at all and specially they dont want do these older, that why I try for this dung finder, mostly I have no problem for this but sometimes...we have example here how othere people wanted to do fast random but they was missing last they decided to just *** me off and waste my time for waiting
  • Edziu
    Wolfkeks wrote: »
    Yeah sadly there is not much you can do about it expect maybe run with dungeons with friends or guildies.
    And wow, it is not very nice to kick someone who wants to run a specific dungeon because the other randoms want to run fg1. If you want to use that 'trick' do it with 3 other friends or guildies.
    Hope you have better luck next time! :smiley:

    yes I also hope for better luck nex time :/ as now how late time i comming I just dont see luck for me to do this time older pledges which will get wasted for me and will still have problem now to do today pledges for more than single char because of jsut late time now for me and rest with which I mainly play
  • idk
    The longer Zos ignores this the more complicit they are in permitting exploits to continue. Zos needs to start taking their roles in leading and managing this game seriously.

    BTW, the fix is what the GF puts you into a dungeon it gives you a quest specific to that dungeon. If you are doing the random then it also gives you a quest for the random and completion of the first quest is required for completion of the random one.

    It may not be super simple to implement, but that is a great solution. Zos just needs to look at other MMORPGs with GFs to see how it is done right. I say that because Zos has been extremely challenged with a system that is pretty common in MMORPGs today.

    Edit: as was already stated form a group from guild. Never run with less than 3 in your premade. If a jerk transfers to FG1 then kick them. Also, do not respond to any whispers from them. It will just make them more frustrated which is a very good experience for them.
    Edited by idk on April 10, 2019 6:29PM
  • StormChaser3000
    Make a tank. Problem solved.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    This can easily be resolved and punish the culprits by not giving credit for completion.
  • Jolipinator
    Random feces and toilet paper to what?
    PS5 EU.
  • Edziu
    Make a tank. Problem solved.

    look at spoiler which I wrote in 1st post, ty
  • kylewwefan
    Just go to FG1 with the group and get your XP and transmute stones. I don’t see a problem here?

    There’s gonna be a big undaunted event going on here shortly. This is gonna happen. A lot.

    Wait for dungeons you can solo and go do them on normal for the key if you want. Or you can put a group together from zone or guilds and do the vet hardmode for 2 keys.
  • idk
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    Just go to FG1 with the group and get your XP and transmute stones. I don’t see a problem here?

    There’s gonna be a big undaunted event going on here shortly. This is gonna happen. A lot.

    Wait for dungeons you can solo and go do them on normal for the key if you want. Or you can put a group together from zone or guilds and do the vet hardmode for 2 keys.


    If you read the OP you would understand your comment is totally wrong and off base. They were not on a random your advice is pointless.

    My advice of kicking the fool was a much better idea and more fitting for the situation.
  • StormChaser3000
    Edziu wrote: »
    Make a tank. Problem solved.

    look at spoiler which I wrote in 1st post, ty

    I didn't notice it at once. Well, your loss. As a tank I can tell you that normal dungeons are bearable even with 15k total dps, while veteran ones don't have that crazy amount of bad dps as people describe on forums.
    In extreme case, just ask to be kicked or leave and fish or quest for 15 minutes.
    Alternatively run healer/dps hybrid.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    Random feces and toilet paper to what?

    Every time I see this in chat I ask the same question, followed by a scathing critique of the laziness and/or lack of intellectual capacity that goes into typing what was posted.

    Seriously, people. Spring for a few extra letters; it's not going to kill you.
  • rotaugen454
    Random feces and toilet paper to what?

    Every time I see this in chat I ask the same question, followed by a scathing critique of the laziness and/or lack of intellectual capacity that goes into typing what was posted.

    Seriously, people. Spring for a few extra letters; it's not going to kill you.

    Back in MY day, we had to use a telegraph! None of these namby pamby internet abbreviations for me!

    If someone can solo Fungal Grotto I and the daily pledge is a harder DLC dungeon, couldn’t they just do this alone, or does it only work on random dungeons instead of specific pledges? That would save them from upsetting people actually looking to complete the dungeon.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • kargen27
    kylewwefan wrote: »
    Just go to FG1 with the group and get your XP and transmute stones. I don’t see a problem here?

    There’s gonna be a big undaunted event going on here shortly. This is gonna happen. A lot.

    Wait for dungeons you can solo and go do them on normal for the key if you want. Or you can put a group together from zone or guilds and do the vet hardmode for 2 keys.

    They were not going to FG1. Sounds like they were a party of three that wanted to do the daily pledge but get credit for doing a random. They queued for a random then jumped to the pledge. The 4th also wanted to do a pledge and queued for that pledge. He did it the right way and he was the one that was punished.

    Players shouldn't get random rewards when they dungeon hop. It defeats the purpose of doing a random.

    The problem is people are gaming the system and it is hurting players that want to do it the right way. ZoS should have put a stop to it long ago. And yes it is going to happen a lot with the upcoming event. My hope is the forums fill with complaints each and every hour of every day so maybe just maybe this exploit will finally be fixed.

    Dungeon hopping for the random reward is akin to being able to port to a keep your alliance already owns and have it count towards capturing a keep. It shouldn't be allowed.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • JamieAubrey
    What does this actually do ? I've seen it a few times but never read into it
  • ManwithBeard9
    What does this actually do ? I've seen it a few times but never read into it

    Some people queue for a random daily for the XP, other people queueing for specific dungeon get grouped with them. The people queueing for the random dont really want to do a random dungeon so they port to FG1 because of the waterfall shortcut. So anyone that queued for a specific dungeon is either kicked or berated because people wanna abuse a workaround for some XP and rewards.
  • LeagueTroll
    Then solo the old pledge.
  • sh_shatter
    good luck soloing direfrost
  • IzzyStardust
    Please everyone/ only do this in a premade full group- if partial groups stop this - it no longer is a problem.

    You’re going to mess it up for everyone else who isn’t screwing anyone else who queued for a specific dungeon.

    Please stop being *** - it is not hard to get a 4th for this sort of thing and it is REALLY NOT FAIR to people who are queuing for a certain place. It takes a long time to get in and for 3 people to jack their queue - that is just wrong.
  • IzzyStardust
    What does this actually do ? I've seen it a few times but never read into it

    Some people queue for a random daily for the XP, other people queueing for specific dungeon get grouped with them. The people queueing for the random dont really want to do a random dungeon so they port to FG1 because of the waterfall shortcut. So anyone that queued for a specific dungeon is either kicked or berated because people wanna abuse a workaround for some XP and rewards.

    Or port to the actual pledge; 2 birds, one stone.

    However I think people should only do that in full premade groups.
  • Edziu
    Edziu wrote: »
    Make a tank. Problem solved.

    look at spoiler which I wrote in 1st post, ty

    I didn't notice it at once. Well, your loss. As a tank I can tell you that normal dungeons are bearable even with 15k total dps, while veteran ones don't have that crazy amount of bad dps as people describe on forums.
    In extreme case, just ask to be kicked or leave and fish or quest for 15 minutes.
    Alternatively run healer/dps hybrid.

    well maybe my loss maybe now for not going as tank into this
    as I wrote from me it is jsut to boring to do this as tank with really low dps - thats why I prefer to que as dps with which Im great and I can carry noobs in team with no problem while on tank..well I cant faster this run and so it is going to be very boring staying in place holding agro and watching how slow it is going - missing here auto taunt and lock on block to actually be able minimalize eso and look at web instead sitting an yawning here xD
  • Androconium
    More random dung.
  • Edziu
    Then solo the old pledge.

    hard to solo any pledge on veteran, ofc it is viable but then you would need to change most things and still..this is not for what people try to hit in this game - solo vet dungs :v
    I just want to complete pledge on vet with pleasure and more chill than struggle to solo veteran
  • kargen27
    What does this actually do ? I've seen it a few times but never read into it

    Some people queue for a random daily for the XP, other people queueing for specific dungeon get grouped with them. The people queueing for the random dont really want to do a random dungeon so they port to FG1 because of the waterfall shortcut. So anyone that queued for a specific dungeon is either kicked or berated because people wanna abuse a workaround for some XP and rewards.

    Or port to the actual pledge; 2 birds, one stone.

    However I think people should only do that in full premade groups.

    That is what happened in the OP scenario. One person had the pledge from the day before. The other three had the new pledge. The three grouped for a random for the extra XP then ported to the pledge they wanted to do. The fourth searched for group for his specific dungeon and was kicked. I agree if you want to kill two birds with one stone do it with a full group.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Chuaznega
    This is a problem and a solution at same time, I have an idea for this tho.

    Before the idea, I want to say that sometimes this can be helpful, sometimes u end up on a long/hard dlc or whatever else dungeon and dont want to do it, so you tell your group you are porting to another dungeon, they say yes, all good.

    But sometimes some people just port out saying nothing, or dont care about and just tell u they doing it, anyway, it is a really bad thing.

    My idea is to have a thing that works like the ready check/dungeon finder check, that asks the group if everyone want to port to another dungeon, if they all hit yes, they are ported out, if not, dont.

    That way we end with all griefing that is porting out without everyone agree.
  • kargen27
    Chuaznega wrote: »
    This is a problem and a solution at same time, I have an idea for this tho.

    Before the idea, I want to say that sometimes this can be helpful, sometimes u end up on a long/hard dlc or whatever else dungeon and dont want to do it, so you tell your group you are porting to another dungeon, they say yes, all good.

    But sometimes some people just port out saying nothing, or dont care about and just tell u they doing it, anyway, it is a really bad thing.

    My idea is to have a thing that works like the ready check/dungeon finder check, that asks the group if everyone want to port to another dungeon, if they all hit yes, they are ported out, if not, dont.

    That way we end with all griefing that is porting out without everyone agree.

    Still defeats the purpose of doing a random. My opinion is if you port to another dungeon you do not get the daily reward for doing a random. I also think this idea would compound the grief. Players will really unload on the one person who decided not to jump.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Chuaznega
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Still defeats the purpose of doing a random. My opinion is if you port to another dungeon you do not get the daily reward for doing a random. I also think this idea would compound the grief. Players will really unload on the one person who decided not to jump.

    I have to agree.
    Edited by Chuaznega on April 11, 2019 3:03AM
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